After the kids got off to school, I woke up Captain America and reminded him that I needed him to come to the ID place for me to get a new Military ID. His old one said that he was still an E-4. Still enlisted. Not an officer. I knew that would get him motivated. He's very proud (in a good, not bad way) of being an Officer with the United States Army. It was just the motivation he needed!
The last time I went to that particular office, we waited in line for over an hour, and the line moved one or two people. It was out of control. I still had 15 people in front of me. I knew that I needed to come back when I had the whole day to devote to it. SO, we were ready for the long haul. Jake had brought homework, I had a book. We were set.
We get to the waiting room, and there's 3 other people there. Are you kidding me??? This is what I had been dreading??? Seriously, it took us 20 minutes from start to finish. Jake and I both got new ID's. It was SO easy. All this worrying for nothing. I was SO happy.
We went to the Junkyard to return a part that we'd got for the Suburban that one, didn't fit, and two, the mechanics on post said that we didn't need. After that, we stopped at Lowes (did you know they give a 10% military discount???) and got some supplies for the Hot Wheel Derby track and to make a new Civil War reenacting table. I LOVE thatCaptain America's so handy :)
We made it home by noon, and I made the boys' lunch. I made a quick salad, and some Banana Chocolate pudding pie, and wandered down to Adela's for lunch. She made Chicken Tacos and homemade spanish rice. Andrea made chocolate chip oatmeal cookies, Laurie brought chicken in red sauce, what else?? There's was TONS of food. Yummy. Adela and Kim and Laurie and Katy and Andrea and I were there. I just LOVE my girls!
We ate and chatted and hung out for about an hour. Right before I had to go, we practiced our dance for a bit - hehehe. I still don't know my right from my left, and I kept messing everyone up - ha!
I got home at around 2:30, and Captain America and I headed up to the school to talk with Joe's principal. The follow up after his testing. Yes, he scored low on the test. But not the lowest in the class. The teacher and principal said that they could see that he's improving slowly. They thought that with more parental help, he might be able to catch up by the end of the year, and if not, he could just do 1st grade over again.
Um, no. I didn't like that option. First off, they have Joe 8 hours a day. And you want me to spend a few more extra hours a night working with him? The poor kids fried when he gets home. They're wanting to cram kindergarten and 1st grade together for the poor child. We respectfully told the principal that we didn't like that option, and asked what our next course of action was.
He said that we needed to write a letter to the district, including all of our information about the situation, and give it to him. He's give it to his boss, and we'd go from there. Hopefully we'll have some resolution to this soon. If they refuse totally, I guess we'll make due. I'm just hoping that someone from the district level will understand where we're coming from. Poor Joe.
We got home before the kids were out of school. I took Jim and Eme and Tom and Joe with me to the commissary to pick up a few items for some dessert for Tuesday night. Cream Cheese frosting and White Melting Chocolate. I'm making THIS, but with German Chocolate cake instead of Red Velvet cake. I don't know how she makes hers quite so pretty. Mine aren't so nice. But I'm sure they still take the same :)
Jake had wrestling practice, and by the time we got back from the commissary, Captain America had already taken him up there. At bedtime, I read the kids another chapter in the Hunger Games, and Jake got home for the tail end of it. He'd accidentally (um, yeah, whatever) read a chapter ahead last night, so it worked out perfect. We're all back at the same place again :)
Captain America got a phone call from a buddy of his who needed a ride home from the airport at 10:45pm on Monday night. It's 10pm right now. Captain America's sleeping, and gonna wake up in about 30 minutes and rush to the airport. I think we live about 5-7 minutes away. Not too bad. I told him, it's too bad your friend is a boy and I'm a girl, or I would have totally picked him up and taken him where he needed to go. I'm up this late anyway. Oh well. Captain America seemed pleased to be helping a friend.
Tuesday is lunch at the USO and our girls party in the evening. I'm also going to Andreas at some point to work on Cub Scout props for the Pack meeting. Should be a fun and busy day!
This WordArt request actually comes from my husband. He wanted me to scrap a page with my new niece. Captain America's younger brother, Josh, and his wife just had a BRAND new baby girl. She's SO cute! And Captain America thought that she should have an original WordArt to go with her layout, and that I should give it to you guys too! SO, here it is. Click on the link below to go to my accounts to download the PNG file, and leaves some love if you like my work. Thanks!

Again, I must say that you do great work. It is definitely stunning. I was trying to download an older submission of yours... We do not remember the days, we remember the memories...and it said the file was not valid. Is there any way that you can fix this for me. Thanks a bunch.
Chris Roe
Always ask EVERYWHERE if they give military discounts. Not only does Lowes give them, but so does Home Depot. You can even go to restaurants and get discounts. Oh! You can get military discounts at Sally's Beauty Supply too! So many places, I can't even count. It's REALLY good when you're next to a military base (we're not) because even more people will give them to you. I even called a professional photographer and asked if they give them. Normally they don't, but they said they would. How awesome!
Bethany, I know you know all that I'm going to say, but I just have to comment. Parents always have the final say in dealing with their children regarding school. Do not give up what you think is best! They will give you the whole song and dance why they think he will be fine with a little hard work, but ultimately - it's your choice. Personally I agree with you. Why spend a year of frustration in 1st grade (which can really turn him off from school), when he can get his feet under him in another maturing year in Kindergarten? It may be odd for him to "go back", but that will quickly be forgotten with the pressure released and joy replacing it. To repeat 1st grade would definitely be more traumatic. I realize that they think he will be fine and they may be right; however, is the daily struggle worth it? I don't think so. You want your child to be happy and successful, not frustrated and defeated. BTW - I'm an educator. :)
Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 11 post on Sep. 29, 2009. Thanks again.
My jaw dropped when you said a kid tested lower than Joe. Why did they put him up ? Poor kid - and poor Joe. That "solution" is ridiculous and impossible. Keep pushing - get someone educationally on board with you and also perhaps a doctor? That amount of work for a young child is unacceptable - and if it was an actually job, probably illegal for an adult ! You go girl. Know you are doing the VERY best for your child. XX
Beautiful baby girl! Congrats to your family.
You do more before noon that I do all day! Le Sigh.
Lovely, thanks for sharing.
Thanx for the lovely WA! I couldn't wait to use it for a LO of my BRAND NEW niece LOL
Here's the link:
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