So I wake up at 7am again. Tired, but not as tired as I have been being. I went to bed a little before midnight last night, so I was all feeling mostly rested. ROFL!
I got the kids up and dressed and fed and out the door to the bus. Andrea texted, and said that she couldn't go walking right away, that she was doing some FRG stuff, but that she'd go when she got back. Cool. I could do that.
Captain America didn't get up and go to PT this morning, because he was out so late at the battery last night. 11:00pm or something crazy like that. SO, he slept in, and left for work a little before 9am.
I was looking online, wanting to design for a little while, but got stuck at Facebook. I noticed that Hilary had as her status, "First person to bring me a Large Diet Dr Pepper (easy ice) from Sonic wins". Ha! I didn't care what I won, I was gonna win!
So Jimmy and I loaded up in the truck, drove the 5 minutes to Sonic, and went to her work (like 2 minutes from my house). She came out and chatted for about 30 minutes. She's already got one, but it's only because she stopped on the way to work and got one. I guess she won! ROFL! But if you exclude the person who actually MADE the contest, the I won :) My prize was to keep the Diet Dr Pepper - LOL!
I was back home by 9:30am, and Andrea and I went on our walk. We did the normal loop, then came back home. I stayed at her house for a bit, and chatted with her and her mother in law. She'd borrowed a book from me last time she was here, and returned it. I dropped off "The Hunger Games" and book 2 for her to read this time she's here. They're good books, I'm sure she'll like them.
When I got home, it was almost lunch time. I had some lunch, got the kids some lunch, and designed a WordArt pack. But then it was 12:30pm, and because it was early release for school, I headed down to the bus stop.
I stopped at the house on the way to the park, and Hilary was there. She'd gone and got her kids from school, and was back to hang at the park. I took all the kids who wanted to play, and we headed to the park.
It was SUCH a gorgeous day outside. I got a bit burned, but it SO felt good to be in the sun. I'm pretty sure it was in the 80's. Gotta love Spring in El Paso....
It was Laurie and I and Hilary and Kari at the park. I had to leave at 1:30pm in order to make it to my parent teacher conferences on time. The girls stayed behind and visited and watched my kids :)
I drove to the school, and met with Toms teacher. She said that he's doing pretty good in school. Almost all A's and 2 B's. Good job, Tom! She did mention that she'd like for him to "read less" and to socialize with the other kids more. ROFL! What teacher says that - hehehe. The child has his nose in a book at all times, and really does need to socialize more with the other kids :) She's got him pegged. I just thought it was a funny thing to say :)
Next, it was Eme's class. The teacher LOVES my kid - ha! You know, as a parent, I LOVE parent teacher conferences, because it's a time for me to hear good things about the kids. It's SO easy to slip into a "negative" mode, and focus on the bad things that they do. It's a nice reminder that my kids really are pretty good :)
Anyway, Mrs. Pratt just adores Eme. She said that she should probably be in the grade above, because she's not learning anything that she doesn't already know, but that the school isn't gonna let kids skip a grade. While I want Eme to be working on things that are at HER level, I'm just concerned after seeing Joe in a grade that he clearly didn't belong in. Hmmmm. She did say that at least, when we move to a new school, to get her tested and see if she could go to a different grade. That's a good idea :)
I was back to the park by 2:20, and hung out for another 15 minutes. Laurie was at parent teacher conferences, and Hilary and I headed back to my house. The kids were playing nicely, and she and I took Jake and Tom and headed downtown to get some Football ID cards. Captain America had hand written very detailed directions for me, so we kinda knew where we were going.
We found it without too many mess ups - LOL! We didn't end up in Jaurez, at least... Although we were pretty close :)
Had to show proof of reciept for the parents class, Birth certificates (or Military ID cards), pay the $5 per child fee, and they got their Photo ID cards. It's good for 2 years, at least. ...
We headed back home, relieved Hilarys kids from watching mine, hung for about 20 more minutes, and they went home. They took Jake with them, so he could go to Scouts with Nathan at 6 instead of 7 (for a swimming thing), and I kept Jannie to play with Eme. Kid swap, you know :)
We ate dinner, got ready, and headed for the football field at 5:45pm. Tom practiced, the kids played at the park, and Hilary came to hang with me eventually. Captain America came a bit late to coach, but he came.
At 6:50, we loaded back up in Hilarys car (leaving my truck at the park), and the kids and us drove to the church. Tom had forgotten his extra clothes, so he went to scouts in a tshirt, football pants, and no shoes. Cleats don't go in the church. Poor kid. He wasn't too happy.
The little kids spent the entire time playing in the gym. They ran around ,and had a great time :) The grown ups got a chance to chat and giggle and have fun, so it was good all around. And Jake had his board of review, and is now a 1st class scout! Way to go, Jake! Eagle is only 16 months away :) You can do it, my friend!!!
At 8:15pm, meetings were done, and the boys were back from swimming, and we gathered our kids, and headed back to the football park. Hilarys hubby took her kids home, and she took me to my truck.
The kids and I headed home, and of course Joe and Jim fall asleep :) I was able to carry in Jim (although he's heavier than his big brother), but made Joe wake up, because he was WAY in the trunk. hehehe.
Captain America was home a few minutes after, and we got the kids to bed, and hung out for a little while. And here it is, 11:29PM, and I'm almost done for the day. If I was smart, I'd design some more. But I'm tired. Hmmmm, when is this gonna get done....
Tomorrow Hilary has the day off, and we'd planned to PLAY for a while. Kids get out of school at 3:30pm, and we have a fancy dinner at 6pm. Maybe, if I skip the park tomorrow, I can design for those 2 hours, and get all my work done. And still play the majority of the day? Do you think? That'd work, right? I already have 1 of the 5 designed...... I'm such a slacker :)
Oh yeah, and remember, this is a blog train. We live in lots of different time zones. Don't freak out if someone isn't hooked up yet. They will be. Maybe they were late like me last month - hehehe. Yeah, not so good for me - ha!
Click on the links below to go to my accounts to download the zip file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!
Next stop? Click HERE to go to Brandi's Digiscraps, the next stop on the blog train :) And if you ever get lost, just click HERE to go to the main page...
Next stop? Click HERE to go to Brandi's Digiscraps, the next stop on the blog train :) And if you ever get lost, just click HERE to go to the main page...

Beautiful WA! Thank you!
Just a thought - You could totally skip the park today. I won't be there. Gotta get kids and then take Meghan to the pool by 4:00 to listen to a thing about the swim team offered. She really wants to join and I guess this is orientation? Then we have an open house to go to to try and get kids into some charter school versus leaving them in this wonderful school district called El Paso ISD! But I really like the school Jake does, so we may be doing that for both Nathan and Meghan next year.
Also, by the sounds of your last few posts, do I even work? ROFL! However, I am sure my name will be mentioned less and less in April! Hmph!
Well, I guess I'll actually see you in a bit so we can walk!
Thanks Bethany! These are great.
Love it!
Thank you so much for this post. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 19 post on Apr. 01, 2010. Thanks again.
I downoaded and forgot to leave some love, so I came back. I just wanted to go through this train quickly, it is so cute. Love the word art. Thanks for sharing.
Thank you.
Thanks for the great WA. I've been scrapping my son's mission and these will come in handy.
Awesome wa for the kit. THanks
Thank you! Perfect for Conference Weekend! Your the best!
Just love your word art! So great for church newsletters! Thanks so much for sharing with all of us!
Thanks so much.
I love your word art! Thanks for sharing! I love reading your blog, you amaze me. I have six kids and don't seem to get half the things done that I need to.
Gorgeous!! Thank you!
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