Morning, all! OMGosh, I'm sleepy. It's almost midnight here, on Saturday night, and I took a BUTTLOAD of pictures. No really! I did. Almost 400. And I put over 200 on facebook. And I don't know how many made it on here. Tons. hehe. Just skip to the end if you don't wanna see my action packed day - ha!
I woke up at 7:30am (early for the week), and went out to visit with everyone. Really, the fridge and pantry were locked, and I needed to open them up for the little people. And then I was awake, and figured that I should visit. hehe. I made cupcakes for Austins party, and let them cool.
The kids went swimming in our pool early (my dad had been in there at 6am, and said that was the best time to swim, because no one else was around. ha!), and had a ton of fun.
I frosted the cupcakes, and Jim helped me decorate them with the Star Wars rings. I think they turned out pretty cool!

Madi and my mom and Aunt Sue and I headed for Walmart to get some WIC for Madi (we needed milk), and left my dad in charge of balling the watermelon. We told him to "suck it in" for the picture. ROFL!

Here's Lily before we left, snuggling on the couch with her blankie

Me loving on her :)

Make a face!

We found ALL sorts of stuff at Walmart. Like Baconnaise. It was in the peanut butter section. I think someone ditched it there. It was about enough to make me hurl. Maybe if I'd seen it in the mayonnaise section, it wouldn't have seemed so nasty... Anyone ever try it before???

Fun with Ramen. Really? People eat them like S'Mores???

We paid for our purchases, and headed for the truck. And realized that we forgot the milk. ROFL! We have enough to make it till Monday. We'll go and get some more then...
As we were loading the stuff and diapers and dog food and junk into the back of Madi's car, I noticed that you could see my mom's debit card through her white pants. TOO funny! So I told her, real loud, to bend over so I could take her picture. And some dude in a truck just happened to be driving by at the moment, and stopped to watch us. ROFL! He stayed and laughed at us for quite a while. It was funny :)

Mom bought a day old pumpkin roll for the car ride home. We decided that if we ate all the "evidence", it never happened.... Maddie's first bite resulted on powdered sugar to the nose...

Me and my Shoppette soda. We'd stopped before leaving post to fill up.

We got home, and we all got ready for Austins birthday party. We put on our suits, and gathered our towels and the food and junk, and I put on some new make up (I got a new foundation color, because I got tan - ha!). And I took pictures with everyone :)
Me and Aunt Sue

Me and Tom

Ella and me

Me and my dad

Me and Eme

Lily and me

Me and Madi

Can you tell we're related???

Madi drove her car, and I drove my truck, and we all met up at Biggs water park. I dropped off the people and stuff, then parked across the street. Madi got an up front parking spot. Lucky. hehe.
We treked all the way across Biggs park looking for Pavillion 5, and finally found it. And dropped off all of our junk, and got ready to go and play in the water.
Austins family was there (obviously, because it was his birtday party), and Terra's family, and Margot's family and Maggie's family. Here's me with Kendra, my twin that likes me :)

Me and Jim

Amanda got Austin a HUGE Darth Vader pinata for his birthday. Here's me all "up close and personal" with him :)

Terra and me

Me and Tom

The bouncy castle was a hit when the sun went behind the clouds. Otherwise, it was WAY too hot to get inside of...

And then we headed for the water park. And the kids had a TON of fun playing in the water. We spent about 2 hours there. Maybe it was only an hour and a half. I can't remember now.
Here's Grandma Lyn, Joe, Eme, and Lily

Ella and Eme

Isn't my mom's pool wrap ADORABLE!

Tom and Lily


Me in the water



Me and Jake. He was a little grouchy when he got up this morning, but was doing MUCH better about an hour after we got to Biggs. Good job on waking up and being nice, Jake :)

See, I do love him. hehe.


Emma (Margot's little girl)

Jake and Tom found this HUGE (picture doesn't do it justice) bug in the pool, and shooed it out. Then it wouldn't go away. So Jake eventually whacked it with a shoe and the lifeguards came over and disposed of it... Nastiness!

Tom and Emma

The duck is spitting on me!!!! Oh well, it's refreshing!



Papa steve and Eme

Jake did NOT wanna get wet...

I think my mom's back is a burned as Aunt Sue's!!!


Madi, Me, and my Mom

Maggie's little girl, Hannah

Lily. Look how BROWN the child has gotten this summer!




GREAT picture of Krista!

Jim. Look, you can even see his butt crack through the swim shirt.... ha!


Terra and I. Look, it looks like I have a nose ring! I don't, but it sure looks like it! hehe :)

Me and Tom

Maggie and Tom have been gone like ALL summer long, so it was good to see them again!!!

Me and Aunt Sue

And then it was time to eat. And the kids thought that the time would NEVER arrive. LOL. We all headed back to the pavillion, and about 30 minutes later, we had lunch. Hot dogs, and hamburgers, and potato salad, and fruit, and chips, and drinks. SO tasty! Amanda, my dear, you are amazing!
Check out my SUPER yummy burger! Make mine medium rare, please!

There were SO many birthday parties going on the same day. In different pavillions. But the one next to us was AMAZING! I think they were from South America or somewhere? I don't know. But they seemed "islander". I liked it, whatever it was. We snuck over and took pictures!

Jake had fun holding Lily.

We came back, people finished eating, and it was time for the pinata. The moment that ALL of the kids had been waiting for!

Nice, Joe...

Margot and me

Dad and a twin. Oh yeah, Madi saw him wearing this shirt earlier, and she was like, "Does you shirt say Bisexual???". ROFL! I thought it was hilarious!!!


Madi and Aunt Sue

Me and Eryn

And here's the kids lining up for the pinata by age!











My pictures didn't load in order, apparently, but we DID go by age.... Just so you know ;)
This was the STURDIEST pinata ever. Eventually, after going through each of the kids about 4 times, the dads decided to take matters into their own hands, and disperse the candy. hehe.

Jim grabbed candy and stuffed it in his swim shirt. Smart thinking!

Tom got Darth Vaders light saber...

And then it was time for cake!!! Isn't it a cook birthday cake???

We sang, then had cake!

Joe was proud of all his loot.

Lily's favorite color is "lellow". And likes ANYTHING yellow. It's the cutest thing EVER!

This lady's hubby know's Captain America! They met overseas when he first got to his deployment place. Then the dude came home, and Captain America replaced him there. And she lives near Amanda. How cool is that! She's got 4 kids, and this is the baby. Isn't he cute :)

Lily and Papa

Terra was DONE with twins, and asked me to take one. So what did I do? Give her a cupcake, of course. I know, I know, I'm the worlds best friend. I know you're all jealous know that I don't come and play with YOUR kids... hehe.

REALLLY needed some more fluids!

Amanda and I. The party was tying up, and we took some left overs with us, and headed back home. Slowly, but surely. You ever try and round up 7 kids and 5 adults from an outdoor birthday party? ha!

I couldn't resist taking a photo in front of the Red Bull car. ha!

We didn't need the extra cupcakes that I made for Austins party, so we brought them back home. ha! My kids were excited about it, at least...

WE changed out of our swim clothes (well, some of us. Some went back in the pool), and we hung out for a bit. Here's my new shirt from Walmart. I broke down and bought it today! I loved it so. hehe.

We relaxed and hung for a few hours, and the kids played. For having 7 kids in the house, the really do play nicely together (knock on wood!). At 6pm, we got the kids out of the pool, closed it for the night (cover on and ladder away), got kids fed and situated for the evening, and left Tom in charge, and headed out for one last Grown Ups night out.
We dropped Jake off at the Youth Center (yeah, he does better when he's not home alone with others...) and we headed to the West Side to the Mall. Check ou the Spanks that we found. Maternity...

And for boys...

Madi and my mom went to Gymboree, my dad wandered around looking, and Aunt Sue and I went to the Jewelry Box. And I found WAY more than I should have there. Sometimes I see nothing I want, and other times, EVERYTHING I want...
Here's me with my new necklace that I found.

And we headed back to the truck.

My Jewelry Box bag!

Unfortunately, when we'd got to the mall, it looked a little thundery, but we left the windows down, because of the lack of AC. Well, it cut loose while we were in the mall, and rained and hailed and carried on! CRAZY weather!
Well, when we got back to the truck, it was WET. I take that back. The passenger side was. Adn the side backseat. But not mine. hehe. We found some towels and junk, laid it down, and off we went to Texas Roadhouse... YUM!!!
We were seated right away, and got peanuts to eat, and yummy rolls. SO good! And diet sodas for everyone! hehe.

They have YUMMY cinnamon butter to go on the rolls. You've gotta try it if you haven't!
Her's my mom and sister. ha!

It was funny, because mom said for Aunt Sue to put her hand over her chest so we couldn't see down her shirt...

and the next picture, I said, "Hey Aunt Sue, move your hand", then I made a FUNNY face looking at her, but I missed me - ROFL!

OK, so maybe you had to be there. I thought it was funny. hehe. Maybe we were just exhausted from all the sun and kids and outside time - ha!
I ordered a steak, and a salad, and some fries. And the salad was SO good. It even had chopped egg on it. Super yum!

Me NOT happy that I didn't have a refill yet...

Here's Aunt Sue's soda.... maybe I'll swipe it!

Loaded steak fries! Holy crap :) I had a few, and brought the rest home for a babysitter bonus for Tom.

My steak. Maddi and I both ordered ours Medium Rare. And her's was a thicker cut than min, so it was a lot more red. And she didn't like it that way, so we traded. It was super tasty :)

Maddie jumped in the picture as I was taking it of the rolls. ha!

But then, I'm just as big of a spaz! I accidentally took Aunt Sue's soda! Here's me hoarding all the sodas...

See my new toe ring??? Cool, huh?

And then my phone died. Hmpf! So no more pictures. But I guess that's ok. I took a TON already today. hehe. We paid, and headed back home. And it rained and thundered and lightened! Crazy, huh? It hasn't done that in SO long. I can't even remember the last time I turned on the wipers in the truck.
We picked up Jake at the Youth Center, then headed home. The kids were all happy and playing nicely and getting along, but the house was trashed. So we helped Tom get it picked back up, then put the little kids to bed, then played a quick game of Scattegories. Its Jake's new favorite game.
Me and Dad and Madi and mom and Jake and Eme played. Aunt Sue and LIly and Tom watched. It was a fun time. At one point, my dad switched from the letter P to the letter N on his sheet. hehe.
And there were some VERY interesting things being put down. hehe. We were all laughing so hard! LOVE that game. I agree with you, Jake, it's my favorite too!
We put the rest of the kids to bed after the game, and everyone went to bed. Except me. I started blogging. And Aunt Sue. She's sitting here with me. But I'm done now, and it's almost 1am. Holy crap. I'm sleepy, and gonna go to bed. My mom and dad fly out in the morning. It was a super fun trip! Thanks, you guys, for coming to visit! We had a blast :)
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!
Awe, this one is great, Sharon! Simple, yet beautiful!

Wow...I was worn out just reading about your day! I don't see how you even made it to bed before crashing! :) Thanks so much for the beautiful word art!
WHOOHOO! Your Freebie is featured at Freebie Scrap Garden! Thank You Kindly! Jodiann
Freebie Scrap Garden
We have baconnaise in husband swears by it. How can you go wrong, bacon and mayo together? We don't have the light version though. After reading all of your posts about Big Lots, just found out our Liquidation World is going to be replaced by Big Lots. :-)
Thanks for all the freebies!
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