Don't forget! Farmers Market opens Thursday!!!! Twenty different products each day!

Glorious sleep :) I actually got to sleep in until 9am this morning. Well, not undisturbed sleep, but sleep none the less :) Captain America and Jacob left for the youth temple trip at 6 something this morning, and I heard them out in the main part of the house.
Then, Jimmy woke up at around 7:30 am, and Joe and Eme shortly after that. But by 8am, they were doing something else (eating, maybe?), and I went back to bed. My mom called at 9am, and I was already waking up. I chatted with her for about 45 minutes, and then Tom came in with "breakfast in bed". What a sweetie! Eggs and toast. And they were actually GOOD! Jacob had taught him how to cook eggs a while back. Thanks, Tom! I really appreciated it!
And from there, the day went downhill. Nothing really bad happened, but it was a crappy day. You ever have days like that? Where nothing really goes wrong, but you just feel blaaah. It was one of those days.
I got up, showered, and got ready for the movie. I'd asked everyone I knew to come with us, and it seemed that no one was available to go. The kids were in the other room fighting SO bad. Screaming and yelling and whining and teasing and taunting and crying and hitting. Sigh. Not good.
I told them that if we showed up at the theater, and none of our friends were there, we were gonna skip it. And guess what? No one showed up :( We were all by ourselves. We went inside the theater, and I'd almost made up my mind to just go to the movies by ourselves, but they theater guy said that they'd given that showing to a daycare. And just didn't tell anyone. They didn't even change the board outside. How rude. Well, I guess that solidified my "No movie if no friends show up" position.
We loaded back into the truck, and headed to Wal-Mart. I had to get foot powder, body spray for Captain America, brown and serve rolls, cream of mushroom soup, cool whip, and a few other items. I ended up buying a new book (Cassandra Claire - Mortal Instruments series). Haven't started it yet, but I bought it - LOL!
I forgot to buy the French Fried Onions, but didn't realize it until later. Sigh. Hate that. Now I have to go back. I stopped by the PX to pick up my migraine meds, and took one the second I got it. Seriously. I had a water in my purse. LOL! My neck was starting to tense up, and I really didn't feel too good.
We went to the exchange to look around, then had lunch at Taco Bell. Their Chicken Burritos for $0.79 are YUMMY! We thought about going to Baskin Robbins (it's in the PX's food court too) for their dollar scoops of ice cream, but found out that it didn't start until 4pm. It was only 2pm. So we went home.
I put the stuff away that we bought, got the kids set up with a movie, and took a nap. I was feeling pretty crappy. I slept on and off until about 4:30pm. I got up, and started cleaning. We moved all the chairs to the counter, swept really good, moved the couches, and mopped everything. Eme did the kitchen, Tom did the living room, and Joe did the dining room (yeah, that one might need to be re-done - LOL). The house looks much better now.
We had pancakes for dinner, and I added 2 scoops of Captain Americas protein powder to the mix. Super pancakes, right?
So it's 7:38pm, and I'm just about to put the kids to bed. Or maybe we'll watch a family movie together. There's a new one that I saw at the theater that they haven't seen yet. That might be fun. With some popcorn. Maybe that will salvage the day. I just need to get out of this funky mood.
Here's an idea. Leave me a nice comment, and I'll come back throughout the day on Wednesday (I just LOVE reading comments), and pick a few to send free WordArt packs to. That would make me happy :) How about you? Would that make YOU happy too???
I need to plan out what I'm cooking and when for Thanksgiving. Maybe tomorrow morning I'll work on that :) Captain America works on Wednesday, but not on Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. I'll have my hubby back for a while! Woohoo!
I'm getting really excited for the Doctor Who Christmas special, which airs the day after Christmas here in the states :) Sweet! It's the 10th Doctors final episodes (it's a 2 parter). David Tennant, you will be missed at Doctor Who. You were my FAVORITE Doctor :( Here's the preview.
So, it's WordArt Wednesday week 72 today. Can you believe it. How time does fly :) Click HERE to go to Scraporchard to download the zip file. And remember, girls, you have to be logged into the gallery in order to get the download :)

You're gonna love the Mortal Instrument series! I read them a few months ago and loved (LOVED!) them. Thanks for all the freebies! You rock! Hope you and your family have a great Thanksgiving!
You amaze me...your days are so full and yet you always have time to blog and design...I work full time but by the time I come home (only 3:30)I am too wiped to do anything. Love your word art, keep up the elegant work.
Chris Roe
I love your everyday life. I am from Oregon was raised a military brat. Our daughter just got out of the Army last Friday, the 20th. She was a linguist doing the Arbic and Korean language. Her husband remained in the Army. He is stationed in Korea right now. She was just at Goodfellow AFB down in San Angelo, Texas.
Sheryl Pierce
I always love reading about your family's adventures! Hope you and your family have a great Thanksgiving tomorrow.
Kim W.
Bethany, you are always so generous. I love reading about your family and of course love all your word art. I'm going to go broke over the next few days with your $1 specials :) Enjoy your quality time with your family - Happy Thanksgiving! Kim S (pkstew2 at SO).
I live my life through you...does that mean I have no life? Seriously, I look forward to reading your blog each and every morning. Sometime I even check it before it has actually posted. Pretty pathetic, wouldn't you say. Thank you so much for putting 20 a day for the scraporchard sale. I have many of yours already but there are so many more that I want/need. Thank you. Teena
You are so good to your followers! We thank you. And you have a precious family! It is lovely for you to keep track of everything your family does with your blog. Its amazing to look back on and see what you've done. GREAT JOB!
Hi Bethany! I really enjoy reading your blog every morning. You are so multitalented and use those talents to the full extent! Your Word art is awesome! Keep up the fantastic work and have a very happy Thanksgiving. (I'm from Canada so we celebrated our Thanksgiving in early October)
I always love to hear about your adventures! You are too funny!!! Your wordart is wonderful, thanks for sharing your talent.
I hope today is a perfectly blah-less day! Happy Thanksgiving!
Thanks for the smile wordart. I think I've got more than a few pictures it would fit perfectly with. :)
Your work is so beautiful...i have used a few in my grandkids scrapbooks.....would love to learn how you do this...thanks ....Happy Thanksgiving....and Thank your husband for his service....
Isn't it wonderful to get that extra sleep? Sounds like another busy day for you. Can't wait for Farmers market to open so that I can start shopping!!!!!!!!
I just love reading your Blog every day, all of your fun adventures and any mishaps of your normal life. The goods and bads of life that we all really share. As always love your wordart, stop by everyday to check out what's new :) You bring a smile to so many people I am sure. Bless you and Have a great holiday!!!
Your blogs are like visiting with a friend and your wonderful word art inspires me so much...thanks girl!
Sorry you're in a funk! It happens to all of us at some point or another. Snap out of it! And have a happy Thanksgiving! :)
A happy comment - let's see - going back with my husband's standard: the sun is shining, it's tomorrow somewhere, people love you, birds are singing, and rainbows are pretty. [hey, he was very young when he came up with all this - but it still is a "happy thought" to me :-) ]
Bethany, I won a coupon during DSD, but I would like to suggest that the sale items for the weekend should start with the packs I still have left on my wish list. LOL
Have a great Thanksgiving!
Um, I am pretty sure that you are super mom/army wife. How do you find that many hours in the day?
My husband will be leaving late spring for basic and even though we don't have kids, I am totally taking notes on all the army things you post about. :)
I totally know about the crappy days! I had one yesterday too! But then I decided to do some scrapbooking. I love your work. You should see my Word Art folder on my computer! It's practically all YOU! Thanks for sharing your world and your talent with us. I appreciate it!! I hope your day goes TONS better today!
Hope today is a better one! Love reading about all your daily adventures, mishaps, and accomplishments. Hope you got the turkey day menu all planned..need to work on that one myself.
Would there be a mutiny in your house if you didn't get the fried onions for your green beans? Hope the store isn't too awful is you go back out!
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family! Thank you for all the hard work you put into your word art! I really appreciate them even though I don't thank you everyday like I should!
You are so great! I don't know how you do it. I get tired reading about your days, LOL! I'm sorry the movie didn't work out, but realistically your kids probably needed to NOT go! Oh, and I agree with the first commenter ... you will LOVE the Mortal Instruments series. My almost 16-yo daughter (yikes) started reading them, and I stole the first one and got hooked. I wasn't planning on buying the third but after I'd read the first two, I caved and bought it!
I've always loved your wordart creations. Thanks for keeping them coming. You have a beautiful family. I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving. :)
You're much appreciated! Thanks for the inspiration and blog candy opp!
And here's a more inspiring Thanksgiving greeting for you!
Love your blog and enjoy your posts so much. Hope you and your family have a great Thanksgiving. Thanks for your wonderful WA. BTW, big Dr Who fan here, too.
Oh Bethany, I am happy just reading your blog... it is like reading back on my life and I look forward to a new episode every day...
Bethany, you're the best! I can always expect to smile when reading your blog posts, and I love your wordart. I'm glad I'm not the only one who hasn't finalized my Thanksgiving menu!!
What a cute baby smile!! I will have to check out the sale at the store...sounds like a lot of work to switch them around each day...
Have a Happy Thanksgiving!
Hope you are feeling better! Good luck with the big meal tomorrow!
I love your stuff Bethany. Thanks so much for all the freebies you give out.
I also love just reading about your life. It makes me feel like I don't have as much to do as I think I do....=) You amaze me with all you get done. Thanks for being a great inspiration and example of a Latter-Day Saint!
I don't think I like you any more! I'm going to spend all my money in your store! So many choices- so little $. Thanks for all the freebies and I'm heading over to check out today's items in the store!
I enjoy reading your posts and seeing your family pics. It is one of the first things I do every morning. I appreciate all the work you put into your wordarts and thank you for sharing with the rest of us. After having been in a seriuos accident this week I realize life is short and that I need to not worry about things I cannot control but to live each day to the fullest. I am thankful for the opportunity to tell everyone how much they mean to me and even though we don't know each other ... Thank you for being an inspiration and a "web friend".
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