Here's Captain America and I on the way :)
So, to balance out the Man store/Woman store ratio, we headed down the road to Fallas. hehe. I love me some Fallas, you know...
I found a few shirts for $2.50, and got fake Texas Longhorn shirts for Eme and I and Joe and Jim. UTEP colors with almost Texas logos on them. Works for me :)
We headed home, but not before I serenaded Captain America in the car with a loud rendition of Muse's, Feeling Good. One of my favorite feel good songs :)
We were having a buddy of Captain Americas from work over for a BBQ around noon, and I had some cooking/baking to do. And a little cleaning. Very little. ha!
And guess what? You can put Rice A Roni in a rice cooker, and it cooks it! hehe. And I could just leave it and go make get the chicken ready.
And I made the most DIVINE desserts ever. Seriously. And I made them in my new little baking dishes from the Dollar Tree. They were SO yummy :)
And added 4 Tbsp of sugar and 10 Tbsp of melted butter, and split it between the 8 dishes. Then, I prepared the pumpkin part according to the box. The pumpkin mix and 2 1/2 cups of milk. And put a layer in each of the dishes.
Then I took 2 boxes of pumpkin pudding mix (seasonal, too), 2 cups of milk, and 3/4 tub of cool whip, and blended it together for 2 minutes. And divided it between the 8 dishes. And topped it with the remaining cool whip. And chopped up a few walnuts and chocolate pieces and sprinkled that on top. OMGosh. DIVINE!
The guys went to work on the truck, and the kids went to play. Tom and Eme played at the park with friends, and Jake went to the pool with Leslies kids. Joe and Jim played in the backyard for quite a while, and watched a movie for a bit too.
I designed 3 WordArt packs, AND my part for the Impressions of.... for Scrapbook Graphics for November. Yeah, VERY productive, I was - hehe.
Here's Jimmy, being silly
But the other kids had a ton of fun playing and eating hot dogs and cake and stuff. I think I counted 20 kids and 6 families. hehe.
Here's some of the kids on the trampoline.
We let the kids get back to whatever it was they were doing before the party, and Captain America and I had dinner. We were going to go to the movies or the mall or something, but I wasn't really feeling too good. I wanted to just stay home and hang. So we popped in a movie, and watched it with all the kids. And then another one.
And here it is, 8:31pm, and we're 1/3 way through the 2nd movie. I like hanging with my family. They're a lot of fun, and I love them SO much :) So I'm gonna get off this laptop and go pay more attention to the movie - hehe
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. thanks!

thank you so very much for the spiritual uplift today! Love your talented words!! Be blessed! D :)
Love that quote. . sounds like a great day. . its started to rain in Oregon. . not sure if it will stop..:) ha!!
Been a follower for awhile, just wanted to let you know that I love your blog and reading about all your daily adventures. I had to go listen to some Muse to see what all the hype was about ... can see why you are having all these concerts in your car ;)
P.S - I have a contest on my blog this week ;)
Thank you for your freebies. Link on your post was added to PickleMouse freebie list
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