I woke up at 7:30am, but promptly fell back sleep. I finally got up around 9:30 or 10am. It's simply Divine having kids that leave you alone to sleep in in the morning. Granted, it took MANY years to get to that point, but worth it, none the less :)
I got up and made sure that everyone ate, then took a shower. It felt WONDERFUL, since it had been, um, well, er, I can't actually remember how many days. WAY too many :) I shaved and washed and lotion-ed and am feeling MUCH more like a girl.
So I put on my make up, fix my hair, and put on some cute clothes, because, why not. I got all fixed up, might as well. I got out to the kitchen, and the kids were like, Mom, is it Sunday? Are we going somewhere? Dang! Can I not even look nice without a reason - hehehe. I guess not.
Emeline had an Achievement Day activity at 1pm, and Laurie was gonna give her a ride. She was coming by at 12:30 to pick her up. And she needed a small picture of herself to do one of the projects at the meeting. Which meant I had to go to Walgreens to pick up a photo of Eme. Which meant that I had to send it to Walgreens. Which meant that I had to get a photo ready in Photoshop to go. I hustled to get it all done.
We left Jake in charge, made sure that Eme was all ready, and Captain America and Jim and I headed out in the Saturn to Walgreens. We made it back with 3 minutes to spare. I ran in and got my sunglasses and phone, Laurie picked up Eme, and Captain America, Jim, and I were off again. We were going out for the afternoon. Everyone else was more than fine with staying home and playing games. hehehe. Silly boys.
First, we went out to lunch. Because I wanted to, and the boys were more than happy to oblige. We went to the Applebees close to our house, and DANG it was busy. I guess there was a conference across the street, and about 100 people were in line. Forget that craziness!
We drove to a different Applebees, which took FOREVER, because there was a wreck (3 cars) up ahead. BUT, we made it there. We got Jimmy a grilled cheese, fries, and chocolate milk. They had a 2 for $20 special, so Captain America and I got that. He got the Lime Fiesta Chicken thingy, with chicken and rice. He liked it. I got the 7oz steak with veggies and a salad. MMMmmmmm, I just LOVE steak. AND, they cooked it rare for me. Did you know that some places won't cook a steak rare? Med. rare is all they can do. Applebees just moved one notch higher in my book. It was DIVINE!
After lunch, we headed to the East site, and went to Hobby Lobby. It took FOREVER. Captain America wanted to price out some oil paint supplies for work, and DANG. I like craft stores and all, but I was getting SO bored. We were there for over an hour, I think......
Next, it was on to Home Depot. Captain America had a few things to get, and I wanted to improve our computer area. WAY too many computers on not enough desks. I knew that some of the computeres were having issues, but I couldn't figure out which cord when to which computer and screen and ahhhhh, it was a big mess.
After debating wood and supplies and such, we decided to just buy 2 more little folding tables like we already had. 4 footers and skinny. We got the couple of things from Home Depot, and headed off to Walmart.
We found the tables, and they were a bit more than I remembered. $30 a piece. Sigh. BUT, I had some money set aside for such things, and was only shy $10. SO, we got 2. They were better than the other 2 we had, too. Black, not soft top, and a bit more sturdy. That's a good thing in a house full of boys!
We got a few toiletry items for Captain America, new Sunday Shirts for the little boys, and a few other things. Vitamins. I usually don't give my kids vitamins, but thought it would be a good thing to include in my budget. Vitamins are good :)
We went back to the car, and headed home. It was SOOOO windy today. Seriously. I thought I waas gonna blow away - hehehe. Jimmy fell asleep in the car on the way home. We stopped briefly at Big Lots to look for a Laptop cooling fan, but they didn't have any left. I didn't want to spend $25 at Walmart for one. The one I got at Big Lots was only $12, but then again, it's broken. Maybe I should have got the one for $25 at Walmart. I'll go look at Newegg and see what they have....
So, we get home, unload the car, put Jim in his bed (it was almost 6pm), make dinner for the kids, and rearrange the dining room. Now, we have one big long row of computers. Imagine this. 4 tables each 4 feet long, end to end the length of the dining room. Each table has it's own computer. Sigh. Yes, we're nerds. BIG nerds. Computer geeky family - hehehe. We look like a freakin' computer lab. Oh well. It kinda makes me laugh when I walk in that room now.
So it's 9pm, and Captain America and I are gonna watch a movie at home. All the movies at the dollar theater are ones we've already seen, or rated R (which we don't watch). I'll save the $4 for something else :)
This poem is from Kathy Simkins. Isn't it wonderful! I thought it would be PERFECT for baptism card or layout! Thanks so much for sharing the poem with us, and letting me "WordArt" it! Wonderful :)
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 9 post on Jan. 24, 2010. Thanks again.
hahaha i TOLD you if you bought a cheap fan it was gonna be bad. silly girl! :O) glad to see it was a semi successful shopping trip!
Very nice word art - thank you
thank you! Confirmations are comming up and this will be great!
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