I woke up at 6:35, 6:45, and 6:55 am (ha!), got up, got kids dressed and ready and family prayered and everyone out the door at 7:30am. Captain America had to be out the door then too! And Jimmy! It was parent teacher conference day, so the preschoolers from both morning and afternoon sessions went from 8-12 ish. So Jim rode the bus with the big kids!
I walked to the bus stop with the kids, and waited around for the bus to come at 7:45am. And then headed back to the house. And yeah, Jake was still asleep, and Jim was at school, and Captain America was a work, so yeah, I totally went back to bed! ROFL! And I woke up around 9am. I said my prayers and read my scriptures, and went to check on Jake. Jake was up and dressed and fed and doing school. What a great kid!
Leslie was supposed to do my hair at 10am, but had to postpone till tomorrow. That's cool, more time for me to be lazy - ROFL! Anyway, I decided that today was the day to tackle my super messy bedroom. And I totally should have taken a before picture, because the different was HUGE. Piles of clothes and stuff everywhere. I know that I'd said I was gonna clean a few months ago, and made piles in laundry baskets.
All the electonics/movies/random crap in one pile, all the bills/paper type crap in another pile, clothes in a pile, donate stuff in a pile. And yeah, they got up in laundry baskets, then moved to the back of the closet. I think I have about 4 extra laundry baskets now that the room is all cleaned! ha!
I threw a bunch of stuff away, and put up some stuff, and hung up a TON of clothes. And it really did look a lot better. Wanna see? Here's some pics of my closet and my jewelry :)
And I decided to let Jake babysit, because there was no way I was taking 3-5 kids to school for a parent teacher conference if I didn't have to. I told them to do their chores while I was gone, and that they could play outside with their friends when I got home if the chores were done. Works for me.
So I drove up to the school for conferences. Here's me on the way.
Next, I went to Tom's teachers, because the 5th graders were doing "drop ins" not appointments. So I caught his English teacher first. And she said what a pleasure he was in class, and how good he was doing. Awe, that's what I like to hear. hehehe.
Next, it was his math teacher. She also said how good he was doing, and how he's improved so much from the beginning of the year. Way to go, Tom! He made 2 B's and the rest A's.
And by that point, it was almost time for Joe's conference at 1:30pm. So I went to the 1st grade hall, and waited outside for my turn. His teacher was running a bit behind.
She said what a very nice boy Joe was, and how she even used him as an example of how to be nice the other day in class. hehe. He needs to practice reading a bit more, but he's doing very good over all. Yeah Joe! Here's a pic of a paper he had hanging up in the hall :)
So I drove home, got myself and the kids a snack, and had enough time to redirect them in their chores, and headed back up. And saw Maggie again! She was just getting out of her conference. And Elijah (from the bus stop)'s mom was there too. It's funny, they send a bus to pick up our 3 kids. So it's always us 3 moms there at the bus. And there we were at our 3 kids' parent teacher conferences, all waiting in the hall together. Too funny!
Here's Jimmy's Halloween Artwork hanging in the hall. His was actually a face! ha!
I came home, and the kids had done their chores, so they got free time. Some played with friends, some watched a movie, since homework was mostly done, some played on computer. It was a nice, relaxing afternoon at home.
At 5pm, I left Eme in charge of French Toast (I'd gotten it all set up for her) and went to take a shower. Because I was FREEZING! And I knew that a nice hot shower would warm me up. And put on my warm, compfy clothes! My favorite new hoodie :)
Once all the kids were in bed, Captain America was done, and we headed out to the store. Jake was left in charge, and we drove to O'Reilly's Auto Parts on Dyer. And they took back the carberator, but didn't have the new one that he needed. But they had it across town. So they got all the paperwork and junk taken care of, and we headed out.
Right next door was a Howdy's, so we popped in for a Diet Dr Pepper. And they had Sonic Ice! SaWEET! Got a quick refill in our 44 oz cups, and off we went.
The other O'Reilly's was about 15 minutes away, so we had some nice chats in the car. The therapist said that my homework this week was to "open my mouth" and express my thoughts and feelings and emotions. And I've been trying a lot harder to do that. And I think Captain America noticed. I just jumped right in, and shared what I was thinking and feeling. It felt pretty good! I'm liking this :)
So we get to the auto parts store, we get the new part, and he chats with the guys some more, and I played on my phone (good thing it didn't die or I may have been a bit bored...) and off we went, home. We listened to Scorpions on the way to the Auto Store, and Muse on the way home. I showed him a few of my favorite songs, and even told him why they were my favorite songs, and what about them I liked. More than just, I like this one... See, sharing feelings and thoughts. Aren't you proud of me?
So we get home, and he's now out in the garage trying to put the carberator in his truck. And I'm inside blogging and designing. On my 46 inch laptop. hehe. And it's 10:25pm. And yeah, he's gonna be really tired come 4:30am. Me? Well, I get to sleep in until 6:35/6:45/6:55 am. ROFL!
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

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