I ALMOST went back to bed. Almost. I SO wanted to. But, I hopped into the shower instead. Guess what? That make 3 days in a row that I've showered. That's a record, I think!
Anyway, I got all ready, and went out to get the kids ready. Tom was fixing eggs for everyone. Joe was all dressed, and Eme was all dressed, but her dress was too short. I need to go through her closet. I showed her how you kneel on the floor, and if the dress touches the ground, it's acceptable. Yeah, it was a good hands length too short. Time for the garage sale.
I choked down some breakfast, got Jimmy dressed, fixed Eme's hair, and even did some prep work for my sharing time. We were out the door on time, and off to church.
Jake gave his talk, and it was wonderful. I was so proud of him. He'd talked in church before, but this was his first talk that he wrote ALL by himself. He talked about the 6 steps to repentance, and bore his testimony about repentance. Great job, Jake!
My nose was dripping the WHOLE entire time. I even had to send Tom out to get me new tissues from the bathroom. Because I was using an napkin from the truck - LOL! I SO wished I could just break off pieces of toilet paper and shove it up my nose. Why is that socially unacceptable? Really, isn't it better than snot? No, neither are good? Ok, fine. I only shove the toilet paper up my nose at home.....
So 2nd and 3rd house I taught sharing time. The theme was "I can be an example to my family". We talked about standards, and about what we should be doing to be a good example. I think it went over well.
After church, I loaded up everyone in the truck, and off we went to home. Jake made everyone pizza sandwiches, I got a salad, and took a nap. I was dying! Well, not really, but my head was all nasty.
I took some antihistamine, some DayQuil, and some ibprofrin. I was hoping that something would help, but I don't know that it did.
I had a meeting at 3pm. that I was late for. Captain America got home about 15 minutes before the meeting started, and I was late. But I was there. Sister King (the primary secretary), had the most WONDERFUL tissues ever. They had Vics in it. OMGosh, they were wonderful. I seriously wanted to pocket a few, but thought that woudl be bad form - LOL.
I was feeling a little distractable on the way home. I guess that's why you don't drive with a bunch of drugs in your system. But, I made it home safely. So it's all good :)
Everyone was watching a movie when I got home. Captain America and Joe had fallen asleep on the couch. They were SO cute! Captain America went to take a nap in the bedroom when I got home, and I think I laid down for a while too. It all kinda blurs together - hehehe.
I know that at 5:30pm, I went out to fix dinner. I wanted to make homemade Mac N Cheese. BUT, realized that it had to bake for 40 minutes. That wasn't gonna work. So I made spaghetti instead. It works.
Captain America took Tom, and they headed up to his work office. Captain America wanted to re-arrange a little bit, and Tom was excited to see where dad worked. Jimmy had fallen asleep on the couch, and Captain America had moved him to his bed before he left. At least I think it was Captain America- ROFL!
Anyway, I'd facebooked about being sick and congested, and I got a text from Adela saying that Katy and her wanted to bring me over some "get better" snacks. Awe, thanks you guys! They showed up with chocolates and cookies. Mmmmm, they were SO good! The girls stayed and visited for about 15 minutes. I hadn't seen them in FOREVER.
Tomorrow is Adela and Andrea's b-day. I think we're gonna try and go out to lunch together. It'll be fun if we can all get our schedules to line up. If nothing else, though, Andrea and I are going to lunch.
Jake, Joe, Eme, and I watched part of Time Bandits. You guys seen that one? I think it was made in 1986. We used to watch it ALL the time as kids. And I loved it. But I hadn't seen it in a VERY long time. Didn't really remember a lot about it.
We watched up to the point where they leave the Atlantic ocean after crashing on the Titanic, and end up in water near a giants ship. Jake finished watching it. I'd put the little kids to better earlier. I was done. It was still good, and I was enjoying it, but I knew that I still had to blog and design, and I was tired. And my head was stuffy.
So, I came in and started working. Here it is, 10:30pm, and I'm about ready for sleep. I took a dose of NiQuill, which may be the real reason for the droziness. Niquil is my friend :) hehehe.
So, Monday I need to go and get b-day presents for my friends, grocery shop, walk with Andrea, do lunch with the girls, do school with Jake, and Jake also has wrestling practice. Busy days ahead.
I should totally take a picture of myself and scrap this. But I don't think it would look quite like I feel. Remember those commercials, with the people who are all nose? Yeah, that's how I feel. And I've been using tissues so much, now my nose is raw. Adela suggested using Vaseline before bed, so I'm gonna do that too.
Anyway, click on the links below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. And if you don't want me to die from being a giant nose - LOL!

OH you poor thing. I can sympathize. Hope you are feeling better. I have to tell you I read your blog every day and I just love to see what you and your beautiful family are up to.
Thanks for the wonderful WA you share. Love it.
I can relate to the whole stuffed-up feeling! I've been fighting that the last few days too. Not fun. I skipped church yesterday; I woke up with a migraine and vertigo, not a good combo. Thanks for the word art! I don't think I have any cold pics of myself but I probably have some of my kids LOL.
I'm so sorry you're feeling crappy, but LMAO at your "stuffing Kleenex up your nostrils" bit - my teenage sons suffer from bad allergies and do this, and it totally grosses me out but I can certainly understand why they do it. Feel better soon!
Puffs Plus Kleenexes with lotion are wonderful....and vaseline or even antibiotic ointment (salve) on the nose are great too. Hope you feel better soon.
Sorry you're sick!
I love this one.
You could also use it for Thanksgiving. Either for the turkey, or our bellies. :)
girl, you have me laughing so hard... love them.
-- dalis
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