Remember how I was saying yesterday that I did my last Sharing Time (church) for the month? Duh, there's one more Sunday in November. Sigh. hehehe. That's ok. It'll be good :)
Jimmy was in my room on Saturday morning, and ended up pulling one of my curtains from the wall. It was purely an accident. He leaned against it, and out it came. Anyway, we didn't put it back up, so Sunday morning, at 6am, the sun poured through the window, and I started to wake up. I didn't drag myself from the bed until 7am, but still. I was on and off awake. SO tired.
I showered and got all ready for church, then came out to get the kids all ready. First thing I saw when I left my room was Joe. All dressed in his Sunday clothes. Even his shoes were on. Fabulous, Joe!
I got breakfast for all the kids, and myself. Tom and Eme both came downstairs all dressed and ready to go. I fixed Eme's hair, and heard Jake upstairs in the shower. Having big kids definitely has its perks.
I printed off my sharing time stuff, got it all ready, and found Jimmys clothes. Dressed him, gathered up all our stuff, and headed off to church. We got there with about 10 minutes to spare. Just how I like it - hehehe.
Our church building is VERY old. I think it's actually the first LDS chapel to be built in Texas. anyway, there's a bit of on street parking, and an additional parking lot across a somewhat busy street, then about 8 spots in the back. I like to try and park there. Well, recently, some people have started to double park up there. Not so cool. Andrea got blocked in the other day, and so did another primary lady.
Anyway, I decided to just not pull up all the way, so that I'd be safe from the double parkers. Church was good. Kids were well behaved. Primary went good. Sharing time went off without a hitch.
When we got in the truck to go home, I noticed that Captain America had parked right next to me. He'd pulled up all the way, and someone else had double parked behind him. And I was parked next to a phone pole. And behind me was a brick wall. So I was stuck anyway. I coudln't turn without taking out that little car. Stupid little car. I had to sit in the hot car with 5 hungry kids, and wait for them to come out, get loaded, and leave. Sigh.
We eventually got home, and I got the kids fed, and told everyone to take some quiet reading time. Jake and Tom went to their rooms to read, Joe and Eme either read or colored or drew downstairs, and Jimmy and I napped. It was a 2 hour nap, too. Felt REALLY good. That's saying how tired I was. I don't nap well. ESPECIALLY in the light. Remember, my curtain was pulled down. It felt pretty good.
I was up at 3:30ish, or was it 4:00pm. Can't remember. I started on dinner, and directed the kids with chores. I told them that once the chores were done, and the house was clean, we'd watch some Survivor. We were on episode 5-6. We had stroganoff for dinner, and then made oatmeal raisin cookies for dessert. It was fun to make cookies with the kids. AND, they turned out so pretty. I'm used to making chocolate chip cookies, which I can't make look pretty if my life depended on it. I just can't. I've used countless recipes, and they always look crappy. Think and funny looking.
Anyone have a perfect chocolate chip cookie recipe for me?
Finally, after a lot of help, the house was clean. We watched the 5th episode of this seasons survivor, and Captain America woke up from his nap. He fixed his dinner, and came and joined us for the last one. It'd been a long time since I could remember us all sitting down to watch a family show. After Survivor, we watched Iron Man. For some reason, Captain America hadn't watched it. I like the movie :)
BUT, even though I like it, I still fell asleep 1/2 way through it. LOL! I woke up at 10pm, and watched the last 30 seconds of it - ROFL! Really, it is a good show - hehehe.
I skyped with Andrea for a while, and made plans to go with her tomorrow morning to drop off her Suburban at the shop. It's got a part that needs replaced. Jake can hold down the fort for a while. Since the house is clean, they can watch a few PBS cartoons while I'm gone. We also wanna go to the park for a while on MOnday too.
Our school district is taking the WHOLE week off for Thanksgiving. It'll be a nice break from the hustle and bustle of school. Captain America is taking leave on Tuesday, and he and Jake are going on a Temple trip. To the Albuquerque, NM temple. It'd sure be nice to go.
So my CT girl Trina posted a funny pic of her daughter in my CT thread at Scraporchard the other day (or was that just yesterday - the days kinda blur together - hehehe), and wanted to know what WordArt to use with it. I thought this one would be perfect - hehehe. Oh really? *insert large amounts of sarcasm*. LOL!
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

I am voting for 20 a day. I can purchase a lot more that way.
Can u not find a friend or two to farm out the rest of the children so u can go to the temple with them?? Its Jake's first trip, mom should be there too!!!!!! Just my thought :)
Thanks for the freebie! The 4Shared link isn't working, at least not for me. I used the but can't leave comments there. Have a great day!
I have the best chocolate Chip recipe, i'll email it to you!! mmm.
I vote for 20 each day, love your stuff and the more opportunity I have for $1 purchases the more I will purchase.
As for the type, Christmas is good, love your pet stuff, but my favorite ones are the general ones like "capture the moment" or "a moment in time" that can be used in so many different ways.
Thanks so much for all you do!!!
See, I told you that I would post! Ok, I have an idea. I want to link your blog to mine so I can "refer" people to your freebie. Can you make a botton or something that I can have in my blog?
I can't get the 4 shared link to work, either.
I vote for 20 per day, too!
My vote is for 20 a day... and maybe the third day could be family related... babies, teens, mom, dad etc.
thank you !! you WA are wonderful...!
This is one of my favorite lines, thanks!
This is one of my favorite lines, thanks!
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