Joe and Jim woke up shortly after that. We walked a few PBS cartoons together, then I left Jake in charge, and went on a walk with Andrea and Veronica. It was a short walk, because Veronica had class at 9:30am, and had to leave Post at 9:00am. But, it was a walk, none the less - hehehe.
Back home, loaded some more products in my store, watched a Movie with the little boys, helped Jake decide what to do for his Science project, texted Hilary a bit, Captain America came home for lunch at around noon, and hung with him for a while, then back to whatever I was doing after that. Oh yeah, I did figure out that, on average, for the hours that I'm awake, I send and receive a text every 30 minutes. Crazy, I know. 2100 ish texts for the month. Good thing I'm on unlimited. hehehe.
At 1:50PM, I headed to the TMC (Troop Medical Center, or something like that - Army doctors office) for my 2:10 appointment. See, I have plantar warts on the bottoms of my feet. I know, gross. Warts. Hush, hush, don't talk about it. Well, I do. And I'm still a good person - hehehe.
Anyway, I'd been trying to set up this appointment since last year. When I only had 3 plantar warts. It's now 8. Sigh. But, whatever. It's the armys fault, cause they wouldn't schedule it. But whatever. 3 weeks ago they scheduled this appointment, so here I am.
I was called back, and the dude who showed me to my room seemed embarassed to even say the word wart. He was like, pointing to my chart, "is this what you're here for", and it said "Wart Removal". Um, yeah. WART. It's not a bad word. I didn't play footsie with frogs. Probably picked it up from the pool. The pools not a bad place... Sigh.
Anyway, went back to the room, and the doctor came in in just a few minutes. He looked at my feet, and laid it out for me. He said that he could use the tools that he had there in the doctors office, which weren't right for the job, and get part of it, but not all of it, and have to have me come back a few times to finish it off, or he could refer me to a podiatrist. I asked what would be best, and he said the podiatrist.
SO, he put in the referral. Sigh. Now I have to wait 3-4 days for them to call me and schedule me an appointment. Good grief. He said that they have these super sharp tools that dig the wart out. OUCH. That doesn't sound good. It sounds effective, but not good. I think I'll need a friend to come with me for moral support (um, Hilary, or Andrea, or Laurie, or Veronica....). Maybe we could make an event of it. Go to lunch, celebrate my "wart-free"-ness. hehehe. See, there's me, trying to make everything into a party - LOL! Got that from my mom.
SO, I did talk the Doctor into giving me a new prescription for Imitrex, since mine had expired. I waited for just a few minutes at the pharmacy, and then headed home. I was in and out in 30 minutes. Gotta like that.
I got home, worked on the computer for a bit longer, and headed to the bus stop at 3:30. I got Eme, and Veronicas kids, and headed to the park. Hilary came to play, and Kari and Kayley were there as well. The kids had a lot of fun, and although it was cool (65 ish - I know, we should stop complaining), it was super nice when the wind stopped blowing.
We all dispersed at around 5:30pm, and went home. I cooked dinner for the kids, supervised chores, got homework going, got kids ready for church activities. It was all kind of a blur. hehehe. Captain America and Eme and Jake left at 6:45pm for their activities. Tom's was canceled, and there's now no football on Wednesday nights, so he stayed home. I watched part of a movie with Joe and Jim and Tom, helped Joe with his homework for a bit, and put kids to bed.
It's not 9pm, 3 of the kids are asleep. Captain America is still not home with the other 2. When he does get home, we'll put them to bed, and he was asked to come and give a blessing to Laurie's kids (they've got strep throat) with Hilary's hubby, Paul. SO, I guess I should go throw on some better clothes, and get ready. I wanna go too :) Maybe Laurie will wanna borrow a movie, since she's stuck at home another day with sick kids.....
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

My daughter had surgery on both feet for planter's warts. I had never heard of them! They used a laser on her feet. They put her out (she was 11 years old) and about half and hour later she was done. Hope you get yours taken care of! Thanks for the freebie! Love your work!
Thanks for this great WA! It's one of my daughter's favorite sayings.
Great word art Bethany! Sorry that your wart removal has been postponed. That stinks. I know I had planter's warts as a child and I remember being told by the doctor I got them from the swimming pool area at the time. Not fun at all.
I had plantars on both heels when I was in 7th grade. total of 3 on one foot, 8 on the other, b/c you know they just multiply. a year of having them scraped 1/week @ the podiatrist, twice daily application of acid gel, and filing them myself inbetween--they finally went and I appreciated the ability to run in gym class w/o pain. I feel your pain, I really do! I hope your podiatrist is able to get this done quickly instead of dragging it out.
Been there, done that with the plantar's warts...hopefully they'll use the laser but the surgery is better than burning them out with the acid (which takes multiple dr visits)...either fun! Sometimes they multiply before eventually going away all together. Good luck!
Your word art is so wonderful! Thank you for this one. :)
Thank you for your wonderful wordart. I love this quote.
Love this wordart - thank you!
I just retired after 22 years in the Army National Guard and hubby will be retiring in about 5 from active duty. We've been to Germany, Georgia, Arizona, Ohio, and now Virginia with the Army, but never to TX :)
Love it! Thanks so much! BTW, I had a planter's wart removed, too. Not so much fun, but so much better once it was taken out!
I liked your word art and I just had to include it into my favorite top 20 love word art freebies on Digital Scrapbooking Source
Keep up the great work!
Thank you so much!!
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