Hey there, you guys. Oh yeah, these new fake nails aren't so cool to type with. Hopefully I figure it out soon... I'm quite long winded sometimes, you know.
Anyway, I got up at 7:30am, and got Tom ready for camp. The kids were all awake, and once I got back from dropping him off, everyone finished up breakfast. I did a load of dishes, and started on one of those chickens. Someone told me about how to roast it in my crock pot, and I followed the directions.
I washed the chicken, and stuffed it with onions, garlic, and celery. Then rubbed it with oil, and sprinkled it with a dry marinade packet. I crumpled up 4 wads of tin foil, and put them in the bottom of a large crock pot, and put the chicken on top of it. And put it on high, and cooked the chicken.

I'm quite lovely, aren't I?


She shared!

Ella can lick her nose!

Eventually, we all got dressed and ready for the day, and headed out to shop for a little while. I think it was around 10 or 10:30am. Grandma Ida had sent $5 to each of the kids, and they were excited to go and pick something out.
First stop, Fallas. The one on the East side had GI Joes, and I thought that maybe the one by our house would too. I didn't, but it was worth a try. They did have these cool GI Joe sheets, though. I got a full set (flat, fitted, 2 pillow cases) and a twin set (flat, fitted, and 1 pillow case) and 2 long window panels for only $12. Can't beat that, right?

We found a couple other things, and headed up to pay. The kids were getting a bit restless, so we had them go and look at the quarter machines.

Only Ella found a toy at Fallas, so we headed to Big Lots. And they found stuff that they liked. Even Aunt Sue. hehe. She found an MP3 player that looked PERFECT for her. And, I had my Big Lots reward rebate to use. 20% off is a good deal :)

My 3 little kids all wanted Skate Boards. Grandma Ida sent $5 for each of them, but the boards cost $20. But with the 20% off, it was only $15. I told them that they'd have to give me part of their birthday dollars. They happily agreed. Aren't they cute :)

We paid, and headed back to post to pick up Tom. Here's me, in front of Big Lots, looking like I need a tan. LOL.

Here's me and Lily outside of the Youth Plex on main post, right before picking up TOm.

Since we were all there, we decided to feed the kids free lunch. Hot dogs and oranges an watermelon and veggies and ranch. And milk. My kids liked it :)

The kids ate, we got Tom, and we headed back home. And unloaded the truck. Check out these COOL wooden peg games that we found at Fallas!

And these bars. Aunt Sue and I had some for lunch, and they really were pretty good. Very apply...

We worked on Aunt Sue's MP3 player for quite a few hours, trying to get it charged and music on it. And yeah, it took FOREVER to get it all set up. But we finally did. She had some books on tapes on there, and a movie, and some music. Looked pretty good!
The chicken got down, and I picked it. Then mixed the chicken with 2 cans of cream of mushroom soup, 1 cup of sour cream, and 2 cups of shredded cheese. And just a tad bit of milk. And used that as filling for enchiladas. Oh yeah, they were good! We topped it with a little bit of the filling, and some more cheese.
And baked it at 375 for about 30 minutes. Yum! People really liked it. Thank goodness! I'll definitely be making this one again :)

And when the time came to unplug Aunt Sue's MP3 player, we found that it wouldn't hold a charge. What the crap?? So not cool! A trip back to Big Lots was SO called for! Maddie was gonna come with us, but Lily didn't want her mommy to leave, and I guess Maddie didn't wanna take her with, so just Aunt Sue and I headed out.
I told Jake to go in my room and watch a show (which he did), and Tom watched the other kids. And off we went. We took it back to Big Lots, and asked to be able to "upgrade" to the $50 MP3 player instead of the $25. And to be able to use the 20% off discount. And after the manager came up, we were given permission. Score! The MP3 player only cost $40. Oh yeah!
Next stop, Dollar Tree. Cause with 10 people in the house, the bread goes pretty fast. hehe. And I can't pass up Natures Own Whole Wheat bread for a buck. ha! And yeah, I can't pass up the opportunity to look around, either....

We grabbed some bread, and a few other things, and headed out. And stopped by Family Dollar on the way home. Because I love that store. ha! Aunt Sue and I found some nail stuff. Clear coat, and glittery stuff, and some COOL fake nails! I was excited to play. hehe.
And we kept looking around. That store has a little bit of everything, you know. For instance, who DOESN'T need one of these?

I think I"m rubbing off on her...

We got home, and helped the kids do their chores, put little ones to bed (well, my little ones, Maddie had put her little ones to bed already), and after about an hour of cleaning, sat down to watch some Psych with the big kids.
And I loaded all my pictures to my blog, and set it aside, and played with my new nails!

Never had fake toe nails before! They actually look pretty cool!

Cool how my toe nail bruise shows through, right? Make it look all real and junk.
Yeah, I wasn't doing so hot with the super glue. Sometimes I just shouldn't be trusted with such things... I really tore up the one thumb. Ouchie!

But my fingernails looked pretty good when I was all finished!

And here it is, 12:08am. Yeah, past my bedtime. I'm gonna be sleepy in the morning, you know. Tomorrow, Tom has camp, and Jake has a therapy appointment at 1pm. And it's the first one, so the therapist office said that he doesn't have to come. Because it's a parent intake kinda thing. I really am leaning toward asking for some type of meds. Because I don't know if I can make it through the rest of this deployment with the escalating "meltdowns". Once Captain America's home, it should be more manageable. He'll have someone he's afraid of again. And he'll be kept in check. We'll see what the doctor says tomorrow, right?
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!
WOW, that's an AWESOME photo of the girls! Love it, Sharon!

Thank you so much for this post. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 6 post on Jul. 28, 2011. Thanks again.
I LOVE the picture of you and Aunt Sue. :) Btw, tell Aunt Sue that her new hair color looks marvelous.
I hope your first appointment about Jake went well today and that it will lead to the help you need for him.
Thanks for the terrific word art. Hugs!!!
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