I woke up at 8am, and got myself and the kids ready for the picnic. We didn't need to bring anything, so we just had to get ready, and get jackets. It was only supposed to be in the 60's today. It'd been in the 80's all week long. Sigh. What's up with that. Doesn't it always work out that way? The one day you plan on it being nice, it's nasty weather - hehehe. It really wouldn't have been so bad if the dang wind hadn't been blowing so hard...
So we get there a little after 9am, and find Captain America. His battery is doing the football competition, and he's on the team. So he goes off to play. The kids play at the park, and I watch them. And watch them. And watch them some more. There's a few activities for the kids, like a ring toss booth, sack racing, that kind of thing. Good for about 30 minutes. Yeah, back to the park. And the watching....
Eme had fun at the sack race, though. She was FAST. She stayed there practically the whole time. It was timed, so every time someone beat her time, she'd jump back in the race, and go until she was faster. Too funny :)
Captain America got done with his game, but had to play another game very soon after. We saw him for a few minutes inbetween. He was playing his 2nd game during lunch. We went and got in line, and even got closer to the front because we had kids. Thank goodness! Have you ever had to stand in a crowded line on a SUPER windy day with 5 hungry kids, and keep them from touching each other and those around them? Yeah, not fun.... hehehe.
We finally got to the front of the line, got our food, and found a picnic table. Brrrrr. It was cold. Captain America found us when we were almost done eating. He helped me clean up the table, and the kids went to play at a different set of playground equipment. I stood with him in line again to get some food. Soon after he got his and ate, his battery was up for a football playoff game. Sigh. Back to the park.
This park was a bit more entertaining. Better play equipment on this side of the big park. And one of the dads was there playing with all of the kids. Tag, or something like that. ALL the kids were having fun with him. There were a few moms there to visit with, but they weren't really talkers. Sigh.
The wind started to die down just a tad, and it was actaully pretty warm for those 2 minutes inbetween big gusts - ha!
I wandered around a bit more, and found a nice windblocker in the bathrooms. Just behind it, there was a patch of fun, and no wind. I put in my MP3 player, and sat for a while. Jake came over and joined me, and we hung out for about 30 minutes. Captain America was finally done with all his games, and came to hang. But son went and joined his group of guys from the battery.
Hilary came to the park at around 2:15pm, and hung for about an hour. They did an awards ceremony at 3 something, and Eme won 1st in the Sack Race (medals - pretty cool!), and Tom won 3rd in the Ring Toss. Yeah Harty kids! I think Captain America's battery won 3rd overall. Yeah for them too :)
We left the park at around 3:30pm. Captain America went home to get ready for the next activity, and I took the kids and swung by the mall. I didn't have time to make a dessert for the Ward Party, so I picked up some of those Little Debby-esque pre-wrapped cake thingys, and the last of the Easter stuff, and then met Hilary and her girls at the Jewelry Box. Eme got a few things, and Hilarys girls spent some of their allowance. VERY quick trip.
We headed back home, got all freshened up, and turned around and left again. Ward party at 5pm at the park near the church. It probably would have been fun, but I'd been outside WAY too long - LOL!
Captain America didn't say long, because the boys had football practice at 6pm. He left right before. They had picnic food, just like the picnic food that we'd just had at the "Organization Day" a few hour earlier - LOL! We were a bit picniced out. But the kids loved it. I guess "We" means me....
The girls from church were there, and I had fun hanging with them for a while. But once the sun dipped down under the mountain, yeah, that was enough for me. Hilary and I made a b-line for her car, and sat there the rest of the time. By 7:30, we were ready to go. I gathered up the kids, and headed home.
I got the kids to bed, showered (OMGosh, it felt wonderful after a lONG day outside.... and sunburn...), and here it is, 9:50pm, and I'm almost ready for bed. LONG day. All days are long if they're spent outside, I think. The fresh air tires you out :)
Our family has the Easter Bunny come a day early, so he should be making a delivery tonight while the kids sleep. Yeah for the Easter Bunny :) Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

Thank you! Hope you have a wonderful weekend! Happy Easter!
Just a quick note to let you know that a link to this post will be placed on CraftCrave in the DigiFree category today [03 Apr 02:00pm GMT]. Thanks, Maria
Thank you so much for this post. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 11 post on Apr. 03, 2010. Thanks again.
thank you!!
I do get the impression you've seen enough park today... ;)
Thanks for the cute wordart!
Well, thats not very nice of them to plan games for the soldiers to be at all day during the 'family' activities. I can't believe you stayed so long. I would have been bored stiff and went home much earlier. lol
So cute! Thanks! We just had our DD's picture taken with the Easter Bunny yesterday!
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