Joe had unfinished homework, so we sat down and worked on it before school. I got everyone ready, and had them to school relatively on time. Mostly on time. They weren't late. We'll just leave it at that :)
I came back home, and tried to go back to sleep. I really did. But I was constantly interrupted. By kids, and husband, and phone calls and texts and "oh yeah, I forgot to do this" and "oh yeah, I forgot to do that", and geez! I did lay quitely for about 20 minutes. But I don't think that that counts as a nap.
So, I finally admitted defeat, and hopped in the shower. And got all cute. Cause it's good to feel cute - hehehe.
At 10:15, I picked up Laurie and Rowan, and Jimmy and I and them headed to the post Library for Story Time. Apparently, the regular story time lady wasn't there, because this new lady was kinda dry. Poor thing was trying hard. But she wasn't entertaining any of the kids, I don't think. I'll give it another shot next week and see if it's any better. Our friend Jessi was there with her little girl Emma (Jimmy's age almost exactly) and baby, and our friend Adelina and her son were there, and my neighbor Mindy and her little girl and hubby were there too. Who knew that so many people I know go to story time? hehehe.
After story time, Jim and I went to Lauries house for play time and lunch. Laurie and I had a grilled chicken salad (YUMMY!), and Rowan and Jimmy had a grilled cheese sandwich. Jimmy LOVED it ;) Laurie and I had fun chatting and eating :)
After a while, Laurie's hubby called from Iraq, so Jimmy and I headed home. I had designing to do anyway, so off we went :) Jake was done with school, and he and Jimmy did their own thing for a while. I meant to design, but ended up watching Monday nights episode of Chuck on It was good :) I just LOVE Chuck :)
About that time, it was time to go and get the kids from school. I got there a few minutes early, and hung out with Andrea in her suburban. We went to get the Kindergartners and 1st graders, then hung out at the playground until Tom and Sam got done with extra PE.
We got home at 4pm, and I chatted with my neighbor for at least 30 minutes. Her hubby is in Iraq, and is coming home for a different position in the next few days. She was pretty excited :) Well, mixed feelings, actually. Anyone who's a military wife, I'm sure you understand. You get into a routine, you get into an independent mindset. Plus the extra money. That's good too. And it all goes away. And they're here, and they have to work long, crazy hours, and it's like they're gone. But they are home. And they are safe. So your head goes back and forth and back and forth. Such is the dilemma of the military wife :)
Anyway, I chatted with her for a bit, then came inside and made cookies with the kids. OK, so the cookies really were because I wanted them. I'm sucking at my diet. I did really good for about 5 days, then crapped out on it. Sigh. I need to refocus. I need to get back on it. I need to lose the 20-25 lbs that I gained over the holidays. I need to stay away from the cookies. And peanut butter sandwiches. And cereal. And whatever else happens to cross my path in the evenings. Sigh. Anyone wanna start the diet with me again? I need some motivation.
I designed my 5th WordArt pack, and got a Valentines WordArt bundle together (8 older wordart packs for $5), and started to load it in my store, and had to go to a Primary Presidency meeting. Sigh. Not what I needed to do on a Tuesday night. I had till 9 or 10pm to get my store loaded.
The kids were fighting and yelling and being rude to each other, so I REALLY didn't want to leave. I guess, though, I'd get blessings for going to a church meeting, so I left. I got there at 7pm. And was home by 8pm. Jake had put Jim and Joe to bed because they were being naughty. Eme and Tom and Jake were occupied doing their own things.
Joe came out at 8:30, and said that he needed to read me his story for school. So he did, and I got Eme set up with a book on cd (on the mp3 player), and the book, and sent her to bed. She liked the story, I think.
I finished loading my store, with about 10 minutes to spare, and played some games/give a ways with my Facebook Fans. It was pretty fun :) 8 people got my new WordArt bundle, before it even hit the stores :) See, it pays to be my fan - hehehe.
Captain America got home at 10pm (not 6 pm like he'd said), and I finished up my blogging/designing. I think I'm gonna lay in bed and listen to a few chapters of book on tape. Seems like a nice, relaxing thing to do. But first, I'm gonna go get some water. Because water is good for you. I need to drink more. Maybe if I drank more, I'd eat less. You think?
Week 81 already. Where does the time go??? This request is from Sevansfan. Click HERE to go to Scraporchard to download the zip file, and remember, two things. First, you must be logged into the GALLERY in order to get the download. Second, it's only good for about a week. Third (I know, I said 2), leave some love if you like my work :)
1 comment:
You are the best! I have more awesome MJ lyrics if you would love to make more of your beautiful creations!
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