I told Tom and Eme that kids needed to clean their rooms before they ate candy, and they said that they'd pass the word along :) hehehe. Captain America and I headed for the shop. BUT, I didn't know where we were going, and he was in front of me, and thought I knew.
I also thought that he'd said to not drive the truck over 50mph or it would break, so I was slow boating it on the interstate. Sigh. Apparently, he'd resended that a while back, but I missed the memo. My bad. Anyway, he exited after the New Mexico boarder, and I kept on going. 3 miles to turn around, then 3 miles back, then we caught back up with each other, and found the place.
We dropped off the truck, and headed back to El Paso in the same car. About 5 minutes later, we got a call from the guy saying that he needed the tool/key to some wheel part. Sigh. Turned back around, and went to look for it. I guess a kid had played in the middle console part and lost it. Double sigh.
Captain America was supposed to be at the Football game with Tom at 10am, and it was now 9:30am. Yeah, there's no way. The truck repair dude said to go to a shop in Downtown El Paso and get the part. SO, we went there, then briefly stopped by the house so I could get some better clothes/contacts, and headed back to the truck place.
Captain America stayed with the dude, and I headed home. I didn't get there until around noon. So much for our plans. I took a little nap, then spent the rest of the day at home. Don't remember what time Captain America got home, but he said that the truck was running a lot better. And it was all fixed. Thank goodness.
We gave the kids Easter their presents (half from my mom), and they had fun playing with them for the rest of the day. Legos, and hot wheels, and baking sets. I think they had a good day. I loaded a TON of products into my store, and chatted with Joy, the girl whose helping me repackage my stuff.
Kids went to bed at 7:30pm to sleep or read, and at around 8 or 9pm, I helped Captain America clean the bedroom. I'd gone in at one point, and EVERYTHING was piled on my side of the room. Nice. We worked together (mostly), and got it cleaned, though. I organized/threw away stuff, and he vacuumed behind me, and he organized his own stuff.
As I was looking for an Easter Themed WordArt idea, I found this on LDS.org, and thought I'd share it. Perfect sentiment for Easter, I thought...
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

Happy EasterBunny day to you and your family! ;)
Thanks for the great wordart!
Bethany, your word art is amazing. I use it so often on my pages. I woke up this morning trying to figure out how to do an Easter title with the year on it also. You solved my problem and did a beautiful job. I cannot tell you how much sharing your talent with all of us has meant to me. Enjoy Conference! Happy Easter!! Dawn Southard
Just a quick note to let you know that a link to this post will be placed on CraftCrave in the DigiFree category today [04 Apr 02:00pm GMT]. Thanks, Maria
Thank you so much for this post. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 6 post on Apr. 04, 2010. Thanks again.
Happy Easter to you & your family! Bless you and Thank you! You ROCK!
Bethany, my friend told me about you yesterday. I am actually not familiar with word art, but I would love to learn. In I am writing in regards to Ft. Bliss. I am also LDS, and my husband is going to graduate from dental school in May. After graduation we will be stationed at Ft. Bliss. I know nothing about El Paso. I was just wondering if you could give me some tips on where to live and things like that. If you could call me my phone number 215-233-0689 or email me at fourdimples@msn.com. I would really appreciate it. Thank you soooooo much in advance :):)
Thank you for sharing the beautiful video; and thank you for the beautiful Easter WA! Bless you and Happy Easter! :0)
thank you!!
Thanks so much for this lovely word art! :)
Thank you for this WA. It's awesome!
What happened to your old Blog title? It rocked! The new one doesn't!
thank you!
Thank you for this wordart. It was perfect to use on my kids pictures as you can see here on my blog: http://ambersantics.blogspot.com/2010/04/helmar-secret-keeper-card-total.html
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