I was up at 7am this morning. I woke up 15 minutes before my alarm, and just laid there in my nice, warm bed relaxing. It was really quite nice. I got up with the alarm, and went to make pancakes for the kids.
No one was awake, so I went up and woke up Tom and Eme. Tom was a little flustered. He'd set his alarm for 6am, but didn't set it right, because it didn't go off. He hustled to get ready, though.
I cooked pancakes, and Eme and Tom trickled down. I had food all dished out before I went to wake up Joe. I snuck in the room, and extracted him carefully. He and Jimmy sleep in the same bed (2 twins pushed together, so it's a HUGE space), so it's sometimes hard to tell which is him - LOL!
I grabbed him, his backpack, and his shoes, and took him out to the couch. I noticed that his pointer finger was BLACK. Um, Joe? What's the deal? His lips were black-ish too. He finally told me that he and Jimmy had gotten into the individual serving waterbottle flavoring packets. Purple, none the less. That would explain the black staining. Sigh. Boys. What can I say?
I got him dressed, and fed him, and fed the rest of the kids, and just as we were walking out the door, Jimmy woke up. I sent him to the table for his pancakes, and left him with Jake while I took the other kids to school. And Captain America. He'd just walked in the door too.
This is the last week for dropping the kids off behind the school. Staring in Feb, it's gonna be closed. I'm hoping to hear about busing this week. Hoping.....
I got back home, and Andrea and I had made plans at school dropping off the kids to go grocery shopping. Not for me, but for her. I'd just gone on Friday. BUT, Captain America had asked that I get him some canned soup, so I could do that. And get some cash. To fill my envelopes from the end of the month. I just LOVE my envelopes :) hehehe.
I got my breakfast when I came back home, and got my computer, and spent some time looking for quotes. I found quite a few that I liked. I knew that I had to stop at 8:50am in order to get ready to go with Andrea at 9am. So I worked for a bit, and stopped and got ready. Well, as ready as you can get in 10 minutes - hehehe. Tomorrow is DEFINITELY a shower day ;)
She texted at 9:10, saying that she was running really late. I didn't mind. I just needed to be back home at noon for my Visiting Teachers to come and visit me. I decided to design some. I got a WordArt pack designed before she called to say that we was ready. A WordArt masks pack even. I liked it :)
Andrea and I and Luke and Jim set off to the commissary. I got my cash, and soup, and some body spray for Captain America, and some extra salsa, and some shampoo. Not too many things. Andrea got her groceries, and we were off. We decided that we didn't have enough time to get to the Dollar Tree and back home by noon, so we headed home. On the way, Chelsie, my Visiting Teacher, called, and said that because of sick kids, they wouldn't be coming until Thursday. Sweet! That just opened up the Dollar Tree option - hehehe.
On the way there, Ryan called Andrea. So Jimmy and I walked around Dollar Tree, and got a few things, and just mostly browsed. Andrea got what she needed, still talking with Ryan, and we met back at her Suburban. She finished talking with Ryan, and then we headed back home. I got home about 10 minutes after Captain America go home for lunch. So I got to hang with Captain America for a while. Which was nice.
After he left back to work, I designed few more WordArt packs. AND, I found a fun new thing to do with my new WordArt packs on my Facebook Fan page. I posted a preview of the New Pack, and told the girls that the first 3 people to leave me an email would get the pack free, if they'd make a layout with it and send it back before Thursday. It was SO much fun to see how fast people could leave a comment. AND, I've already got a few of the layouts back. SO pretty! You girls are AMAZING!
SO, if you wanna be my Facebook Fan, click HERE. And be on the lookout. I may make this a tradition!
Anyway, I went at 3pm to pick the kids up from school, and waited at the playground for Tom to get done with Extra PE. Joe and Eme and Ben and Luke and Andrea and I had fun hanging and chatting. Then we collected the older boys, and we headed for home.
I asked the kids if they wanted to go to the indoor pool, and of course it was a yes. They hurried and got ready, and we were out the door and to the pool by 4:15pm. They had a TON of fun playing. Jimmy and Joe are getting pretty daring. Jimmy doesn't mind going under (still in a life jacket), and Joe is just getting where he'll almost get his face wet - hehehe. Jake and Eme and Tom are great swimmers, for never having had lessons. Self taught.
I brought my laptop, and sat on the bleachers and designed. I got 3 WordArt packs designed while I watched the kids play. All the while listening to Muse. Their first albumn, Showbiz. I like it ;)
Joe was done first. He was looking a bit cold, and was starving. We forgot to grab a snack on the way out the door, so he was starving - hehehe. We loaded up, and headed home. People dried off, changed clothes, and started on their chores.
I cooked spaghetti and salad for dinner, and told them to finish up their chores. Joe and everyone was fighting. Then he and Jimmy were fist fighting, so finally, I just sent them both to bed. At 6:30pm. I think that between staying up late on the weekend, and playing hard at the pool, that they were just tired. They needed more sleep. So off to bed they went. But they're WEREN'T happy about it, let me tell you. But it sure made the rest of the kids shape up real quick. hehehe.
They finished their chores, then went about their various activities. Jake played on PC some, Eme and Tom played Wii some, then moved to the PC for while. I made them turn it all off at 8pm for quiet reading time in their rooms.
I watched an episode of chuck on nbc.com, then an episode of The Bachelor on abc.com. Then the real episode of the bachelor came on TV, and I watched part of it. Again, I get distracted real easy. I had my personal facebook page open, my Elegant WordArt by Bethany fanpage open, the Bachelor's 2nd half episode from last week on the computer playing with my headphones in one ear, and the real show on ABc on the tv. Yeah, I didn't do any of it really well, but I did a bit of all of it- LOL!
Captain America got home at around 9pm, we spent a bit of time together, my sister called, and we answered some army questions for her, and then I got to work on my work. And now it's 11:50pm. See, I'm slow, and I get distracted easily. hehehe. I know that I started this post at 11pm. And I know it doesn't take me that long to type it all up. Cause I type relatively fast. Distractable. That's me - hehehe.
So I designed this one last week for a WordArt pack, and never got around to making 4 others - LOL! SO, because I didn't feel like designing at 11pm tonight, I decided to let you all have it :) Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 8 post on Jan. 26, 2010. Thanks again.
I really love our WordArt! Thank you for sharing the freebies.
Really like this one! TY so much. Cynthia
thank you!!
Thank you so much for the wonderful word art. As a primary teacher, mom and grandma,this is one of my favorite quotes.
Thank you so much for your wonderful word arts. Yours are my favorite!! Do you do requests? How about some quotes from MJ music:
"You are the sun
You make me shine
Or more like the stars
That twinkle at night
You are the moon
That glows in my heart
You're my daytime, my nighttime
My world,
You are my life"
Thanks a bunch! I posted your freebie on my blog Hand Picked Freebies :)
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