Day one, Thursday. WordArt that centers around the family and home:

Busy, busy, busy. That's just what my life is, I guess. LOL! So I got up at 7:30am. That was sleeping in just a little bit. For some reason, small children don't like to sleep in. What's up with that? ROFL! By 8:15am, all the kids were awake. I got them some breakfast, and straightened up a little bit.
I went with Andrea at 8:30am to drop off her Suburban at the dealership. It needed some seat belt repairs, and was still under warranty. It's about a 30 minutes drive to get there. She's SO fun to go with. Never a dull (or quiet) moment with Andrea - ROFL! Love ya, girlfriend!
We got there, turned in the Suburban, then waited for about 30 minutes for the little man to be ready to shuttle us home. We had some soda, and some donuts, and sat at a tall table, and chatted. I'm sure the little old man at the table next to us heard WAY more than he wanted to about "girl" stuff. ROFL! We also planned out my Thanksgiving shopping list. Dang, it takes a lot of food to create a Thanksgiving feast :)
So the guy comes to shuttle us home, and we're in the backseat, and this other little old man is in the front seat, and we head out. OMGosh, the guy driving sucked. He was too swervy for me. I got MAJOR car sick. Not puking or anything, but I had to move to the middle and keep my eyes forward. Maybe it was the fact that it was a tiny car. But I think more the way the guy was driving - LOL!
We continued to plan the food I needed to buy the whole way home. The guy dropped us off, and I instantly felt better after getting out of the truck. The motion sickness passed in less the 30 minutes. Thank goodness!
I walked home, and Joe, Eme, and Jim and I got ready, and headed to the grocery store. We were going to the commissary at 11 am. Yeah, not the most ideal time. But it was ok. I wasn't in a real hurry. Jake and Tom stayed home and played Game Cube together.
I put Joe and Jim in the kids shopping cart. The green one with the 2 steering wheels, but limited shopping cart space. So then I had to pull another cart behind me. And Eme walked with us too. Oh the joys of shopping.
We got all the regular food for the week, and all the Thanksgiving foods. I'd already bought the turkey, so it was just all the other stuff that I needed. I got stuff for mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, a veggie tray, waldorf salad, fruit salad, pies (chocolate, cherry, apple, and pumpkin), cranberry sauce, some lovely looking chocolate creation (I'll hook you up with the recipe later), and I can't remember what else. It was a ton of food. Both carts were full. Hehehe. But it only cost me $40 for the Thanksgiving extra foods. That's not bad. Plus the $8 for the turkey. We're having our 7 people, plus one other guy from Captain Americas work is coming. So 8 people for $50. Is that bad? I thought it was pretty good. And I KNOW that we're not gonna be able to eat all the food. They'll be a ton of leftovers.
I got a call from Katy/Adela while I was at the store. I'd forgotten that they were having a "product" party today. I said that I'd swing by after shopping. I finished up, and headed home. I set Jim, Eme, and Joe up with a movie, Scooby Doo and the Goblin King, and paid Jake a dollar to unload the groceries, and Tom a dollar to put the groceries away. I headed off to Adelas house. It was a last minute party, since Adelas sister was in town for a few days.
I was there for about an hour, and then headed back home. I actually got a few things too! I headed back home, and got the kids ready for the park. We were meeting Laurie and Andrea there. The kids had a lot of fun playing. Rowan (Laurie's 3 year old) and Jimmy had a BLAST playing in the mud puddle. I know, how do we get mud puddles in the desert? Sprinklers. It must have misfired, because there was a TON of water and mud. Those little boys had SO much fun :)
We stayed at the park from 2-4ish, then everyone started to trickle away. Laurie took Joe, Jim and Eme with her to her house to play. Leslie had come and joined us right before everyone left, and my boys, her boys, and Andreas boy (Sam) went to my house to play. Leslie and I stayed and chatted for a long time, kidless. It was great! Then went to her house for some herbal tea. It was getting dark and cold outside.
We chatted until about 5:40, then I had to go home and feed my brood. I'd bought some brown and serve rolls last week, and realized that they needed to be refrigerated. Actually, it said that you could keep them out for a few days, or refrigerated for a week or so. Oops. I had to cook them. They woudln't keep until Thanksgiving. Sigh.
So I made some white gravy, and we had biscuits and gravy with cereal for dinner. I know, that kinda sucks, but the kids LOVE biscuits and gravy, and we hadn't had it in forever. And you have to do "tasty" every now and then :)
After dinner, we chilled for a while. I was SO tired. I'd been go, go, go all day long :) I realized shortly after relaxing on the couch that Jake had wrestling. Sigh. He was 30 minutes late, but he was there. It's never ending, is it? The busyiness. Dropped him of at 6:30 and picked him back up at 8pm. I put the little boys to bed, and Captain America got home at about 8:30. I spent some time with him, then sat down on my computer. I designed my ads for the Farmers Market, and played on Facebook for a while, and low and behold. It's 1am. What? How did that happen. Sigh. I'm sleeping in in the morning.
On Tuesday, we have a dollar movie day planned. I facebooked everyone in El Paso I could think of to come with us. We'll see if I have any takers - LOL! Shorts. Anyone seen it? It looked like a kid friendly movie. Hopefully it is - LOL!
So, in honor of all my time wasted on Facebook Monday evening (not during the day, because I wasn't even home - LOL), here's the WordArt of the day for ya!
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

I love this! Thank you!
thank you, i love this one! :)
Thank you very much for the fun word art! :)
Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 9 post on Nov. 25, 2009. Thanks again.
Hi Bethany :) thanks for all your freebies, I enjoyed them so much, you are very talented :)
The 4shared link isnt working for me today :(
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