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First off, I made this WordArt pack, but didn't play a game with it, so there's ZERO layouts for it - LOL!

See, wasn't that great! And remember, my products are on sale 20% off the first week (not the bundles). So hustle before the sale is over :)
Today was another crazy busy day. I woke up at 7am, but was SO tired I didn't wanna get out of bed. I gave myself 10 more minutes, then got up. But I was dragging. And I'd even gotten 8 hours again last night. Strangest thing.
I made the kids egg sandwiches, and drove them to school. I got Jake going with school, and got Jimmy dressed. At 9am, Andrea and I went to Target to look for some supplies for our den meeting that night, and she needed a mailer to send back a game. They didn't really have a lot at Target that we needed, so we came back home. She had a meeting at the school at 10:30, and she dropped me off at home at 10:15pm.
I worked on getting my computer stuff from my old laptop to m EHD for about 30 minutes, then Jake and Jim and I headed out to the store. Jake has lost 10 lbs, and needed new smaller pants. He was SO pleased with himself, as he should be ;)
First, we went to Fallas. Because they have WONDERFUL sales and great prices. He found a pair of jeans for $5, one for $7, and one for $9.99. We walked all around that store looking, before we realized that there was NO trying on room. What's up with that? I can't buy new smaller pants for my child without trying them on him. Sigh.
SO, we put the pants back, and went to Goodwill. They had only one pair of pants Jakes size. BUT, I let him try them on, and they fit perfectly. He was SO happy with them. But I think that $6.00 for someone elses old jeans is WAY too expensive. I wish that Thrift Stores would charge less. Oh well.
We came home, got lunch, and hung out for a bit. I worked some more on getting my computer in order, and got most of it transferred over. Finally, it was done, and I deleted all my files from my laptop. Dang, that was hard. I know it's backed up, but dang..... I really hope nothing happens to my EHD. Maybe I need an EHD for my EHD - LOL!
Captain America came home at around 1pm or 1:30pm, and said that he needed to get the trailer to go back to work and save some wood that they were throwing away. Tearing down a few cabinets or something. He was REALLY excited about it - hehehe. I kinda helped unload the trailer so he could pull it out of the garage, then lost interest and went back to my laptops - sorry honey.
At 3pm, I went to pick up the kids. In Captain Americas car. Because he had my truck. I got Eme and Tom and Joe, and brought them back home. Andrea followed me home, and we took pics of Joe and Ben in their Tiger Cub uniforms. We're having our Blue and Gold Banquet (Birthday of Scouting Celebration) in February, and we were making Placemats at scouts that evening. And were asked to bring things to decorate the placemats. So, we took some photos.
They were SO cute, and after I got done with Photoshop, they looked pretty good. I designed a WordArt or two for our pack, and got some badges and logos and such for printing. I sent it all to Walgreens, and Andrea and I went at around 4:30 to pick it up.
First, we went to Walmart to get the supplies for the placemats. The den leader gave us a list of stuff that we needed, and we got a few things. She got the craft sticks, and I got the waxed paper. I got some contact paper, but I'm keeping that one at home. It was kinda expensive.
I got a few things for Captain America that he needed, and we both bought a take and bake Pizza for the kids for dinner. Because we were running late.
We went to WAlgreens, and got the photos, then headed home. On our way, we drove by the road where the kids' school is. It's a really wide one lane each direction road. Well, this chickie decided that Andrea is going too slow (which she wasn't), and tries to pass her on the right. OMGosh, Andrea wasn't going to have anything to do with that, so starts yelling "You will NOT pass me", and slams on the gas pedal. We start racing the woman, all the while she's yelling "You will NOT pass me". We race to the stop sign, slam on the brakes, and the woman behind us gets back in line. Dang, Andrea - hehehe. Road rage much - ROFL! So, it was our theme saying for the night. "You will NOT pass me!". Scream it some time you're feeling especially moody. I think it'll help :)
We get home, and we've decided that we need a girls night out. So I start texting everyone I know, asking them to come with us. We're gonna go to Texas Roadhouse on the West side after everyone is home for the night, and asleep-ish.
I was a little distracted texting, so I was a bit late for Scouts, but Joe and I did go. We didn't work on our placemats, but we turned in the stuff for it. The boys had a good time at the den meeting, though. Andrea and I texted our friends, and had a good ole time also :)
Back home, and I got the kids ready for bed, the house a bit organized, and then it was time to go. I started picking up my friends. I was the driver, even though my truck is older than dirt, and COLD. Plus, it was almost snowing, so it was really cold - hehehe. Thanks, Laurie, for letting me use your extra gloves :)
I picked up my neighbor Lee first, then Laurie, then Andrea, and off we headed. It's a 15-20 minute drive over to the West side. Jessie met us there, and we had SO much fun. We were laughing and joking and eating and having a grand ole time. No alcohol, but we were the loudest bunch in the place - hehehe. 5 moms, out for the night. Yeah, that's dangerous :)
We headed home a good 15 minutes after the place had already closed, and it was snowing. Lightly, but it was snow. Merry Christmas again, I guess :) Jimmy keeps asking me when 2nd Christmas is. Maybe he knew something I didn't all along - LOL!
We dropped Jessie off first, then headed back on post. Next, we dropped off Laurie, then went to Andreas house to drop her off. We must have sat in the car an chatted for almost 40 minutes outside of Andreas house. Girl chat is SO good :) Next, Leigh and I headed home. We share a driveway, so it's really easy :)
Here it is, 1:25pm, and I'm ready for bed. I'm tired, and need some sleep. I wonder if there's time for a nap tomorrow? Hmmmm.....
This WordArt request is from my Facebook fan, Hannah. The other day, I posted saying that I needed a saying/quote, and she was kind enough to supply me with one :) Thanks, hon!
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

It's kinda crazy just how giddy I am to see my little pages on your site. It's like I've won the lottery!!
I love all your stuff, and that game was awesome. So much fun!
Thank you! Your blog post will be advertised on the CraftCrave DigiFree search engine today (look for timestamp: [29 Jan 02:00pm GMT]).
thank you!!
Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 10 post on Jan. 29, 2010. Thanks again.
Thanks for sharing your wonderful work :)
Thank you for freebies. Link on your post was added to Lori's freebie list
wow, I like your WA! Thank you:)
I agree with Alison. It's great to see my page posted! Thank you for the opportunity. It was fun!
I love all the Love WA! It's perfect for the wedding album I'm putting together for my future sister-in-law and for my future wedding. ^_^ Thank you so much!
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