He and I had stayed up late the evening before, so I was SUPER tired when my alarm started going off. I finally dragged myself out of bed around 7am, read scriptures, said prayers, and got the kids off to the bus at 7:30am. Yeah, we had no milk. And no bread. And no eggs. And no oatmeal. I ended up scraping the last little bit of peanut butter out of the jar, and spreading it on 3 rice cakes, then slicing a banana to put on top of it. Sorry, kids! Today IS grocery shopping day, so tomorrow will be better :)
And since Jake and Jim and Captain America were al still asleep, I went back to bed too - hehe. And woke up at 8:30am, and got ready for the day. Well, kinda ready. It was a no shower kinda day - ha! I got Jimmy all ready and dressed, and Jake started on school, and Captain America got up and ready and fed and such, and he worked on his truck for a few minutes. He had a quick thing he needed to do. And it didn't work out, and he was a little frustrated, but had ideas on how to fix it, or who to call to ask.
And around 10:15m, we headed out. I'd convinced him that he wanted to go to Savers with me. ROFL! I'm still not sure how or what I said that convinced him, but I was glad :) I like Captain America to be my shopping buddy :)
Jake took Jimmy to the bus, and Captain America and I headed across town to Savers. But we had to stop at Howdy's first for a soda. I need my caffeine fix, you know. heheh. $0.99 one colored tag day, you know. Today the color was orange. And wouldn't you know it, all the tags I was finding were silver or blue.... I think they change the colors of tags so that there's less things.... hmmm.
I found 4-5 shirts with Orange tags for myself that fit. Not too bad :) And then we looked at Halloween costumes. We'd asked the kids before school what they wanted to be. Because we have a Ward Halloween party on Saturday, so today was the day to get the costumes together. Captain America was gonna be Cesear, and already had the costume, complete with wig! I was gonna be Cleopatra, and had nothing for it.
Jake wanted to be the Grimm Reapers. Tom was gonna be an army dude, and already had everything. Eme wanted to be a Greek Goddess. We had nothing for that. Joe wanted to be a soldier. We had some stuff from Tom for that, but I don't know if it'll fit. And Jimmy wanted to be Batman. Nothing for that one either.
We found a Batman costume for Jim, and I'll need to make a yellow belt for it. And figure out some kind of hood. It was used, so all the pieces weren't there. And I'll need to get a cape or make one, too.
We found the perfect dress for Emeline, white with fancy looking trim. Perfect for a Greek Goddess. We found a hooded robe for Jake, and a Scythe that was really cool. For Joe, we found a maroon cape that would go well for a knight.
And for me, we found a sheer curtain that will make a nice cape, and a white skirt, and some table runner thingy that will be PERFECT accents for my costume. Yeah, I still need a few more things, but it was a good start.
We spent entirely too long in Savers, but had a good time :) Because today was grocery shopping day, and because there's a Dollar Tree in the same complex as Savers, and because bread is cheaper at Dollar Tree than anywhere else, we swung by to pick some up. And ended up finding accessories for Joe's Knight costume, and some wide, wired ribbon for Eme and my costumes! Sa-weet!
Then we stopped by Fallas. And they were having a 50% off of clearance prices! Whaaaat? Yes! Jake and Tom and Eme all got a few pairs of pants for $2.50 each. And some shorts. And Jake and Eme got a shirt. And Captain America got a few shirts. And Captain America and I both got sandals for our costumes. And Jim and Joe both got polo shirt/short sets (Only $3.50 each). I love finding deals. hehehe.
So by this time, we were both STARVING, and headed to El Taco Tote on Zaragosa Rd. LOVE that one :) It has super fast service, and it tasty :) AND, the guacamole salsa was RIGHT and good today. Thank goodness! That's the main reason I like that place. hehehe.
Here's me with my chips! Yummy!
Anyway, I headed out to shop, leaving the men folk at home. I went to the commissary, and got all the food we need for a week. It's quite an endeavor, let me tell you. This gang eats a TON. hehehe.
I paid, loaded up, and headed home. I paid Jake a dollar to unload the groceries. Works for me. hehe. If he didn't want to, I was gonna offer Tom the dollar. I put all the groceries away, and Captain America headed out to see his truck dude.
The kids and I did chores, and got the house clean. Because it hadn't really been cleaned since before we went away for the weekend, and needed a little more TLC today :) The kitchen looked pretty good when we were done.
And I finished off my apron! Aren't you proud of me! I busted out the sewing machine, put Eme in charge of the French Toast, and sewed away :) Here's me with my finished product!
We put the kids to bed, and Captain America started to pack for the Field, and I grabbed a laptop and started to blog. He's leaving tomorrow morning for a week. Hopefully I'll be able to still see him like I did last time he "went to the field". We'll see. Hmpf! I don't like it when he goes away :(
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

thank you so much for your wonderful word art. =)
Your apron is SO. DANG. CUTE!! Excellent work!!
And, YAY for getting a day with your husband. I'm glad that you had fun and that the guacamole salsa was delicious. ^_^
Thanks for the great word art. Great score on the costume parts!
Thank you for your freebies. Link on your post was added to PickleMouse freebie list
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