I woke up after 8 hours of sleep, and felt like I'd had 4. Seriously. I'm not quite sure what that was all about. I helped kids get ready, and drove them on up to school. We were even on time :)
I came back home, and designed for a bit, and then Jimmy and I folded laundry. Well, I folded, he watched a movie with me. A scary movie. He really didn't stick around for long, because he thought it was too scary. 1408. It was kinda scary towards the end. Jake took a break and watched part of it with me too.
I got about 6 loads of laundry folded, but not put away. Most of it was Jim/Joe's laundry. I think they just pull out clean clothes and put it in the dirty pile. Or that's how it feels, at least. Dang, those two go through a TON of clothes.
We had lunch, Captain America came home, and we all hung out for a while. I had a friend, Darcy, send me a link to this website that sees how well you know the US map. We spent almost all of lunch on it - ROFL! Captain America wouldn't stop until he got 100%. If you wanna play, the link is HERE. It was all about dragging and dropping the states into a blank map. I knew the general area they went, but sometimes was off by 100-200 miles. Oops. Yeah, you don't want me as your navigator - hehehe.
I got a few WordArt packs designed, but not much. I was just feeling blah. Not happy and bubbly and excited like I normally am. Sometimes I get bummed. I guess we all do, right? Even if nothing is going bad. Know what I mean? Anyway, I dragged myself out of my bedroom, and headed up to school to get the kids at 3pm.
I took Jimmy with me, so that he could play at the playground with the kids while Tom was in extra PE. Yeah, he was kinda rowdy. Maybe that's why I usually leave him at home - hehehe. I think he had fun, though.
I got home, and worked on Cub Scouts stuff for a while. Tonight was the Pack Meeting, and I had a few things to print off. I had the kids do their chores, and eventually made them Tuna Sandwiches for dinner. Yeah, it was a sandwich night - LOL! I'm sure you all have those too :)
I was starting to get a headache, so I decided that I would leave Jake at home with the little ones, and let him skip Scouts, and take Tom with me and go to the Pack Meeting. That way, I wouldn't have to crowd control. And Eme and Jake could help Joe with his homework and they'd get to bed on time.
Well, I was giving Jake directions right before we left the house, and he started whining about how he didn't want to watch the kids because he wanted to play on the Wii. That was the straw that broke the camels back. I lost it. GET IN THE TRUCK, EVERYONE! I yelled. Yup. Yelled. All control was gone. He tired to say that he'd do it, but I wouldn't hear it. I made everyone load up, and off we went.
It was SILENT all the way to Scouts. I was still fuming when we got there. Mostly because my head hurt so bad. I'd taken a pill, but it takes a good hour to kick in, and it hadn't yet. We did our gathering activity (paper airplanes), and people slowly started to trickle in. About 1/2 way through the meeting, my head felt better. Andrea and I stood around chatting with people until our older kids got done with their meetings, and I was feeling happy and normal again :) I wonder what that was all about - hehehe.
My kids seemed much happier on the way home, when I was happier. I hate it when I'm the mean mom. She's not a very nice lady :)
Captain America was home when we got home at 8:45pm, and put the kids to bed for me. He helped Joe with his book, and I noticed that MY NEW LAPTOP was here! Captain America had found it when he got home from work. It must have came between 7 and 8pm.
I spent the next few hours opening it and installing all my programs and such on it. It's still not completely ready, but it's up and somewhat running. I have photoshop, and all my fonts. That'll get me pretty far :) I'll spend some time tomorrow transferring files from the old laptop to the new one.
I think I'm gonna like this one. It feels sturdy. I liked that about my old one. This new one, the keyboard is further up on the part where you put your hands than on my old one. And the number pad on the side, the 0 is in a different place than I'm used to. I'm gonna have to get used to that. And the volume and mute are in a different place. And I need to adjust the sensitivity on the touch pad. And the selector buttons are a bit stiff. But really, if those are my only complaints, that's not too bad. Those are just "comfort" stuff, and I can get used to those all.
It seems to run fast, and once I figure out how to remove the bloatware, it should be good to go :) You know how to do that, Fan? hehehehe.
It's almost 11pm, and I'm gonna tie this up real fast, and try and watch something online. You know, because it's a new computer, and I wanna see how it'll do. Test drive it, if you will :) LOL!
I was working on a few WordArt packs for the beginning of February, and thought I'd go ahead and make you one too. But baby themed, instead of Love themed, like I was working on :)
Click on the links below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

That map was senstive! It left me 10 miles off.
Thank you! Your blog post will be advertised on the CraftCrave DigiFree search engine today (look for timestamp: [28 Jan 02:00pm GMT]).
Thanks so much!
Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 9 post on Jan. 28, 2010. Thanks again.
Those tricky square-ish states through me off in the beginning but I made it down to 5 miles off by the end. That was fun, thanks so much for sharing! And as always thanks so much for sharing your word art with us!
Thank you!
One way is to click on the windows icon (i.e., start button), select run, type msconfig click on the startup tab, and see which programs are running when the PC starts. Make a note of those you don't want/need, and uncheck them.
Then, click the start button again, select control panel, Programs and Features, and uninstall the offending software. I personally prefer Avast for my antivirus as Norton and the like seem to be resource hogs (not as much as they used to be, but still noticeable).
Very cute! Thanks :)
Thanks for the WA! Love it!
thank you for sharing ! I love your Wa ! You are so talented ! I become a fan on facebook !
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