Well, at 9am, movers showed up at my door. Crud. I'd forgotten that we were storing some stuff for one of Captain Americas friends who was assigned to Korea, and that was the day the packers were coming. I was supposed to be home ALL day to wait for them. Sigh. Well, at least I was there, and it was only 9am. Unfortunately, I had a bandana on, jammie pants, an old t-shirt (no bra), yesterdays make-up, and glasses. I know. I'm SO hot. But honestly, I didn't care - hehehe.
I showed them where the stuff was, and they got to work. 45 minutes, and they were done. It took them 2 days to pack all our stuff last time we moved - LOL! I guess that's the difference between a single soldier and a married couple with 5 kids. ROFL!
Anyway, I texted Andrea and she said that 11:30 was better for her. Sweet! I had a bit more time to do a few things around the house, and help Jake with math. I told him that if he finished 1/2 his classes, he could come with us. He hurried and got 1/2 done.
I drove down to Andreas at 11:30-ish, with both kids. We decided to take my truck, but it needed gas. I was seriously on fumes. Like it didn't wanna start almost. Good thing the shoppette (army gas station) was less than a mile away.
But let me tell you, those pumps at the shoppette? SLOW! I don't know what was the deal though. You'd put the nozzle in the truck, and it would go for about 30 seconds, then shut off. You'd have to remove the nozzle, which let out a TON of pressure, then start the process all over again. Lengthy if you have a 10 gallon tank. Mine? A 36 gallon. OMGosh! Good think I hadn't dyed my hair yet! I would have had to do it again, what with all the new gray!
Here's Andrea, thinking that I was just dumb and couldn't figure out the pump. What was that, Andrea? It does it for you too? Hmmmm, see, I'm not as slow as you think - ROFL!

We ran into Captain America at the Shoppette. He was on his lunch break, and was filling up to. Can you tell it was payday - hehehe. SO, Andrea and I had decided to go to Taco Cabana for lunch, and invited Captain America to come too. It was pretty fun. You know, they have their Cabana Bowls on sale for $3.00. Mmmmm, tasty!
After lunch, we went to the mall for Andrea to get her hair cut. Jake took Luke and Jimmy in the stroller, and walked around the mall. He just LOVES Luke. It's funny, because he always is asking to go and play with him. So funny. Luke is almost 18 months, and the cutest little thing! Jake does SO good with him.
Here's Andrea, after her wash, getting ready to get her cut

We got back home at about 2:45pm. Kids got out of school at 3 - ish pm. We were unloading everyone, when Laurie called. I couldn't quite get to it fast enough. I called back, but it was busy. I texted to see what she wanted. After Andrea picked up the kids from school, we'd planned on dying my hair.
I went home, and got a text from her that she'd been in a car wreck! She was ok, but her car was trashed. I called a few more times, and finally got through. She'd already called someone else to pick up her kids, but I said that I'd still go, and take a few. She has 3 school-aged kids.
My friends were SO surprised to see me up at the school. I make my kids walk home - LOL! I took 2 of her kids home, and our other friend, Kayley, took the 3rd, and my daughter (she really wanted to go and play with all the girls). We got home, and started making dinner. I decided that since Laurie was busy dealing with police and wreckers and rental car places and such, she didn't want to be worring about dinner. AND , her hubby was coming home that night! He'd been gone with Andreas hubby for a month too! Poor Laurie! Not what she wanted to be doing mere hours before her hubby came home.
She finally got done and was on her way home at 5:45ish. Poor girl. She collected her kids, I gave her her dinner, and she headed home. I just wanted to hug her and make it all better. I don't know if it helped, but I hope so :( Poor girl! Laurie, my friend - it'll be ok!
We decided to pass on Cub Scouts for Joe. Good thing, too, because Captain America had the same guy who we were storing his stuff for call and say that he wanted to trade all the foods in his house for a home cooked meal. SO, I whipped something up real fast, and he was over in about 30 minutes. Good thing I'm fast - LOL!
Once dinner was served, I headed out to Katys for a bit. She'd invited me over earlier in the day (before the surprise plans), and I SO wanted the roast with mashed potatoes. OMGosh they were delicious! Kim was there, and helped me fix my ribbon, and taught me how to do it. Thanks, Kim!
I got back home in time to help put the kids to bed. I took Eme's french braid out of her hair, and just had to get a picture of her curly locks. Isn't it pretty???

So, after everyone was in bed, I grabbed my box of hair dye, and walked to Andreas. I coudln't wait another day. It was SO bad. Adela did a FANTABULOUS job on it! She wants to go to beauty school, and honestly, I think she'd do wonderfully! You rock, girl!

Here's the 4 of us at my "hair dye" party. LOL! Check out my crazy do! And Adela's crazy eyes - hehehe. We'd taken 3 other pictures, and her eyes were closed. We all said, OPEN your eyes. ha! I just LOVE this picture, though!

These are edamame beans. I thought they tasted a little bit like peanuts. I really liked them. Mmmm, yummy snacks!

So after we rinsed my hair, we put in the conditioner. Check it out! It looks like I've got a FULL head of gray hair - LOL!

And Adela washing out my hair. It really was a pretty color when it was all done. Mahogany, or something like that. I'll fix it tomorrow, and take a picture.

WEll, needless to say, we stayed out too late playing and giggling. It's now 2:58am, and I'm SO tired. I made this WordArt in honor of my girls! Thanks for helping me with my hair!
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 16 post on Oct. 02, 2009. Thanks again.
Thanks for another great WordArt, Bethany. I'm glad things worked out with the Scout stuff. :-)
Great WA. Thank you!
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