Woohoo! New stuff for the week is here! I hope you like it! Click HERE to go to my store.
Morning, girls! It's turning out to be a SUPER long day for me today. I'm feeling SO sleepy, and I'm not quite finished with my work. No rest for the wicked, eh? OK, fine, I'm not wicked. hehe. I try hard to be good :) I'm happy when I'm doing good. Maybe it should be No Rest for those Anxiously Engaged in a Good Cause? Whatever the case, it's past midnight, and I'm just now blogging. I did get most of my store loaded, though. Just waiting on a few files to upload...
I got up a little before 7am, said prayers, and got the kids ready for school. We said family prayer, and the kids were out the door. I hung with Captain America until he left for work, then got myself ready for my hike. Thursday is our new hiking day. After the SUPER fun hike a few weeks ago, it's now part of the routine :)
I got Jimmy all ready for the bus and school, left instructions for Jake, and here's me, in my hiking outfit. Either that, or I'm gonna rob a bank. Because I look all shady in my black. But maybe the pink Hello Kitty backpack gives me away. Too stand out-ish?
Here's a tarantella we found on the trail. We were staying WAY back, but when it didn't respond at all, we finally poked it with a stick to see if it was alive, and yeah, it was dead. I think if it had jumped, I would have peed myself. hehe.
We ended up climbing up the side of the mountain, and way below, past the valley, and up the next hill, was the trail. Yeah, I wasn't sure how we were gonna get over there, but it was ok. I really wanted to continue up to the top of the mountain/hill we were on, so we pushed ahead. And guess what? The parking lot was JUST on the other side. Good thing we pushed ahead, and didn't blaze a path down the mountain and up the other side. hehe.
It was SUPER fun. I was totally sweaty by the time we got back to the car, but it was WELL worth it. Great workout! And I had SO much fun chatting with Kari. She's originally from Wyoming, and is my kind of person :) Thanks, hon, for inviting me on your hiking adventures!
Here's me and my El TAco Tote food. I was STARVING from hiking, and ate a TON of chips. hehe.
AND, I got some more bread. 50 calorie Natures Own, Whole Wheat, plus english muffins, and bagels, and buns, and all sorts of stuff. AND candy for the movie tonight. And bags to put it in, and water bottles and flavor packs.
And then, we headed back to the kids school. Thursday is my day for AQ pick up. But we ended up back to the school 20 minutes early, so we went to Big Lots. Because it's only 3 minutes from the school.
And I found a Halloween Mullet wig for $0.80, so I had to get it. And I got myself a new laptop sleeve. And a few other things. But I didn't buy these wreaths. I just posed with them. ha! And off we went, to get the kids.
Anyway, Captain America was home a few minutes later, and I dished up the kids' food. I left Eme making muffins, and Joe and Tom and Jim and I went to the elementar school for a Movie with Moms/Sons night. It was pretty good :)
We sat by Maggie and Little Jacob, and the kids had fun eating their candy and waters. I even had a bag of candy, too! We watched Toy Story 3, and were home by a few minutes after 7pm. I finally ate dinner, and an apple (trying to rid the chocolate overload from my body!), and helped get the kids ready for bed.
At around 8pm, kids were in beds/rooms, and Captain America and I headed out on a Mini Date night. He has a work function Friday night, so Thursday night it would be. Plus, he has most of the day off tomorrow, so he could stay out late. Me? Yeah, I'm gonna be tired.
Our first stop was the mall. He needed to get his vitamins from Vitamin World. And while we were walking around, we saw this display. I just now noticed that it says not to take pictures. Oops. Really, who would wear one of those???
Check out my cool socks and sandals, Maddie. Don't you like it? I know you're jealous :)
Anyway, I think the real problem was that we were both tired, and we'd been at Walmart WAY too long. And that's what came out. Was grouchy in the car. And I didn't like it.
So, following the directions of my therapist, I called a time out on the conversation. We still needed to go home, I needed to blog, and load my store, and go to bed, because I had to get the kids up at 7am for school. But he didn't wanna end the conversation, but I knew that I could call a "time out", because that's something we've talked about during couples counseling.
SO, he's asleep, still mad at me, and I'm sitting here blogging. I'm gonna design a quick freebie, then go to bed. And hopefully we can get it all talked about in the morning, and be back on happy, loving feelings. Because he doesn't have many days before he deploys, and I wanna spend all the time I can with that man :) Because I like him, you know :)
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

Sounds like an extremely busy day!!
Those booger wipes are different from regular bum-type wipes because, instead of having alcohol in them, they have a saline solution. So that you're not getting a red-nosed little baby. And I think they're grape-scented or something,
I've never bought them. But I met a gal who was using them on her infant a couple years ago. She was all for them. (They're a little spendy for my tastes. I'd just use a warm washcloth. Since I'm CHEAP. :P)
Hope that helps!
Regarding the hats - a number of SF Giants fans will gladly wear that Panda hat to cheer on one of the players - and in fact have. :-) Not sure about the others [such as the pig], but I can see where Marketing folks figured "if a Panda can start it, why not other critters?" :-)
I love Boogie Wipes! Allanna was right - they're so much gentler on little noses...and ya know how when kids with colds wake up in the morning and have crusties all around their noses? Yeah, Boogie Wipes gently get all that gunk off and out. They have them at my local Dollar Store - much cheaper than Wal-Mart. They're definitely worth it, especially in the Winter!
I hope you and Brent worked it all out today. It's so sad to be spatting when he's leaving soon. Saying a prayer for you two.
Thanks for the cute WA.
What great word art! Thank you!
Thank you so much for this post. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 4 post on Nov. 19, 2010. Thanks again.
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