Hey there! Morning, all :) What a day, what a day :) It started off with ANOTHER migraine. Luckily for me, I have drugs - hehehe. Legal ones, thank you very much. But drugs, none the less. I slept in an extra 30 minutes after taking them, and I was as good as new. It is a bit concerning, though. I'd had a migraine ever since I got back home from St. Louis.... Maybe the weather is messing with me?
Anyway, I was late hoping in the shower, so I didn't get time to really fix my hair the way I wanted it fixed, and then we were late to the dentist. Not so late that they canceled our appointment, but late, none the less. And I don't like being late.
I guess it didn't really matter, because our appointment time was 9am, and it was well after 10:30am before they called us back. Sigh. I sat in the dentist office FOREVER. At least there were fun things for the kids to do there. Games and TV and such. But it started to drag on, even for them...
Jimmy playing in the waiting room
Finally, the called us back. I had a BUTTLOAD of paperwork to fill out. Paperless paperwork, if that makes sense - hehe. They had those electronic signature thingys that I had to sign on. 4 per kid, or something crazy like that.
They took the kids while I was filling out paperlesswork (ha!), and xrayed them, and cleaned their teeth, and gave them a fluoride treatment. I'm assuming they did fine. I wasn't there to crowd control :)
Then we had the chat with the dentist. Jake had good teeth. No cavities. He recommended sealants, so he didn't get any. And braces. Really? I was like, yeah, no, he's good :) hehehe. We don't have money for braces.
Tom had one little cavity, Eme had a few cavities, and a real nasty one, Joe had 3 getting bad ones, and Jimmy had 3 not too bad ones. Sigh. I guess that's what happens when you don't take your kids to the dentist for 3 years. We didn't have insurance in Ohio, no place to go in Oregon those 6 months, and I'm just now getting around to it in Texas. Note to self: Don't wait so long next time....
The bill was gonna be almost $1200. I told the hygenist that I had $400 to work with, to show me what was the most important. Eme. So, Eme was the winner, er, loser, um, winner? hehe. We scheduled her for next week, and she's gonna get everything taken care of.
I need to save some more money, then it will be Joe's turn, then Jim's, then Tom's then Jakes. In that order. Hopefully I can save fast enough that the things that aren't important now won't be then.... Children are fun, aren't they...
Here's my "I ain't happy" face - hehehe
Anyway, we left the dentist at about 11:45am, and headed to free lunch. We got there the same time as Hilary's family, ate, and headed over to her house. We snuck out for a few minutes to go to Walmart, then collected some of the kids and headed to the movies. The big boys didn't wanna come, so we left them at home. Cause they're old enough to do that.
We say "How To Train Your Dragon" at the cheap theater. The little kids sat in the front, and the grown ups sat in the back. And it was nice and peaceful :) hehe.
Both boys fell asleep on the way home. Aren't they cute - hehehe
Check out Joe in this pic. Jimmy is in the backseat, but if you look at Joe off to the right side, you can TOTALLY see his eyes are still open. Nasty! hehee
After the movie, we swung by Circle K, got drinks, then headed back to Hilarys house. I picked up my big kids, and headed home. And we spent the rest of the evening at the house. And it was really nice.
Me on the way home :)
Except for the broken A/C. Sigh. I totally forgot to call during the day. So it was broken AND after hours when I got back home. A thunderstorm rolled through the area, cooling it off outside, but it's still 82 degrees in there. And I'm sweaty. And I don't like it...
Me, mad and sweaty because of the 83 degrees in my house - hehe
And me watching Persons Unknown on my computer. We thought we would be able to watch the 4th episode on TV tonight, but the storm took care of that option...
I designed for a while tonight, and I really had a lot of fun. Studio Rosey Posey has a FABULOUS new kit hitting stores soon, called "Backyard Safari", and I made some WordArts with it. I just LOVE playing with elements, and don't often get the chance. So I was ECSTATIC to play!
Here it is, almost midnight, and I'm tying up my blogging, then gonna design something fun for you. Probably Eclipse themed. Since ITS PREMIERE NIGHT! I'm just sayin...
Are you all going? My group is going to Applebees for dinner at 6pm, then heading over to the theater to wait in line. Couldn't be more excited!
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

Just a quick note to let you know that a link to this post will be placed on CraftCrave in the DigiFree category today [29 Jun 01:06pm GMT]. Thanks, Maria
I came across your blog through another blog and I would like to thank you for all the wonderful word art that you share with us.
A new WordArt fanatic.
$1200 for the dentist? Wow, that's a lot!
I'm really happy that here in Germany everyone has an insurance and that it covers nearly everything - including braces. :-)
It's time for a change for you all in the US. Everybode needs - and deserves - a health insurance!
Greetings, Silvie
Ps - I like your new hair-do!
Yeah, I know what you mean about dentist bills! We have dental insurance but they decided to NOT pay for my crown last year, after telling us they would. Not happy. Not happy AT ALL! I sympathize on the migraines ... It might be the weather. I've noticed a definite tendency to have more severe headaches when there's a change in barometric pressure. Google it and you'll find lots of info on that kind of migraine. Thanks for the word art, too!!
hi.....just found your blog. thanks for the awesome "eclipse" wordart!!!
it's perfect for my projects as i always favor simple & monochromatic. anyway it's extremely elegant so thanks again. i hope you enjoyed the film, even though i'm a touch jealous. our local theater featured
"twilight" and "new moon" prior to the premiere at midnight alas i couldn't afford the $20 each for my daughter & myself. we're going thursday.
Thank you for freebies. Link on your post was added to Lori's freebie list
I can't wait to see Eclipse myself ... Just a few days to go !!
Thank you so much for the wordart !!
Sorry about your migraine, FATIGUE plays a big part as a trigger.... YES I saw ECLIPSE at MIDNIGHT with couple screamin' girls! THANKS so much for this title! -Judy
Thank you for the terrific Eclipse word art freebie! I just wanted to let you know that I featured it in the Examiner.com National Scrapbook Column's daily news today.
The link is:
[Also shortened to: http://bit.ly/csvTrT]
Have a wonderful Wednesday!
:) Irene
Wow, this is freakin awesome! Thanks! :o)
I had to do a double-take when I skimmed over the pics of Busch Stadium! I went back and read (I heart your freebies, and I enjoy reading your blog, but sometimes I get behind, so I just skim quickly to get the jist of things, lol) and saw that it was indeed my beloved STL. :) Glad your man got to see a winner! Did Albert hit any homers for him? We were at the game just a couple days later on the 1st and got to see two -- I'll never cease to be amazed by home runs.
I hope he enjoyed his time in MO! :)
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