Howdy hey, peoples :) So, productive day for me! I woke up at regular time, got kids ready and out the door and off to the bus, then sat down with Jimmy for a while in the morning. The kids were pretty surprised to wake up and find a HUGE TV in the living room. Hehehe.
Jimmy and I watched some PBS cartoon, then I got ready for my walk. I met Andrea at her house at 8am, and we walked for a little more than an hour. It was a nice walk. It feels good to be out on SUCH a nice spring day. It was supposed to be in the 80’s today. Sa-weet!
After the walk, I sat down for some computer work. I had products to load in the store, and time allocated to do it. I worked for 2 hours straight, and got almost all of the way through the “c”’s. I loathe loading the store, I’ve decided. It’s NO fun at all. And it takes me about 3 minutes per product. Sigh. I thought I could be quicker, but alas, I can’t. hehehe. I’m good, but I’m not that good :)
Jacob got done with school early, and did some chores, and worked on his merit badge for scouts for a while. I was clipping along nicely, until I realized that it was 3:27pm, and the bus was gonna get to the bus stop in 3 minutes. I threw down what I was working on, and ran for the bus. I made it, luckily – hehehe.
I took Joe and Eme, and Veronicas kids back to my house, and we waited for Veronica to deliver Tom from AQ. The kids did their chores, and and cooked some soup for dinner. A HUGE pot, so there’d be left overs for the next few days for Captain America to take to work with him.
At around 5pm, I went to Sams Club with Hilary. I left Jake in charge. I came back home real fast to pick up Tom at 5:40pm to take him to Football practice, and noticed that Joe was napping on the couch. Weird, but not totally out of place. Oh yeah, side note, poor Jake has to drop out of Football. When we signed up, they told us that games were on Saturdays. Well, apparently his teams games are on Sundays, and we don’t do organized sports like that on Sunday. He was pretty disappointed, but it doing ok with it now. Maybe in the fall….
The kids seemed fine, so we headed out. We dropped Tom off at practice, then headed back to Ft. Bliss to pick up Hilarys hubby and drop him off at another location. We headed to the Transmountain Walmart, needing to fill a prescription for her daughter, Janie. She has strep throat.
Well, Walmart had a 2 hour wait for prescription. Yeah, we didn’t have that kind of time. So, since it was 6:30pm, she and I went to Whataburger for dinner, then headed to Walgreens for the prescription. 20 minutes. Yeah, much better.
While we were there, Jake called and said that Joe was puking. Apparently, he’d been standing on the kitchen counter, putting toast in the toaster, and slipped. And hit his head on the way down. And then laid on the couch and fell asleep. I saw him when he was asleep from the fall. Yeah, nice babysitter. I guess that’s the first aid day that he missed in Babysitting class. He’s taking that part in 2 Tuesdays….. Sigh. You try and cover all the scenarios, but sometimes they slip through the cracks.
Anyway, we left Walgreens, and she brought me back home. Joe was laying on the couch with Jake, looking pretty lethargic. Not a good sign, right? I made him stand up, and move around, and he instantly ran to the bathroom to puke. Another not good sign.
Captain America got home right about that time, and I called around to a few friends, and they said that yeah, I should take him into the ER. So we packed up, and headed off. Captain America put the rest of the kids to bed, and Joe and I spent a fun filled night at the ER.
The nurse who checked him in said that yes, if you puke you should come to the ER, but that he thought that Joe was fine. But that the doctor should still look at him. So we sat down for about 15 minutes, then went to an urgent care waiting room. And waited for a very long time. I’d brought my laptop, so at least I got some designing time in. Joe just kinda wadded up his coat, and dozed most of the time.
At one point, the family sitting in front of us had their 7 year old, who’d just got stitched, come back to them, and got nauseous. Luckily, Joe had a bowl from the nurse, and I held it out for the little boy so he could puke. Him mom was holding a tiny baby, and once she passed the baby off to someone else, took over the “puke bowl holder” job. Hehehe. It’s just what us moms do. LOL!
Finally, we were called back to a room. Joe laid on the bed, and instantly fell asleep. I designed. 3 WordArt packs, and ½ my blog post. Sweet! Finally, the doctor came in. He tried to wake Joe up, but the child was out cold. He’s a very heavy sleeper. The doc looked at his eyes, and listened to what happened, and said that Joe was fine.
So I packed up my laptop, my purse, put Joe’s coat on him, and carried him to the truck. Luckily, the windy El Paso air woke him up, and he was able to walk to the truck. The kids’ not as heavy as Jim, but he’s still 50bls. And all legs and arms. Kinda awkward – hehehe.
I was pretty tired, and managed to get us home. Here it is, 11:38pm, and I’m done blogging. Just need to design a quick WordArt freebie, and I’m off to bed. I have a Dr’s appointment tomorrow for my plantar warts to get frozen off. Yippee! I hope it’s not too uncomfortable. Wish me luck – ha!
So, in honor of my trip to the ER, here's a WordArt for ya! Click on the links below to go to my accounts to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

Glad he is ok! Scary!
Your comment about all arms and legs reminded me so much of my boys. Glad he's ok--that's scary to be sure. Thought I'd write and say 'hi' today...Hi!...I'm a lurker, such an descriptive word don't you think? Love your work, thanks for sharing!
Glad he's okay. My parents called me "Boo Boo" growing up. I'm sure they saw more ERs then they ever wanted to.
I love your work and appreciate your kindness very much in sharing your fab wordart.
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