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Another long day :) I'm beginning to think that I don't have any other kinds - LOL! I was planning on having a morning at home, but it didn't quite work out that way. My alarm was set for 7:30am from church yesterday, but luckily I woke up at 7am on the dot. Don't know why, but I was grateful!
I got up, got dressed, got the kids ready, read Joe's book with him, fed them, and sent them on their way. I snoozed on the couch for a few minutes, and Jimmy and Jake woke up. The repair man was supposed to be at the house between 8am and noon, so I had to stay close. Andrea texted me to see if I could walk, but I couldn't. I had to be here whenever he showed up.
I was planning on designing all morning long. BUT, the repair man showed up right at 8:30am. He couldn't fix the molding strip on the floor, but said that he'd get ahold of the guy who could. I did replace the light switch in the kitchen, since he said that it was bad. He said that it's actually a common fix in these housing units.
He asked if there was anything else that he could help with, and I said that the caulking in the bathroom was nasty, and needed redone, so he went in and did it. VERY helpful man. THANK YOU!!!
He left, and I went on my walk. It was good to get an hour walk in again. The weather is getting MUCH nicer.
When Andrea and I got back from the walk, we chatted with Leigh in my driveway for a few minutes, then Hilary showed up. She was done early from work. We hung for a while, then I had her take me to the commissary to get a few things for Captain America. I'd forgotten Sour Cream when I went grocery shopping, and I didn't buy enough salsa, and he didn't like the new brand of deoderant. So we got the few things that I needed, went through self check out, and headed back home.
We briefly met Hilarys hubby at the Shoppette for lunch. At 1pm, we headed to Sams Club. I don't usually get to go, since I don't have a membership. Laurie came with us, and she has one. I guess that so does Hilary. It's kinda a fun store.
They were buying stuff for school lunches, but we're still poor enough to qualify for free lunches. Ha! At least until the summer, when my hubby goes up in rank, and has been in for 2 years, and he gets a pay increase. I think I'll take the pay increase over the free school lunches - LOL!
I just bought batteries. We go through them so fast, you know :) We were home in time to get kids from the bus, and all headed to the park. Jimmy and Joe had fun playing with the little kids. Tom and Jake played with Hunter and Braxton (Leslie's kids), and Emeline went to Bella's house (Veronica) for a while. Laurie and Hilary came to hang out too. We had a good time visiting.
When we left the park, we came home and fixed dinner. At 6pm, Bella came over to the house to play (actually, I think she came after the park), and Tom went with Michael to his soccer game. Captain America took my truck to his friends friends house to get it looked out.
At 7:30pm, Hilary came to pick me up for our Primary meeting. Jake was babysitting until Captain America got home. There wasn't much overlap. He was supposed to put the little kids to bed at 8pm, and the bigger kids as soon as Tom got home from the game. He texted and said that it all worked out great :)
Karin is the new Primary President, and Hilary and Andrea are the counselors. I'm the Singing Time leader. I know, dangerous combination. We have WAY too much fun. We went to Carinos Italian restaurant and had dinner, and had our primary meeting. It was pretty good. We got everything hashed out, and divided up, and sharing times assigned, and such. Then we chatted and laughed and visited and had a good time. We were out WAY too late, but it was fun :)
On the way home, Hilary was showing us fun songs from her MP3 player on her car stereo. HERE's the funniest one. She had it BLARING as we came in through the gate. The poor little man who was on guard duty, taking our ID's almost passed out. I think we embarrassed him. I know I laughed so hard I almost wet myself. My stomach hurt by the time we got to Karins house. TOO funny :)
So here it is, 11:29pm, and I'm all done blogging. Just need to make a quick freebie, and I'm all done. I have a parent teacher conference tomorrow for Joe, and need to still schedule one for Tom and Eme. Fun times....
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

Thank you so much for this post. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 10 post on Mar. 30, 2010. Thanks again.
Just a quick note to let you know that a link to this post will be placed on CraftCrave in the DigiFree category today [30 Mar 03:00pm GMT]. Thanks, Maria
This is PERFECT! I was just getting ready to do a Book of Me challenge about things that make ME laugh! Thank you!
Bethany, you ahve earned the sunshine blogger award! Drop by my blgo and pick it up when you get a chance! http://teenabugg.blogspot.com
Classic AC/DC the unofficially official band of Hillsboro, IL. The juke box in the cafeteria would inevitably end up on AC/DC. I can't recall if this song was ever allowed to play though.
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