Layout by Trina
Another crazy busy day... The beginning of the week was really quiet, but I'm making up for it with the end... hehehe.
I got up at 7am, and Tom as sitting at the kitchen table, reading. Eme was still in her room, Jake was still in his room, Joe was still in his room, and Jimmy was sleeping on the couch. Odd, but whatever.
I woke up Joe and Eme, and got them ready for school, and out the door. Jim didn't even wake up. I went in my room, checked the emails, facebook, etc, and SO wanted to go back to nap. BUT, Andrea texted me, asking if we were walking. Sigh. Yes, walking would be the smart thing to do. Captain America came home minutes before I left, and he got Jake up for the day. Jimmy was STILL sleeping on the couch. Not a good sign.
So I went walking, just Andrea and I, then came back home to get ready. Captain America had moved Jimmy back to his bed, and I went to check on him when I got back. Poor little boy looked really sleepy and sick. I moved him back to the couch, and put on a movie for him. I got him some crackers, some gatorade, and went to get ready for the day.
Jake was clipping along nicely with his school, and the day was going great ;) Hilary came to my house right before lunch, and we left to go out to eat with the girls. Jake was almost done with school, and Jimmy was all snuggled in and going fine. He's easy to babysit when he's not feeling well - poor kid. And I did look inside his mouth, and it was a bit red, but looked ok.
So we headed out, and went to the restaurant. It's called BJ's, and was really yummy. Laurie and Hilary and I had been there before, and this time we took Hilary and Andrea and Veronica. We all had soup and sandwiches and salads. VERY yummy. Hilary was a little stressed, because her hubby was in the hospital for Knee Surgery. We were taking her to lunch to keep her occupied during the surgery. She left a bit early to go back and see him when he woke up. Poor guy.
Veronica left to go back to school, and Andrea and I ordered a dessert- hehehe. OK, not on the diet, but SUPER yummy. Cookies and ice cream :) I was stuffed when we left, needless to say. But lunch with the girls was SUPER fun :)
I caught a ride home with Andrea, and snuggled with Jimmy for a while. I came in my room with me while I designed for a bit, and got my other 2 products designed.
I went to the bus stop at 3:30pm, and left Jimmy home. I knew he wasn't feeling well, and didn't want to spread whatever germs he may have. Jake stayed home with him. He was done with his homework, and had already worked on a merit badge, and was now playing some video games. He'd worked hard all day long.
I got Joe and Eme and William and Cassi (Veronicas kids) and took them to the park. We stayed and played for a bit. Kari and Veronica and I and Kayley. It was a nice afternoon.
I got back to the house a little after 5pm, and checked JImmy again. I found my flashlight, and looked into the childs throat again. Very swollen and whitish patches. And he was saying it hurt to swallow. Sigh. That's not good.
I called Telenurse, and she said that it sounded like Strep. She put in a referral to go off post to an Urgent Care place. I had to leave Jake in charge of dinner, and the kids. I gave him directions for cooking Mac N Cheese. I felt bad, but I had to go. Captain America was home a few minutes after I left, picked up Tom, and they went to footbal practice. Jake only had Eme and Joe to worry about, I guess :)
Anyway, we went to Urgent care, and waited for about an hour to be seen. The doctor looked in Jimmys mouth, and was like "yeah, classic strep". They did the culture, and it was strep. He gave us a prescription, and a total of 1 1/2 hours later, and we were on our way. It seemed like forever :)
I drove back near post, dropped off the prescription at Walgreens, and headed to Walmart. I got Jimmy a kids meal at the McDonalds inside the Walmart, and an ice cream. The child didn't eat much, but I think he really liked the toy - LOL! It was from the movie "How to Train Your Dragon". He was pleased.
We went and bought some popsicles, and some soup, and I got some makeup that I was out of, and we paid, and headed back to Walgreens. OMGosh, it took FOREVER! I waited and waited and waited in line, in the drive up, and FINALLY got the meds. AND, they were out of droppers. Sigh. He said that the first dose was 1 1/2 tsp, so I could at least figure that out :)
I got home, unloaded the truck, got Jimmy to bed, and sat down for a while. I was pooped. Captain America had put the kids to bed, Jake and Tom were working on cleaning the kitchen (such good kids!), and I sat down to blog. And watched a movie on my big TV - hehehe. "Not Without My Daughter (1991)". Did you see that one?
Anyway, it's 11:14 pm, and I've gotta go make a freebie. Then post it. Then go to bed. I'm sleepy :)
This WordArt is in honor of Jimmy - ROFL! I wonder how many/how fast the rest of the gang will get Strep...
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

Love the germs!! Thank you so much!!
We have strep here too. Blech!
Hehe, I had to chuckle when I saw your freebie - Maybe I should use it with the picture of my 3yo sitting on the toilet while licking brownie batter off the mixing spoon! :)
Thanks for the WA...and I hope that he feels better soon! Sending a Cajun hug!
Thank you for freebies. Link on your post was added to Lori's freebie list
Thank U for sharing!:)
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