The ceremony started at 8:45am. They did flags, and National Anthem, then promoted the officers, then the enlisted, then passed out awards. The whole thing took only about 45 minutes. It was a nice ceremony. And only 2 guys passed out in formation. hehehe. Poor guys. They always forget to NOT lock their knees when they stand :)
Here's some pics from the Morning.
Back home, I had the kids do chores, and we got ready for Free Lunch. Captain America came home at 11:45am, we cooked lunch for him, and me, and took it with us, and we all headed to Free Lunch. It was really nice going together. The kids ate Chili, tortillas, and tater tots, with milk and watermelon, and LOVED it :)
We dropped the kids off at home, and Captain America and I went to Circle K for a soda, then he dropped me off at home, then went back to work. I made sure the kids were happy and all set up at home, and I took a nap. It was only an hour and thirty minutes, but it sure felt good. I'd been working on only 4 hours each for the past few nights. Sigh. A nap was good :)
Captain America was home early, too! At 3:15pm, he came home :) He's supposed to be off early on Thursdays, since it's Family Day, but since his XO job was SO demanding, it never happened. He's only subbing as XO until the new chickie gets off maternity leave, so he was able to leave on time! I was excited :)
We spent the evening at home with the kids. We cooked dinner, and ate, and had to run to church real fast for a meeting, but it only lasted for about an hour, then were back home. We played a quick round of Phase 10 with the kids, which they really enjoyed. We all sat at the table together, and talked about what we wanted to do over this 4 day weekend together. The kids all picked out things they wanted to do with just their dad. It was really sweet :)
Captain America and I spent the rest of the evening together. It was really nice just to stay home, and be together as a family. I really enjoyed it :)
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. thanks!

Congrats to Brent! Love this quote...Thanks!
Congrats to your hubby on his promotion.. and awesome word art once again girlie!!
love it, thank you!!!
Thank you for freebies. Link on your post was added to Lori's freebie list
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