Anyway, this is gonna be real short, since my head is KILLING me, and the light from the laptop is hurting my eyes and head.
Got up at 7:30am, after going to bed at 4:30am, got ready. and headed to the commissary. I got enough food to last through Monday, and headed to Hilarys to pick up 1/2 my kids. I got Eme and Jake and Jim, then headed to Laurie's to get Jim and Tom. It was SO nice to see all the kids again!
I brought them home, gave them their souvenirs, we cleaned up a bit, and I went to try and take a nap. Yeah, it didn't work well. Jimmy ended up coming and snuggling with me, which I thoroughly enjoyed :)
At noon, we had lunch, and at 1pm we went to the pool. Well, maybe it was closer to 2. I can't remember. Hilarys family came and swam too, and Danielles family was there too. We had a good time. It was colder today than it normal is. Only low 90's, so we FROZE when we got out of the water. I know, I ,know.... hehehe.
After the pool, the kids and I made Homemade pizza, I showered and got ready for Stake Conference (church mtg), and Paul and Hilary came to pick me up. I'd set the kids up with a movie, and given Jake directions to put the little kids to bed at 8pm.
We drove to the West side, and went to Conference. I was really tired, but did enjoy it. Brother Horton (a chaplin in our ward) spoke, and so did Brother Blackman (he's pretty cool, and also from our ward). I enjoyed their talks.
After conference, we went to Kohls to look around for a while, then started back home. Right before we got to Kohls, I started noticing signs of a migraine. I'm pretty sure it's from lack of sleep. Well, that's my theory this time, anyway. I wonder if it could be change in humidity.... hmmm.
Anyway, I took a migraine pill before Kohls, but on the way home, it was getting back. I seriously felt like I was gonna be sick. Hilary and Paul dropped me off, I grabbed my laptop, and here I am. Almost done. It's 10:40PM, and I'm gonna finish this up, and go to bed.
Tomorrow at 1pm is Stake conference on the West side. Should be good. AND we get to sleep in. I'm looking forward to that. Unless, of course, this migraine is still around, then we're taking a sick day. Cause I can't drive or function feeling like this...
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

And click HERE to get Oh The Pain 1. hehehe.
Too perfect!!! Thanks Bethany! Sorry about your headache hun. Hope you are much better now. I was lucky enough to spend the whole evening at the emerg. Pain-a-mundo... but got a few prescriptions.. and I am feeling no pain now. Thank goodness!!! TY again... and here's to no more pain!!!
DiAnna :)
So sorry you're not feeling well, Bethany!
Sorry to read you are in pain.
I got something you might want to try out...
I'm in love with F.lux, a program that adjusts the hue of your screen according to the time of day/night.
Makes being on the computer during the night sooo much easier on the eyes....
"Ever notice how people texting at night have that eerie blue glow?
Or wake up ready to write down the Next Great Idea, and get blinded by your computer screen?
During the day, computer screens look good—they're designed to look like the sun. But, at 9PM, 10PM, or 3AM, you probably shouldn't be looking at the sun.
F.lux fixes this: it makes the color of your computer's display adapt to the time of day, warm at night and like sunlight during the day.
It's even possible that you're staying up too late because of your computer. You could use f.lux because it makes you sleep better, or you could just use it just because it makes your computer look better."
Would it make you cross if I said, "I feel your pain!" ? I, too, get migraines and all I want when I am having one is dark and quiet. Imitrex worked for me for a long time - and then I had a heart attack and I can't take it anymore. I hope you find something that works for you.
Thanks so much for your word art - I don't always remember to say "Thank you" but I do love your work so, "thank you, Thank You, THANK YOU!"
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