Started off not so great - hehehe. I woke up with the same migraine... Boo! I took a miriad of pain meds, and went back to bed. Luckily, it was gone when I woke up again.
At 11am, I got the kids started with showers, and and myself too, and we were all ready for Stake Conference at noon. Check out my new hair style. No, I didn't get it cut, I just tried to fix it a different way :)
We left the house, and drove over to Hilarys house, then followed them to the Stake Center across town.
Lauries family and Hilarys family and my family all sat together on 3 rows. 3 women, 1 man, and 12 kids. Yeah, it's wasn't quite. hehehe. Ages 3-13. Yeah, I bet you wish you were there too - hehehe. Between all the kids, I didn't really hear much, but I'm sure it was great :)
After church, we drove home in the SUPER hot heat (no A/C in the truck, remember), and cooled off. I got the kids a snack, and we all just relaxed for an hour or so. I put some pics up on Facebook, then at around 5pm, we headed over to the Nouhans for dinner. Captain America's still in Illinois, so it was SUPER nice of them to invite me and the kids over :)
We had chicken from the Grill, rice a roni, baked beans, and veggies for dinner. Well, I had the chicken and veggies, which were very tasty! Thanks, Nouhans.
Here's the kids, magically making a pack of Graham crackers disappear with a glass of milk. hehe.
We chatted and hung until 7pm, then I took my rowdy gang home. We cleaned up, watched 1/2 a movie, and I put the kids to bed.
But as I was sitting on the couch (under the A/C vent), I notice a funny smell. Like a burning smell. Couldn't figure out what it was. And that it was kinda getting hot. So I checked the A/C thingy, and yup, it was set for 72, but was reading 75. Yeah, that's not right. I went outside, and listened to the A/C unit, and it was making normal-ish noises. Hmmm. Over the next hour, it went up another 3 degrees. This doesn't bode well for tomorrow....
I called housing, and got their after hours answering service. I told them that my A/C wasn't working, and that I was smelling smoke. The dude said he make a note of it and pass it along. Really? You'll make a note. I told him I didn't want my house to burn down as I slept, and he said he'd pass it along. Thanks. Thanks a lot...
At a little after 9pm, Laurie came over, and we watched some Doctor Who, and here I am, at 11:40pm, sitting on the back patio. Cause it's 76 outside, and 78 in my house.... And it doesn't smell like burnt plastic out here. Sigh.
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

This is lovely and very useful. Thank you. We've had lots of grungy lately, which I love, but it is nice to get pretty again.
Thanks for the great WA. Love your new hair and that shirt is to die for! And it looks great on you. Looks like you've got your weight down to where you want it to be, too. Good job! :0)
I love your wordart and appreciate your time and talent. Thanks for sharing. Also the last few will not download from 4shared. Response ..from 4shared the HTTP re-direct request failed. I was able to download from boxnet.
Thought you would like to know
Thanks so much for the lovely word art! :)
Thank you x
Love your new "do"!
Thank You! This is so elegant!
Hello and Thank you for this Thinking of you word art...
oh man! Hope you got the A/C fixed! Thank you for the Word Art!
Thanks for the great word art. Love your stuff as always. I like finding wordart I can use for my cards!
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