As soon as they were out the door, I crawled back into bed. Jim and Jake were still asleep. I finally woke up at 10:30am. Jake, bless his heart, had started school, got his brother breakfast, and was doing his best to keep Jimmy quite. What a total sweetheart! Extra hugs for that kid!
I spent the day at home, cleaning, playing with the kids, playing online a bit, helping Jake with homework, hanging out with Captain America during his lunch hour. Basically, just a nice, relaxing day at home. I decided that i needed to go get cash, and go to Walmart for a few things, but needed to look at my budget for a bit first. I told Jake that he could come with me if he was mostly done with school. He cranked it up :)
I sat down in my room, and got out all the bill stuff. I cleaned out my purse, and tried to just keep the essentials. When my "organizing" was at the height of its messiness, I broke my tooth while chewing gum. Seriously. One of those "Are you kidding me?" moments. I had a filling on that particular molar, and apparently it had a cavity under it. Crumbled on me. It was SO nasty. That sensation is GROSS. I don't like teeth to start with. I even had to have the neighbor lady pull out one of Tom's dangling teeth way back when. GROSS.
Anyway, since we don't have a dentist, but do have dental insurance, I started calling everyone who took United Concordia. After about 8 calls, I found someone who could get me in immediately. Thank goodness!
I left Jake in charge, and headed out, Dan Brown book in hand. I've been slowly reading it (a first for me), so I still had a lot to read. The office was only 7 minutes from my house, luckily. I got there real quick. I think that was about 1:30. I was all done and finished and home by 3:45pm. I spent a great deal of that time reading. GREAT book so far.
The dentist said that he was gonna fill the tooth for now, but that it needed a crown. Sigh. That sounds expensive, doesn't it. I only have about $50 bucks left in the ole dentist fund. I'm going back on Tuesday for a check up, xrays, and cleaning. It's been an embarrassingly long time since I've been to the dentist. Sigh. Hopefully it's not too expensive to fix.....
I stopped at Sonic on the way home, got a Route 44 drink (under a dollar during happy hour - 2pm-4pm) and a milkshake. I figured that since I couldn't feel 1/2 of my face, eating was out of the question. Before I left the dentist office, the assistant actually told me "Be careful and don't bite off your tongue!" Yeah, not funny!
I got home, and Tom instantly asked to go and play with Sam (Andrea's oldest). I sent him off with a BIG smile on his face. He and Sam seem to get along well. Captain America was home at around 4pm, and at 4:30pm Andrea and I went to the park to watch Kayley's kids for piano lessons. My kids really like playing at the park. Well, the little ones do, anyway. And I enjoy hanging out there, IF I have a friend too - LOL!
We got home at around 6pm, fixed dinner, ate, got the kids situated, and headed out on our date at around 7:45pm. Captain America and I went to the USO again. It's really a neat place.
See the XBox's against that far wall. There's 4 on that wall, and 4 more on a different wall. Sweet! There's pool here too. They were busy when we got there, so we got a Wii game to play. We played Wii pool. LOL! I wasn't too good at it. OK, I was horrible. I was better at the tank game. I did manage to win one of the shooting sports games, though. Well, 1 out of the 4 shooting games we played, but hey, it was a BIG win. Does that count?

It really was a nice date. Even when we do something seemingly silly or trivial, I just enjoy spending time with Captain America. He's truly my best friend!
So as I was sitting in my room on Friday night, trying to decide what I wanted to design for my freebee for Saturday morning, this saying kept popping up in my head. Yeah, so maybe I overuse it. But hey! If the saying fits.... hehehe.
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks

Nice sharing!
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Are you kidding me? This is GREAT! I say this all the time, didn't realize how often until my little man started saying it too...perfectly done as usual! Hugs you my dear!
Love it, Bethany. Thanks for sharing.
Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 9 post on Oct. 03, 2009. Thanks again.
I totally LOVE the USO! :)
I just had two crowns done this summer, both the teeth had previous root canals, and I had porcelain crowns (a little more expensive than gold) and luckily my health coverage paid it all (my plan covered half and my husbands plan covered the other half) The total bill was around $2000!!! Start saving! (I live in Canada though, so maybe yours won't be so much?)
Thank you! Your blog post will be advertised on the DigiFree Digital Scrapbooking Freebie search engine today (look for timestamp: 03 Oct [LA 07:00pm, NY 09:00pm] - 04 Oct [UK 02:00am, OZ 12:00pm] ).
I got that soft, mooshy feeling inside while reading about your night out. Dates are always great when you're married. It doesn't matter where where it is or what you do. I really think it's a form of "making love" in the traditional sense. coz you always feel closer afterwards. Like you've gone to a place that no other part of your life can touch, and it's nice....yea ok so my "soft & mooshy" is a bit patheticly, romanticly sad! lol
Thanks for the freebie, it's awesome! :o)
I KNOW this will come in handy!!
Cute WA. Thanks!
Thank you for sharing your great word art. Have a wonderful day.
thank you for the word art!
I think my last crown (with dental insurance) was like $300 out of pocket! they are somewhere in the neighborhood of $600-1,000 ... I can't remember but know it is not less than that.
Just finished catching up on about a month's worth of downloads . . . thanks for some great wordart!
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