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SOOOOO, good day, but long day :) Started off at 7am, before school routine. Plus add homework for Joe. We didn't get around to doing it last night, since he'd fallen asleep in the truck. Sigh. BUT, we managed it, and they still made the bus :)
Laurie and Andrea wanted Hilary and I to go to a food handlers class with them up by the Hospital, but we ditched. She came over to my house at around 8am, and we went walking. Felt good, too. Nice pace.
We got home at around 9am, she changed clothes, I took a shower and got ready for the day, and we went grocery shopping. I ended up under budget again (woohoo!). Last week I was over, so I think it all comes out in the wash - ha! It was pretty busy there, since it was payday, but it was ok.
I got done first with the groceries, so I headed out to Hilary's car. Crap, what car was hers? I found one that I thought was hers, and the bagger and I waited. I told him I THOUGHT it was her car. He didn't seem to speak much English, so I'm not sure he knew what I was talking about. She eventually came, so it was really her car - hehehe. Imagine if I'd been waiting and waiting and waiting, and she was across the parking lot unloading her groceries into the car - LOL!
We drove to her house and unloaded her groceries, then drove to my house to unload all of my groceries. Unfortunately, I was feeling a bit sick. A migraine in the works. It just came out of the blue!
I tried to ignore it, but I was starting to get the sweats, and really felt like I was gonna puke. After all the groceries were in, I told Hilary that I was feeling nasty. I felt horrible. Laurie came over about that time. We were supposed to go to lunch at Carlos and Mickeys. *sniff, sniff*.
I stood up a few times and tried to put some groceries away, but I quickly had to sit back done. Stupid headache! I took a migraine pill, some advil, some tylonel, and a decongestant, and a few pretzels, and half a diet mt. dew. Something was bound to do the trick.
I told the girls to go without me, and to come and pick me up after they ate. I knew that if I laid down in a quiet, dark place, that it'd be better. They left reluctantly, and I went to lay down. I hoped that they didn't think that I was faking to get out of going. I LOVE to go out to eat - hehehe. Why would I fake something like that? Makes no sense - LOL!
Anyway, Hilary, I really did have a migraine - hehehe. SO, I laid down, and by 1:45pm, I was feeling SO much better. Almost completely better. I wonder what it was that I took that did the trick... I guess that's the problem with taking too many things at once. You can't tell what it was that worked.
The girls showed back up at around 2pm, and we headed out to Sam's Club. I needed milk ,and Hilary wanted me to get the cheaper milk there than at the commissary. OK, that's cool :) We got the milk, and the strawberries that Hilary needed, and a sample of ALL the different kinds of Fudge from the fudge lady, and we each got a pair of the CUTEST stinkin' flip flops ever! What do ya think?

Holy Wind, Batman! It was CRAZY out there. Football practice was canceled because of extreme wind. So was AQ. So all the kids were on the bus after school. No park time today! We'd blow away, I think :)
So I work until 4:30pm, then drive the 2 blocks to the pool for an informative meeting about swim team. I thin kit would be good for Emeline. Have her own activity, with other girls. Poor thing spends a lot of time around boys here.
Anyway, Laurie and Hilary were already there. But no one else. I guess the meeting is on Monday. Oops. So I hurry home, and decide to get ready, THEN work. That way, at least I'm ready :) I try on the teal dress that Laurie let me borrow, and it looks good, but I just can't do all that color.
She had this tiny black dress that was really pretty, but I didn't think it'd fit. Just for the heck of it, I tried it on, and it looked SO good! Yeah for trying new things :)

So I couldn't do the teal dress, and I couldn't do the hair down either - hehehe. It got pulled up. With fake hair. It looked pretty, though :)

There were a ton of people there from the Brigade level, so most of them I didn't know. Mostly, I hung out with Captain America hanging out with 7 other dudes from his unit. Um, yeah. Not fun. There wasn't enough chairs, so we just stood up in the back of the room, with the rest of the 2nd LT's. Whatever. I felt pretty, so it was all good :) They had an awards ceremony, and a speaker. I texted Hilary and Laurie the whole time, and FINALLY it was over and we went home. It really wasn't too bad, I guess. Kinda....
We put the kids to bed at around 9:30pm, and hung out the rest of the night. It's not 12:21am, and I really should go to bed. Captain America's having a Battalion day tomorrow at work, and it's supposed to be for the whole family to come and participate. I hope it's a good time :)
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

Thank you for the the Good Friday word art. :)
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