Click HERE to go to my store to check out the AWESOME stuff this week :)
I was SUPER tired when I woke up this morning, for some reason. I snoozed in WAY too long, and by the time I prayed and read scriptures, it was 7:15am. I barely got the kids out the door on time. And yeah, I totally went back to bed after eating breakfast. And woke up at 8:40am, and freaked out because I thought that I'd forgotten to wake up and get the kids ready, and that they'd missed the bus. hehe. So I was kinda startled awake by myself, if that's possible. hehe.
Jimmy wanted to play the Wii, and instead of doing something else, or going somewhere, I decided to sit with him on the couch and crochet. I bought stuff yesterday to make a scarf. It took me a while to remember how to start it, but I eventually figured it out. hehe.
I came back home, and got on my 46 inch laptop and worked on my store. I got a bundle ready, and loaded a product. And it wasn't as easy of a job as I thought it was gonna be, because I kept having typos. Dang hehe. But I eventually got it figured out.
At lunch time, Jake and I started watching season 1 of Fringe. And I didn't realize it, but the first episode is SUPER long. So he got a much longer lunch break that I thought he was gonna get. hehe. I crocheted some more, and watched, and he and I had a very pleasant lunch break.
Here's my progress so far, after watching the first episode of Fringe
And I got back home JUST in time to pick Jimmy up from the bus. We came back home, and I went to the garage and started looking for Halloween costumes. I knew that one of the boxes had costumes in it. I was looking for Captain America's Cesear costume. I knew it was there....
And I finally found the right box. And it had a TON of costumes that I forgot that we had. Like this pirate one...
And then I went in my room and worked on my costume. I got the wig out, and brushed it real good. And it didn't look so bad. I trimmed up the bangs a bit, and tied some ribbon for a crown, and it was good to go!
We got home around 4pm, and I told the kids to hurry and do their chores, then get on their costumes. I put mine on, and it took WAY longer than I thought it would. hehe. But I liked the finish results, so it was all good.
Joe decided that he wanted to be a Red Coat also, so it was a good thing that we had 2 costumes for that. hehe. And Tom wanted to wear the costume that Captain America wore for the colonial thingy. It was a little big on him, but looked OK. And Eme was Athena, the greek goddess. I put a little make up on her, and she was good to go.
Don't we all look good?
We got to school, signed in, and bought some dinner. $0.75 for a slice of pizza, $0.50 for a soda, and $1.50 for nachos. Everyone got one of each. Here we are eating dinner. Well, I got a nachos and a soda....
Here's Jimmy and I
Here's a few pictures of the craziness that was Monster Math night
Veronica invited me to lunch tomorrow at Olive Garden with her and some friends, and I asked if Maggie could come too, and she said yes. So we're gonna go at noon tomorrow, and I'm SO excited. Love me some Olive Garden!
We headed home at 7pm, and we cleaned up the costumes, and got them all ready for Trick or Treating. And I sat down to load my store the rest of the way, and Jake and Tom volunteered to get the little kids to bed. Well, they kinda bargened with it. "If we put the little kids to bed nicely, can Tom and I watch a short movie in my room" was the deal. OK, sounds good to me. One did scriptures and prayers with Joe and one did it with Jim. SUCH great big brothers!
I got my store loaded, and just as I was starting on my blog, Captain America got home. Around 8 something. Poor guy works SO hard. He looked at my pics from the day, changed, and got his truck "driveable", and he and I took his truck and my truck out to the shop. And we drove back home together in the suburban. That kinda took a big chunck out of the evening. Hmpf!
We spent some time together at home (since I haven't seen the man in FOREVER, or so it seems...), and after he went to sleep, I finished up my blog. And now it's late, and I'm sleepy. I'm gonna blog some during the day tomorrow. No more waiting till late to blog. I'm too sleepy for that. hehehe :)
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

looks like you all had an amazing time and you all looked fantastic.
Thank you for this wordart. I have just the photo to go with it ~ my nephew when he was about 10 or 11, dressed up as 'a lady' in his younger sister's skirt and top complete with wig and handbag!!
Thank you so much for this post. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 8 post on Oct. 29, 2010. Thanks again.
Great costumes! Looked like a lot of fun! Thanks for the word art too!
Thank you for your freebies. Link on your post was added to PickleMouse freebie list
You look BEAUTIFUL with bangs and long hair! Wow! Nice costume... was it Cleopatra? Thanks for the wonderful freebie word art. I do nto know how you do so much in one day! Thanks! Crabcakes
PS LOVE your daughter's glasses!
Dear Bethany,
thank you so much for sharing your talent and work with us - I really love it - and I love to read your blog :)
Happy Halloween!
thank you!!
You and the kids looked great in your costumes. Thankyou for the WA
You did amazing with that costume, and with your makeup as well - I wouldn't have guess that was even you! In fact, all the kids looked great too - and you even all coordinated! :)
Always love your photos! Thank you for the fun word art! :)
Thank you for the word art!
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