Howdy hey, ladies :) My goal is to be to bed before midnight tonight, so I'd better get crackin'. hehehe.
Woke up at 7:00am, threw on some clothes, made myself somewhat presentable (but with glasses, not contacts), got kids ready for school, and out the door to the bus. I left a few minutes later to go to Joe's parent teacher conference. The child is doing well in Kindergarten. The teacher said that moving him back to Kindergarten was a WONDERFUL move, and that he's really doing well. He's meeting all the goals that he's supposed to, and gets along well in class. Good job, JOE!
I came back home, got ready, and headed out for my exercise walk. Andrea and I and Veronica walked today. It was a good walk, for about an hour.
After the walk, I took a shower, and got pretty for the day. I did some housekeeping jobs, and played with Jimmy, Jake did homework, and got done with school at 11am even, and Captain America came home from work at noon for lunch.
At 1pm, Laurie and I and Hilary headed out to the stores to go Easter shopping. My mom was sending some money, and I had a bit budgeted to spend. I needed to get 3 more baskets, because I don't know where the others went. I think they got left out last year, and the kids played with them.
The Easter Bunny comes to our house on Friday night/Saturday morning. He always did this growing up in my family, I think because my mom asked him to. She knew that it wouldn't be conducive to getting kids ready for church on Sunday, so that was their deal. And it's our deal now in my family too. Keep the Bunny part on Saturday, and the Savior part on Sunday. Works for us :)
Anyway, I found chocolate bunnies, and jelly beans, and peeps, and M&M's, and some chocolate, and decided to go a small gift for each kid. We always had a small gift in our basket. Something around $10.
I found something for Tom at Walmart, but wanted to go to Big Lots to look for the other kids. We shopped for about an hour or so, then paid, and headed back to post. Hilary dropped us off at the park, and the kids came home off the bus, and we stayed and visited at the park until about 4:30pm. Well, maybe they stayed longer, but that's how long I stayed.
I'd started a crock pot with chicken and potatoes earlier in the day, so I dished up portable containers of food, had the kids grab a fork, and off we went. Jake had babysitter class at 5pm, Tom had football at 6pm.
We dropped Jake off, then went to the football park. I brought my folding chair, and my laptop, and managed to get part of a WordArt pack designed, but it was WAY too bright to see what I was doing. hehehe.
Hilary came to hang out with me at 5:45ish. She's such a fun girl! Love ya, Hil! She left to go home at 6:30pm, and the kids and I headed back to get Jake at 6:50pm. When we got to the building where Jake was doing his class, we noticed Andreas kids were out of piano early, so we stayed and hung with them until Andrea got back.
We got Jake, and headed to Big Lots. I had them look at toys that they liked, then sent Jacob with them to the truck, THEN went shopping and got what I "needed". It's so nice to have big kids. SO nice. I've waited a long 12 years to have a child this age. hehehe.
We loaded back in the truck, and headed back to football to pick up Tom. Then pack on post. On the way, I got a call from Leslie (my 2 houses down neighbor), saying that they had a dead battery, and wondering if I could drive them to the store to get a new one.
I dropped off the kids, had Jake help Joe with his homework, then put them to bed, and headed down to Leslies house. Luckily, her hubby was home on R&R (2 weeks leave from Iraq), so he was able to get the battery out of the car, and into my trunk. We drove to Auto Zone, and he went and got a new one.
Back to post, dropped them off at their house, and back to my house. Kids were still awake, and Jake was helping Joe finish up his homework. I helped put Joe and Jim to bed, and sent the big kids up stairs.
Jake helped me get the Easter stuff in the house, and assembled. He's such a nice kid. LOVE ya, Jake :) And I really appreciate everything that he does. He's such a responsible guy :) *gush*
So here it is, 9:55pm, and I'm doing blogging. Much earlier than yesterday. And the day before. And the day before. Hehehe. Captain America's still not home from work. They must have some kind of project they're doing, or something. I know that he said that he's gonna work on leaving at 5pm. What's the saying, though... "The Army demands results"..... such it is.
So, because I went Easter shopping today, I thought I'd make you guys an Easter WordArt :)
Feels really weird not to be doing WordArt Wednesday anymore, eh? Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

Such a fun WA! Thank you!
I like the idea of the Easters Bunny coming Friday/Saturday! Like you said, leave Sunday for thinking of Christ! AND it's General Conference that day too! I'm excited! Love listening to the Prophet!
Much love back at ya, Bethany! You and Laurie make it really hard for me to work! I don't mind it now while hours are low, but our busy months I'll be crying...or at least pouting! Hehehe
And I really need to change my profile picture on here! I never think about it until I comment! Ha!
LOVE this font! You continue to amaze me! Thanks for the fun share:-) Happy Easter!!!
Just a quick note to let you know that a link to this post will be placed on CraftCrave in the DigiFree category today [31 Mar 02:00pm GMT]. Thanks, Maria
This is great, Thank you.
Hey, it's still word art wednesday! Just not for THEM lol. I mean, who else are they gonna get to do a freebie a week! I bet you can snag the name :)
We have had the Easter Bunny come on Saturdays for several years. (Not sure I'm even doing baskets this year; need to poll the kids and see if they even care anymore!) It helps to keep the Sabbath more special and more focused on Christ. Thanks for the word art!
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