Jake's alarm wasn't turned on, so he was off of his schedule, but did ok with getting ready. Not too many complaints. Eme and Tom were getting ready, and I helped Joe and Jim get dressed.
And here's me, ready for church. 3 day old hair, no make up, puffy eyes, fuzzy hoodie, (I did have on a skirt), and black flip flops. Lovely, eh? Hey, I did put on jewelry, so that counts as "dress up", right?
But our family rule has always been, that the 15-20 minutes that they pass the Sacrament, you put away your color books and pencils and notebooks, and sit quietly. Well, Jake has decided that he doesn't need to do that either. And was HORRIBLE. Making noises, touching the other kids, tapping the books, being loud. Sigh. It was the longest 15 minutes of the day, instead of the most reverent. I didn't like it...
So now I'm wondering. Do I keep up the "sit reverently" during Sacrament, or do I let him color. Because the remainder of the meeting, he was perfectly fine. Content. In his own little world. But when I made him get out of it for that 15 minutes, it was horrible...
Anyway, eventually the meeting was over, and I happily sent the kids off to their classes. And went to Sunday School. And tired to pay attention. I really did. OK, so maybe I didn't try as hard as I should have. When I say Paige (primary counselor) at the door looking for a sub, I practically bounded from the room to volunteer. hehe.
I got to help out with the Sunbeams again. Yeah, they're loud. And wiggly. And irreverent. But they're supposed to be. But they listen to me. So I feel like whatever I'm doing is working. Unlike someone else I have to deal with daily....
Anyway, we sat through Singing time, then sharing time, then went to class. We learned about fish, and made fishing poles, and had snack, and sang songs, and it really was a good time. Then it was over, I gathered up the kids, and we headed home.
And Jake was in a much better mood. He even said that he mildly enjoyed his other meetings. There's an improvement. AND, I found my wallet. Once I left post, I realized that the wallet was not in my purse. I thought maybe it had fallen out in my room. And I was gonna have to "flirt" my way onto post (hehe). No, really, I have a post sticker on my car, so it's not hard to get on post.
But, I found my wallet in the crack of my seat and the middle console, so I didn't have to use my "flirt" skills. Good thing, too, because I was looking kinda nasty today - hehe.
We got home, and got changed out of our church clothes, and had lunch, and watched some TV. And over the course of the day, I ate 3 bags of sugar free candies. And 2 packages of Ramen noodles. And I think I'm gonna die. I must have had some unresolved stress floating around inside me, because I couldn't control myself today.
My poor stomach is hard as a rock. Sugar free candies give you gas and diarrhea, you know. I'm not buying any more sugar free candies. Because I can't control myself, and I eat them all. And this is SO not good.
I also designed 2 invitations for upcoming events. One was for Ladies Night that the girls from Hondo Pass ward put on. We're going to Olive Garden on Tuesday night. The invite turned out pretty cute! And then we facebook tagged all the peeps we wanted to invite. Pretty tricky, huh?
Then I made up an invite for the neighborhood easter egg hunt, and tagged the neighborhood peeps in that one too. And finally, at around 3pm, I went in to try and nap. And got about 40 minutes. Not too bad, but NOT near long enough. I was still sleepy.
But Jake was being grouchy. He was still off of electronics, and was yelling at everyone, and being too rough with the little kids. He'd have moments of super good, then super bad. NOT liking the mood swings.
We had dinner of sorts, and I played Angry Birds on the computer with the kids for a little bit. I watched part of a movie, and eventually it was time to put the kids to bed. I laid in bed with Joe and Jim for about 30 minutes, chatting and snuggling.
Jim made up a song that was filled with words like poop, crap, pee, puke... Yeah, 5 year old boys are SO pleasant. And Joe, dang, I can't remember the funny thing that he said. But it was SO random that it made me giggle.
And the boys took turns giving me karate chops on my back (felt SO good) as hard as they could. What sweet boys. hehe.
And I left them upstairs at 8:30pm to sleep. And put Tom to bed (yeah, he wasn't happy about the 30 minute early bedtime), and Jake to bed too. And I sat down to blog in the quiet, peaceful house. Just me and the dog. On separate couches, of course. hehe.
And then my in-laws called, and I chatted with them for 30-45 minutes. LOVE them :) We had a good chat, and I asked for advice with Jake, and asked their opinions on stuff. It was a nice chat ;)
And then I started back on the blog. And here it is, 10pm. And I'm gonna tie this us, and watch an episode of Glee, then go to bed. I'm heading to the public school tomorrow morning to get Jake enrolled. I'm not sure what all it entails, but I'll figure it out. I know that I have to have his new school request his transcript and records to his old school. Hopefully the new school will do that...
And exercise group is tomorrow too. May have to skip that if the enrollment thing is taking too long. Not sure of when/how it's all gonna get done. Wish me luck! I've never got a kid enrolled as "Special Needs" before, and not sure of the process.
Click on the links below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!
LOVIN' this one, Sharon! I need some more sun in my life. And El Paso has enough of it! I'm tired of looking so pasty. I've decided that I need an hour of sun a day. So tomorrow, I'm setting out in the backyard and reading, or something.
Good luck today getting Jake enrolled. I have no advice, as I have never done it either. That word art is super cute, I'm so going to snag it. The weather down in San Antonio has been so nice since we PCSed. It's helped me a lot since I can put the boys in the yard to play while I unpack! ;)
There should be a committee for special education in your school district. That committee has to approve any special needs care, therapies, etc and make a individual educational profile, which technically needs to be approved by the school board but they pretty much approve anything the committee says because the committee won't approve anything they aren't required to provide by law. you might need to get developmental assessments of your child for the committee (sometimes the committee pays for that too). if your child has an autism diagnosis then getting in as special needs isn't a problem, but getting all the services you need may or may not be a problem depending on the district.
you're registration for school and as special needs will be seperate processes. we've done this with my daughter at the preschool level, and i've heard about it with her cousins at the elementary/middle school level but haven't experienced that yet.
Super adorable WA! Thank you. Hang in there Bethany!
Thank you so much for this post. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 7 post on Mar. 21, 2011. Thanks again.
That's for the great word art. Hope you got Jake enrolled ok.
Just a quick note to let you know that a link to this post will be placed on CraftCrave in the DigiFree category today [22 Mar 01:00am GMT]. Thanks, Maria
Thanks for the great word art!
Love this word art! I have so many sun pictures! Thank you!
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