We got to sleep in, then spent a lazy morning at home with the kids. We went to Free Lunch at noon-ish, then the afternoon at home again. At 3ish, Captain America took Tom and went to put in a few hours on his Truck, and I got ready and went grocery shopping. I'd been a few times since I got home from my trip, but only got just a few days worth of items. I really liked buying everything I need for a week, so it felt good to go and get it all done today.
But it was REALLY busy at the commissary. Because it was so close to both payday AND 4th of July, I think. It was crowded, and the shelves weren't well stocked, but I got the things that I needed.
I came home, put away groceries, and cooked dinner for the kids. Pork steaks, mashed potatoes, and green beans. AND we sat at the table together to eat. I was nice.
Captain America and Tom got home at 6:30pm, ate dinner, and then Captain America and I got ready for our date. We're starting Family Scripture reading and family prayer with the kids again (we'd been bad about doing it for WAY too long - time to refocus), and it was really nice to spend that time together.
We put the kids to bed, and Captain America and I headed out. We went to see that new show, "Knight and Day" with Tom Cruise and Cameron Diaz. It was pretty good. I enjoy her. He's looking pretty old - hehehe.
It was nice to spend some time with just Captain America :) After the movie, we went to Walmart and got a few essentials. Like new foundation. Cause my other one was WAY too white. Made me look pastey, and pastey is NOT the look I'm going for. And new hair clippers for Captain America. Cause the old ones are cutting his head. Hair, good, cutting head, bad. hehehe. So hopefully this one will last for a while :)
After Walmart, we stopped at Circle K for a drink (Diet Dr Pepper, you know), then headed home. The MP's were out in force at the gate, looking for insurance and drivers licenses, and drunks. hehehe. You'd think it was 4th of July weekend or something....
Here it is, 12:52pm, and I'm exhausted. I need to design something for y'all, and go to bed. So I can wake up and take my family to the pool. Cause it's fun to go to the pool, you know - hehe.
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

Thank you.
thank you!!
This is perfect for so many of my photos! Thank you! :)
Thanks for such perfect WA which can be used again and again.
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