Oh yeah, baby! Farmers Market is still in full swing. Black Friday, here we come!!!
Christmas 2
Christmas 3
Christmas Attitude
Christmas Card

Christmas Carols 2
Christmas Carols
Christmas Hymns
Christmas Hymns 2
Christmas Phrases

Christmas Religious
Christmas Shapes
Dickens Christmas
Doodly Christmas
Holiday Card

Masks Christmas
New Years
Religious Christmas Card
Santa Attitude
Year in Review
And, don't forget, new products will be in the Farmers Market on Saturday and Sunday :)

So Thanksgiving was a blur - hehehe. Woke up at 8am, and got the turkey in the oven. Thank goodness it was thawed. I was a bit concerned, but it was great :) I put it in the cooking bag, then in the disposable pan. Slid it in the oven, and didn't think about it again until around noon.
See my pies? Aren't they pretty? Cherry and apple and pumpkin and sweet potato. Mmmm, pie!

Next, I started on the potatoes. I peeled a whole bag of them, then diced them, and left them in the pan I was gonna cook them in. Next, I did the same thing to the sweet potatoes. They're hard to cut, did you know? More like a carrot than a potato, I think :) I boiled the sweet potatoes, then put them in a baking pan, sprinkled sugar and cinnamon and butter over it, then mini marshmallows.
Next, I assembled the green bean casserole. It's Captain Americas favorite. I used mostly disposable baking pans this year. Makes for easy clean up. And storage. Because the pans all fit together, and have lids. Gotta love disposable.
Next, I boiled 2 dozen eggs, cooled them, peeled them, and made Deviled Eggs. I didn't have paprika, so I used Curry. It was really quite good. Try it sometime :) Captain America even put chili powder on a few. Kickin' deviled eggs. ROFL! I made sure to steer clear of those :)
The turkey was done, and it was time to pull it out of the oven. Dang, it was heavy.
By this time, it was noon. Thanksgiving dinner was at 1pm. Oh yeah, and Captain America and the kids were cleaning like mad in the background. It was really starting to look good. Captain Americas a good cleaner, and really gets the most, workwise, out of the kids. Enough said - ROFL!
I put the sweet potatoes, and green bean salad in the oven to cook, and put the potatoes on to boil. The dishes were really starting to pile up, but I didn't have time to stop and wash them. Hurry, hurry, hurry!
I made some cranberry sauce from scratch. O....M.....Gosh. It was SO yummy. I'd never made it before, but I just LOVED it. Here's a link to the recipe. Thanks so much for the link, Karen. It had fresh cranberries, apples, oranges, and walnuts, along with a bunch of yummy spices and such. SO good :)
Andrea had told me that if you use the turkey juices for the stuffing, it'll be really tasty. So I measured out the right amount from the turkey juices, omitted the butter, and microwaved it. After the green bean casserole and the sweet potatoes came out of the oven, I put in the brown and serve rolls. It was coming along nicely.
Captain Americas friend Justin showed up a few minutes early, and I scrambled to the bedroom to change out of my jammies - LOL! Good thing I'm used to not showering - rOFL! I hurried back out, and starting putting dishes on the counter. We were doing dinner buffet style. Captain Americacarved the turkey, and I got some silverware and glasses together, as well as drinks. We set up a little card table for Joe and Jim, since there wasn't room at the big table.

Captain America said a very nice prayer, and we ate TONS of food. I was very full when we were done. Especially since I had to take a small piece of each of the desserts. And a big piece of Pumpkin pie. Homemade pumpkin pie is my very favoritest.

Justin left at 4:30pm, and we all kinda went and did our own thing. I was SO tired. But I knew that the dishes needed done. At 5:30pm, Captain America and I went in the kitchen to work on it. When I got the dishwasher loaded and started, my neighbor came over to give me some pants and a sweater that didn't fit her anymore, and we chatted for a while.
I sat down and started on my blog posting at around 6:30pm, and am still at it - LOL! It's almost 8pm now. I had a few distractions. Captain America, who usually don't like watching TV, turned on the thing to see what was on. We only have an antenna, but get the major stations. CBS, NBC, PBS, ABC, and FOX. He found a Red Skelton special on PBS. It was SO funny! All the kids tricked in, and we watched the whole thing. Too funny.
Andrea and I decided to wake up early and go shopping in the morning, so I'm gonna go to bed early. We're leaving the house at 4:00 am. We're going to CompUSA to look at a computer for her house, and Walmart to look at some stuff I wanted to see. But we'll probably drive to a farther away Walmart, since the one near our house is SO bad. hehehe.
I can hear the giggles and laughter of boys and Captain America from outside my bedroom door. They're playing online at the army site. There's this little interactive Sgt dude, and you ask him army questions, and he tries to answer them. They're asking all sorts of funny questions. Like "Why are you so dumb". And just laughing and laughing at the answers. Proof that little boys never really grow up. ROFL!
So here it is, 10pm. That give me 5 1/2 hours of sleep. I should go to bed. But I had to stay up to change my WordArt links. And they're all changed. That's why this is getting posted SO early. Not 7am. But 10pm. Because I love ya so much! Now THAT'S love :)
So, I'm sure you can figure out why I picked this WordArt for today :) LOL! Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

Christmas 3
Christmas Attitude
Christmas Card

Christmas Carols 2
Christmas Carols
Christmas Hymns
Christmas Hymns 2
Christmas Phrases

Christmas Religious
Christmas Shapes
Dickens Christmas
Doodly Christmas
Holiday Card

Masks Christmas
New Years
Religious Christmas Card
Santa Attitude
Year in Review
And, don't forget, new products will be in the Farmers Market on Saturday and Sunday :)

So Thanksgiving was a blur - hehehe. Woke up at 8am, and got the turkey in the oven. Thank goodness it was thawed. I was a bit concerned, but it was great :) I put it in the cooking bag, then in the disposable pan. Slid it in the oven, and didn't think about it again until around noon.
See my pies? Aren't they pretty? Cherry and apple and pumpkin and sweet potato. Mmmm, pie!

Next, I started on the potatoes. I peeled a whole bag of them, then diced them, and left them in the pan I was gonna cook them in. Next, I did the same thing to the sweet potatoes. They're hard to cut, did you know? More like a carrot than a potato, I think :) I boiled the sweet potatoes, then put them in a baking pan, sprinkled sugar and cinnamon and butter over it, then mini marshmallows.
Next, I assembled the green bean casserole. It's Captain Americas favorite. I used mostly disposable baking pans this year. Makes for easy clean up. And storage. Because the pans all fit together, and have lids. Gotta love disposable.
Next, I boiled 2 dozen eggs, cooled them, peeled them, and made Deviled Eggs. I didn't have paprika, so I used Curry. It was really quite good. Try it sometime :) Captain America even put chili powder on a few. Kickin' deviled eggs. ROFL! I made sure to steer clear of those :)
The turkey was done, and it was time to pull it out of the oven. Dang, it was heavy.

I made some cranberry sauce from scratch. O....M.....Gosh. It was SO yummy. I'd never made it before, but I just LOVED it. Here's a link to the recipe. Thanks so much for the link, Karen. It had fresh cranberries, apples, oranges, and walnuts, along with a bunch of yummy spices and such. SO good :)
Andrea had told me that if you use the turkey juices for the stuffing, it'll be really tasty. So I measured out the right amount from the turkey juices, omitted the butter, and microwaved it. After the green bean casserole and the sweet potatoes came out of the oven, I put in the brown and serve rolls. It was coming along nicely.
Captain Americas friend Justin showed up a few minutes early, and I scrambled to the bedroom to change out of my jammies - LOL! Good thing I'm used to not showering - rOFL! I hurried back out, and starting putting dishes on the counter. We were doing dinner buffet style. Captain Americacarved the turkey, and I got some silverware and glasses together, as well as drinks. We set up a little card table for Joe and Jim, since there wasn't room at the big table.

Captain America said a very nice prayer, and we ate TONS of food. I was very full when we were done. Especially since I had to take a small piece of each of the desserts. And a big piece of Pumpkin pie. Homemade pumpkin pie is my very favoritest.
A while after dinner, we played Pit with Justin. Here's a pic of him and Tom. I think my finger may have been in the way. Oops.

Justin left at 4:30pm, and we all kinda went and did our own thing. I was SO tired. But I knew that the dishes needed done. At 5:30pm, Captain America and I went in the kitchen to work on it. When I got the dishwasher loaded and started, my neighbor came over to give me some pants and a sweater that didn't fit her anymore, and we chatted for a while.
I sat down and started on my blog posting at around 6:30pm, and am still at it - LOL! It's almost 8pm now. I had a few distractions. Captain America, who usually don't like watching TV, turned on the thing to see what was on. We only have an antenna, but get the major stations. CBS, NBC, PBS, ABC, and FOX. He found a Red Skelton special on PBS. It was SO funny! All the kids tricked in, and we watched the whole thing. Too funny.
Andrea and I decided to wake up early and go shopping in the morning, so I'm gonna go to bed early. We're leaving the house at 4:00 am. We're going to CompUSA to look at a computer for her house, and Walmart to look at some stuff I wanted to see. But we'll probably drive to a farther away Walmart, since the one near our house is SO bad. hehehe.
I can hear the giggles and laughter of boys and Captain America from outside my bedroom door. They're playing online at the army site. There's this little interactive Sgt dude, and you ask him army questions, and he tries to answer them. They're asking all sorts of funny questions. Like "Why are you so dumb". And just laughing and laughing at the answers. Proof that little boys never really grow up. ROFL!
So here it is, 10pm. That give me 5 1/2 hours of sleep. I should go to bed. But I had to stay up to change my WordArt links. And they're all changed. That's why this is getting posted SO early. Not 7am. But 10pm. Because I love ya so much! Now THAT'S love :)
So, I'm sure you can figure out why I picked this WordArt for today :) LOL! Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

You've gotta tell me where that Army interactive Sgt guy is. That story totally cracked me up! :)
Are you talking about the automated Sgt Star dude? My husband loves messing around with that thing. I guess that means our men are "normal"? haha
Thanks for the word art! I have just the right picture!
Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 11 post on Nov. 27, 2009. Thanks again.
Any pies left over? I want some! The pies looks great. I am glad you shared your thanksgiving with us.
Love your word art, blog diary and thanksgiving recipes/menu. Happy
Thank you for freebies. Link on your post was added to Lori's freebie list
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