I re-worked my October budget, and printed off my shopping list. I texted Laurie to see if she wanted to come shopping with me. I know, grocery shopping is the most fun thing, but it was nice to get out and see her! Hope ya had fun, girl!
Next home and put the groceries away as fast as I could. At noon, I wandered down to Andrea's house. First stop, Chick-Fil-A. And I discovered that they take a military discount. I'll have to ask next time I go in there. I just had a soda. I was trying to be good on the ole diet.
We went to Hobby Lobby to buy stuff for Adela and Katy to make wreaths for their door. I got a little wreath for my back door. It looks SO cool. I still need Kim to come and help me with my bows.
We got home at around 3:30pm, and I instantly went to my room to design the Hot Wheel Derby awards. They turned out SO super cool! It took me until 4:57pm to get them done, after which I sent them to Wal-Mart's photo lab.
I went outside, and worked on my checkered flag thing. I tied a long rope from the lamppost to the back door of my truck. I stapled alternating black and white pennants to it. It looked AMAZING! I was pretty impressed with myself.
I got everything for the Pack Meeting organized, loaded it into the car, then went to check on Captain America. He was getting the track loaded into the truck. I took Eme with me, and we headed to Wal-Mart. When we got there, the photo lab was closed.
WHAT??? At 6pm??? It's supposed to stay open till 9pm. Well, I wasn't about to go to the Hot Wheel Derby without awards. No way! I found the people in Electronics, and told them that there was gonna be a room full of disappointed Cub Scouts if someone didn't print me up my pictures. Some nice kid (in his 20's) from Electronics went behind the photo counter, and started playing around with the machines/computer, and made a few calls, and 30 minutes later, I had my prints. I think he helped me because I had that "If you don't help me, and help me right now, I'm going to murder you" look in my eyes. I don't know. I'm just saying....
I got to Cub Scouts with 10 minutes to spare, and frantically started setting up. By this point, I was stressing. I had that meeting with the bishop/primary counselor, and the Cub Scout guy after the Pack Meeting, I was rushed, I hadn't done all that I wanted to do, and I had forgotten to eat dinner. Not a great combo. Oh yeah, the caffeine shakes didn't help much either.
The pack meeting was WONDERFUL! Our Cubmaster has a TON of spirit, and he does a great job! The boys liked getting their recognition, and LOVED the Hot Wheel race. Captain America came and brought Jacob to help out. They ran the race. I raced, and won my first heat, but didn't move on after that. Captain America and Jimmy made it to the final 2, then Captain Americawon. I took a movie of him winning - it was kinda funny. hehehe. When I get a breather, I'll add some pics...
None of my kids won in the Cub Scout age category. They tried, though. BUT, everyone seemed to be a great sport, and they all got a "participation" award to take home. It was a great meetings.
Well, we had the meeting, like we'd planned, to discuss Cub Scouts, after our regular Pack Meeting. And I have to admit, it went SO much better than I was anticipating. They Cub Scout guy apologized for the way that he'd acted in the email, and said that he had a hard time keeping a level head sometimes. I can relate to that. I like to blow up too. My poor kids. From that meeting, I could tell that we were gonna be able to work together again. We really do have a lot of Scouting beliefs in common. About 90% of the stuff we think is the same. That's really not too bad. But, the apology went a LONG way in making me feel better.
We didn't get done with the meeting until 9:30pm, and Captain America was still cleaning up the track, and helping Jake with his Boy Scout Board of Review. We stayed around and chatted in the parking lot about Scouts until 10:30pm. My poor kids. They were SO tired when we finally got them home.
I was exhausted. And I still had to design. I only have 4 WordArt packs this week, not 5. I just didn't have it in me. In fact I was totally falling asleep when I was loading the products in the store. I went back and checked it, and I'd uploaded the train download on the blankie wordart pack. Sigh. I fixed it, though. At one point, I wrote 64 Pack on a WordArt pack. I wonder what I was dreaming/thinking about. hehehe. Clearly, 1:38am is WAY too late to be doing something work-related.
I sure hope that the next few days are more relaxing. No more stress or drama. That Cub Scout thing really took the energy out of me. OK. Stress is not allowed. Well, I can listen to it from other people, but none directly involving me. I'm really more of a "non-drama" kinda of gal. I don't know how to deal with it.
OK, I'm seriously falling asleep. Must..... go...... to...... bed. NEED rest..... Rest? What is rest again?? This WordArt request is from a sweet lady who's husbands cousin's infant son just passed away. She made them up a very nice page/layout with this saying. My heart goes out to you and yours! Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work.

I can see why you cried when you did this one. I had my own angel baby last Dec. so I appreciate this.
That is so beautiful, Bethany. Thank you for sharing it.
This is lovely :o)
This is so beautiful...thank you so much.
Thank you Bethany, this WA is so beautiful, i'm an angel mummy and find it really hard to scrap about my angel, this quote is one of my favourites though and makes me want to try!
wonderfull timing, i was just asked to make a small album for a child 3 weeks old that just passed away. I was looking for something to go with her few photos. Bless you!
Bethany, I'm so grateful you shared this quote. I was actually looking for something along these lines. I had a stillborn at the beginning of September and I have an overwhelming urge to do some scrapping for her, but there's not much to choose from. Thank you so much for doing this!
Bethany this is Robyn Shepherd I thank you so much again for maing this. I got to the funeral home and picked up the paper that has all the information in it opened it up and there was his little picture with the exact saying it was like a sign that it was suppose to be made I presented the picture to my husbands cousin and wife they cried and thanked my and you so much they loved it I just wanted to thank you again for the beautiful job it means so much!
Thank you so much for this layout. I, too, have an Angel Baby. I've just started to scrap in the last couple months, and it's very healing and therapeutic. There really isn't a large selection out there that is suitable for those of us who have lost infants. Most baby themes are full of fun things our children will never enjoy~ teddie bears, rattles, etc. We'll never have the first teeth or first words. When searching for "angels", many times they seem sad or morose. It's even hard to find appropriate Bible verses or other quotes.
Your word art is very touching and thoughtful, and means so much to a lot of us.
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