So I woke up at 6:35am, and hit snooze a few times, and finally, at 6:55am, read scriptures, said my prayer, threw on some clothes, and went out to help the kids get ready for school. I had them on the bus by 7:30am.
Captain America was home by then, and I hung with him for a little bit, then got my shopping list ready. And I was actually able to print it out this time. Thank goodness! I got dressed for real (well, if a hat counts as "for real") and headed out to the store.
Jake and Jim were gonna stay home so I could shop faster. Thank goodness! The grocery store is NOT a place you wanna bring little kids. Trust me, I know. I've spent years and years taking ALL of them with me every time I went, and now that I have an alternative, you'd better believe I'm taking advantage of it - ha!
I got all the food I needed for the week, minus soda and nectarines. I won't pay that much for soda, and they had no nectarines. Hmpf! I'll have to go to Walmart...
I headed back home, and Jake and Jimmy helped me unload the car. Here's me in my driveway. I just LOVE that hat. hehe.
We chatted and sang all the way to Savers, donated a bag of stuff, and got right to shopping. And yeah, there were NO blue tags. OK, so I found a few things, but really, nothing. I ended up with 3 shirts, and I found a corduroy red jacket that was NOT blue tagged. $10, but I had a 20% off coupon, so thats not too bad, right?
And Eme got a Columbia jacket for 20% off of $7. It's a nice warm one, too. Score!
The boys and I headed over to Dollar Tree next. I needed Bread and energy drinks for Captain America. Grabbed it real fast, swung by McDonalds drive thru to get Jake and Jim some lunch, and me a biggie soda, and headed back home.
And decided to just drop Jim off at school, since by the time we got home the bus would have been just pulling away. Works for me. Good thing I had him bring his Backpack, just in case. ha! I was prepared :P
Jake and I went back home, and I took a few pics of my new things.
I walked for about 5 minutes to warm up, jogged for about 20, then cooled down for another 5. So a total of 30 minutes for a work out. Not too bad, right?
Here's me when I got home. I was NASTY sweaty. hehe.
We talked about how I was taking negative behaviors and patterns, and switching them for positives. He said he was really pleased with the amount of progress I was making. *blushes* I was very happy to hear that, because I thought I was doing pretty good too! I know I sure FEEL a lot better :) And happy. I feel pretty happy too!
So I got done with my session, scheduled the next one (he was going out of town for a week or so to Hawaii......LUCKY!), and headed out. ANd, since I was RIGHT down the street from the West side Savers, I figured Id swing by and give it a look see. And yeah, there were NO blue tags here either. I managed to find a black knee length skirt for $0.99, a black Hawaiian shirt for Jake for $0.99, and a gray Purdue hoodie for $0.99. I think the small hoodie is my FAVORITE buy of today. hehe. Well, that or the Red coat. LOVE that one, too...
I swung by Walmart for Nectarines (yeah, they were out too, so I got peaches) and soda, and headed home. AQ was canceled, so all of the kids were just getting home when I got there.
And I got an email from my mom right around that time of the MOST ADORABLE cupcakes I've seen in a long time! And I TOTALLY wanted to make them for the Family Home Evening snack. So I got the kids situated, and Eme and I made a quick trip to the Commissary, just us girls, to get the supplies. I already had the cake, but I needed frosting and oreos and M&M's. And we headed right back home.
Eme and I made the cupcakes, and then started on dinner. I made Haystacks. I cooked rice in the rice cooker, and browned up some onions and ground turkey, then added a can of cream of mushroom soup and a few big scoops of sour cream. Then, I put the Chinese crunchy noodles (the correct name escapes me....) on a plate, with the rice, and then the sauce. The kids seemed to like it!
And Leslie's kids came over about that time, so I fed them too, because I had left overs. And then, just as I was about to call everyone in to dinner, a bunny rabbit was spotted in the back yard. And the kids cornered it under a pile of scrap wood. Hmmm. Now I was gonna have to compete with a rabbit....
So, against my better judgment, I let the kids take their food to the back patio table. And yeah, there it sat, while they messed with the rabbit. And of course, the El Paso wind did a number on their paper plates. I know that some of the kids were scraping food off of chairs, trying to salvage what they could. And I should have had more sympathy for them, but I DID try to get them to eat it right away. And had they listened to me..... I'm just saying...
Eme and I took Oreo's, and split them in half, trying to keep all the white intact on one side. Yeah, better in theory. I had to use a knife to get it to stay on one side...
And you frost the chocolate cupcake with chocolate frosting, then put on 2 Oreo halves, add brown M&Ms for the eyes, and an orange M&M for the nose, and voila! You have a cute little owl!
And I ran out of Oreos with white middles, so I used the other sides. And some frosting. And made Evil Owls. ROFL! Possessed Owls...
Captain America got home around 6pm, we had dinner, and around 6:30pm we gathered all the kids back up, and had Family Home Evening. Emeline picked a talk from the most recent General Conference, and gave us a little re-cap. She did a great job. We had a prayer and a song, a lesson, and a closing prayer. Short and sweet and very nice discussion :)
And then we had dessert. And it was OH SO GOOD! And yes, I ate one! OMHeavens, I forgot how much I like Oreos. hehe.
And Captain America and I and our cupcakes
We sent the kids to bed, helped Joe with his homework, I had a work project to get done, then blogged, Captain America did his slide show for work, and here we are, me blogging, him doing someone right next to me on the couch on his computer, and we're both almost done for the night. 8:50pm, and I'm tired and in sore need of a back/neck rub..... Oh sweetheart......
This WordArt is for Alma. She requested it for a card for her sister-in-law who just lost a baby. Sorry, hon :( We miscarried 2 little babies over the years too, and I know how NOT fun that is :(
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. thanks!

This one is beautiful.We lost a grandson in 2003 and I plan to use this in his book when we decorate his head stone for fall. Thanks very much for all u do.
Ruby M
This is so beautiful, Bethany. Thank you. I saw a slightly different version on a greeting card some time ago and fell in love with it. I believe on the back of the card it said it was an old Eskimo saying. Kinda of interesting, I thought. And-d-d, I am SO glad to hear that you are feeling better. Keep up the good work!
It is wonderful to know you are doing better. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and feelings.
Thank you for this, Bethany. I lost my husband in August, and this saying was my favorite one from all the cards I received.
Cute cupcakes! Cute new clothes! Cute word art! Thanks so so so much!!!
Thank you for the word art. The cupcakes were too cute!
Thank you for your freebies. Link on your post was added to PickleMouse freebie list
Thanks so much for the touching word art!
Jenna in Canada
Thank you for the beautiful sentiment.
Beautiful sentiment thank you for sharing
omg those cupcakes are freaking adorable!! :) I am going to have to try that, those are so awesome!! :)
BTW I love your word art and blogs always crack me up. i've got a droid too ;) the self portraits crack me up :)
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