Anyway, they were a few minutes late, but the bus still hadn't come yet, so it was all good. And I REALLY wanted to go back to bed, but I didn't. hehe. I visited with Captain America until he left for work, then tried to convince Jim that he needed to pick up his mess in the backyard. He wasn't having anything to do with it.
So he lost all "fun" privliges until he picked up all the packing peanuts that he spilt last night. And really, there weren't many left. The other kids had helped last night, and the majority of them were cleaned up. It would have taken me about 3 minutes to go around the backyard and picked them up. But he refused. So, since it wasn't cold or raining, or anything nasty, I made him stay outside until he cleaned it up. And yeah, he chose not to.
Check out the "I'm gonna die it's so hard to do" face... The saddest face imaginable...
And at 10:30am, I had Jim come inside to get ready for school. Yup, no cleaning... I got him ready, got the rest of my banana bread muffins bagged up, and headed to the bus stop. I gave 4 to Erin's family, and 5 to Kari's family. Maggie was supposed to get 2, but she missed the bus. hehe.
After the bus left, Kari and I headed to Yoga. I LOVE yoga. It's so relaxing, and yet hard at the same time. We focused on backs. Yeah, those were HARD moves, but I was able to do all but one. Some wheel thing. My arms weren't strong enough to lift my body. hehe.
After Yoga, Kari drove us home, and Jake and I made lunch. Then Captain America came home for lunch, and we hung out for the 30 minutes that he was home. We even sat on the back porch for a while. SO nice. The wind wasn't crazy today, so it really felt like 70 degrees. I wasn't freezing for once. ha!
Captain America went back to work, and Jake and I watched an episode of Fringe. And I designed a WordArt pack. Last one for this week. Yes! I love being ahead of the game :)
I wanted to take a nap, but only had 13 minutes before the bus came. So I took a 13 minute nap on the couch. ROFL! I grabbed a Diet Mt Dew on the way to the bus, and headed out. Maggie and her hubby were there, and he was in uniform. He JUST last week started work. What's that, like 3 months since they got here. Dang, must have been nice! hehe. I hardly recognized him in his ACU's. LOL ;)
Jim and I headed back home, and I decided to take my nap. But yeah, with the Diet Mt Dew in my system, THAT wasn't happening. LOL. So I decided to take a shower instead. And get pretty. Because it had been too long. hehe.
Joe was home just as I got done getting pretty, and Tom and Eme shortly after that. I had kids do chores, and I did a few chores too. And I made sure that everyone did their homework, because we had Wednesday night activities tonight, and I didn't want the kids being up EVEN later than they had to...
Here's a few pics I snapped of us around the house.
And then at 4:30pm, Joe and Tom and Eme and I made dinner. Chili. Eme made the Cornbread, and Tom opened all the cans of beans, and Joe dumped in the tomatoes (diced and crushed) and the chili seasoning. And I browned the meat and onions. We all worked together to get dinner done.
Here's the school paper. Tom is on the Newspaper staff, and is in the group picture on the right. And his article is in there. And Joe's class was featured in the paper, and he had 2 pictures taken of him :)
If we have fun at church tonight and take pictures, I'll come back on here and post some :) If not, that's it for me for the day!
Well, I'm back! hehe :) I made homemade chili for the kids for dinner, and when Captain America got home, he had his soup, and I had a turkey burger with steamed broccoli. And a bag of microwave popcorn. OK, so it's not El Taco Tote, but it was pretty good :)
And then we all changed clothes, and headed out to Wednesday night activities. Eme and Jake and Tom all had meetings in our new ward. And my friend, Karin, from the old ward, had asked if they could borrow our HotWheel Derby track for their race. So Captain America and Joe went to the old ward and set it up while Jim and I dropped off the other kids at the new church.
Then Captain America and Joe and Jim and I met at Carls Jr.
Here's Captain America and I with our soda

My laptop. I had Captain America help me with a new WordArt Pack I'm working on. It was kinda fun working together :)
Jimmy getting a drink. I bought a large fries for the boys to share. And Karin had given Captain America a HUGE plate of chocolate chip cookies, so Joe and Jim had some of those too, and we saved the rest for the other kids.

At 8:25pm, Jim and I headed to the new ward building to pick up the kids, and Captain America and Joe headed to the old ward building to collect the race track. I grabbed Eme, Joe, and Jake, who had all had a TON of fun at their meetings, and we headed home. I turned up Muse real loud, and started singing...

Captain America and Joe got home the same time as I did. Whaaat? I guess my "shortcut" isn't so short. I"ll have to remember that one. Robert E Lee gate is NOT faster than Cassidy from Hondo Pass building....At 8:25pm, Jim and I headed to the new ward building to pick up the kids, and Captain America and Joe headed to the old ward building to collect the race track. I grabbed Eme, Joe, and Jake, who had all had a TON of fun at their meetings, and we headed home. I turned up Muse real loud, and started singing...
Anyway, we got home, put kids to bed, and here it is, 9:29 pm, and I need to decide what to do with the rest of the evening :) Watch some Office withCaptain America? Design for a while? Go to bed early? We shall see :)
Tomorrow is gonna be a fun, yet busy, day again. I'm going hiking with Kari in the mountains again tomorrow, and then to lunch with Terra at the bagel shop (yes!), and Captain America should be getting off work early, cause it's family day, and Joe, Jim, and Tom have Mother/Son Movie night at school. We're watching Toy Story III. Should be a good day! AND, I just found out that Captain America has the day off on Friday! Who knew??? hehe :)
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

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Great WA! Thank you.
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