Church was good today. Captain America wasn't feeling well, so he stayed home. SO, I was single-parenting it today. It's always tough. Jimmy seemed to know that I was stressed, and was extra naughty, just for me. Jake kept touching his siblings, but everyone else did ok. Why is it that the youngest and the oldest give me the worst problems?
We worked on getting parts for the Primary Program ready. We told each class what their topic was, then had the teachers take down thoughts from the kids on paper. The little ones drew pictures, the older ones wrote paragraphs. Sister Laird will take them, and "morph" them into our Primary program. Should be pretty good :)
I came home, and Captain America had lunch started for the kids. What a good guy! After lunch, I took a nice long nap. It was SO nice. I woke up around 4:30pm. Can't remember what time I went to sleep. It really was a lazy evening. The kids played Battlefield with the uncles for a while, and I made Italian Meatballs with spaghetti. They liked them pretty good. My batch was about twice as much as I needed, so I froze 1/2 of them for next week. SWEET!
I chatted with my mom for a while during the evening too. She and my dad and my aunt and my uncle had driven to Seattle (6 hours away) on Saturday to a book signing for Glenn Beck. Mom has a crush on the man, I think. They were trying their best to get everyone through the line. The were expecting about 1500 people. 7000 showed up. Dang, Jackson! That's a TON of people. Everyone loves Glenn, it seems. I do enjoy his show. But I rarely get a chance to listen. He's pretty funny, and I agree with most of what he says.
Anyway, my grandma stopped by my moms house while I was there, and wanted to know where her pictures of Emeline were. She's sent Eme a Barbie in the mail, and it came last week. SO, while I was still on the phone with them, I found Eme, got her doll, and took some pictures. Here they are.
Grandma Ida thinks the Barbie should be called 'Jezebell Barbie". ROFL! Too funny, Grandma!

This WordArt request is from Joy Rangel. I just love her name. hehehe. We had a friend when we were first married and lived near St. Louis named Roy Angel. I think it sounds similar. You know, like Stephanie Barty. Or Tim Marty. OK, enough of my weird random tangent - hehehe. My husband is telling me that I'm a dork. ROFL!
Click on the links below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. THanks!

Thank you for all the goodies! Would you like to participate in my giveaway?
I am planning to run another giveaway. I thought it would be fun
for my followers to voite which of the artworks should be the giveaway.
Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 12 post on Sep. 28, 2009. Thanks again.
Very cute blog.. I stumbled across your blog some how. Anyway cute family and cut blog!
Thanks for the WA. You're right, you DO have me interested in The Hunger Games now! I'd never heard of it. Is it really appropriate for kids as young as yours? Are you editing some of it as you read? I'm thinking it will make a good Christmas gift for my 14yo boy, who keeps wanting to get into "horror" type books/movies much to my chagrin (I've held him off so far).
Hmmmm, is it appropriate for young children? I guess it depends on what they are used to. First off, we're a military family. That in and of itself says that we're a bit more "violent" than normal people - ROFL!. My kids LOVE action type movies - Lord of the Rings, Spiderman, Star Wars. Heck, when Eme was 2, she'd grab my wedding ring, caress it, and say "My precious..." just like Gollum. I don't know. Maybe they're just WAY too decensitized to it all. Anyway, the Hunger Games talks about killing and death, but it shows how horrible it is, and I think (I hope) the kids pick up on that.
Thanks for the word art. It was perfect for me to send a "thank you" to a friend today.
Thanks so much Bethany for doing your magic. I didn't expect to see it so soon since I know how busy you are. By the way, love your blog and I check in every day to see how you and the family are doing.
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