I was up at 7am, getting kids ready for school. I helped Joe with his homework, got kids all ready, and out the door. They've been wanting to go a little early to walk with neighbor friends. That's cool. I'm good with that :)
Andrea didn't wanna walk because she was super tired from being kept up too late. It's hard when you have company at your house. Poor thing was SUPER tired. I took the time and hung out with Jimmy for a while. We laid in my bed and watched some PBS cartoons. He seemed very pleased that mommy was laying there with him.
Jake was a workhorse when it came to school. He plowed through a TON of classes today. Good job, Jake!
At 9:30am, Jimmy and I walked down to Andreas house. We wrapped the present we'd bought for little Sam the day before. Yeah, I suck at wrapping presents. I get the theory of how you're supposed to make it look pretty. I really do. But I can't find the patience to do it. I just kinda slapped the wrapping paper on there, and had Jimmy come help me tape it, so if asked, I could play it off like a 4 year old had wrapped it. And believe me, it looked like a 4 year old had wrapped it - LOL!
We walked over to Kayley's house at 10am for the party. The little kids all had fun. She had playdough for them to play with, and did a pinata, and had cake and push pops. The moms all had fun chatting and hanging out.
Andrea and I left at about 11:45, and walked home. I got lunch for Jake and Jim and I, and sat down to design. Then, at 12:30, I got a text from Adela saying that the girls were doing lunch at Taco Cabana at 12:30. Like right then. I couldn't get ahold of Andrea, and had already eaten, but hadn't seen the girls in a while, so decided to go and just get a soda.
It was fun to see those girls again. It HAD been a long time since we'd gotten together. There was a lot of laughing and giggling and having fun. And 2 1/2 extra large diet cokes. Yeah, not such a good idea. By the time we were done with lunch, my hands were shaking. From all the caffeine. Not so good. Adela and Katy mentioned that they usually do Ice Cream on Tuesday nights. Apparently Baskin Robbins has a $1.00 kid scoop that night. Sounded like fun!
I got home at 2:30pm, and felt really weird. My stomach started to feel odd, and I couldn't sit still. I felt nervous, and gittery, and un-focus-able. Andrea picked me up at 2:50pm, and we headed to the school to get the kids. It's become our daily routine, I think. Works for me :)
We went into the classrooms to get the kindergarten/1st graders who live on Ft Bliss, and walked them to the gate. Tom and Sam and Joe wanted to stay and walk, so we just drove Ben and Eme home. We sat outside my house and chatted for the longest time. I could tell that the gitteriness was getting worse.
Eventually, Ryan (Andrea's hubby who just left for Iraq) called, so Eme and I went inside so she could chat with her man. I got snacks for the kids, and immediately started cleaning. I did a load of dishwasher dishes, PLUS washed all the ones that wouldn't fit in the dishwasher. I cleared off all the counters, and swept the floors in the kitchen and dining room. I moved all the chairs so I could sweep under the table/chairs and get all the stuff out. I moved the couches in the living room, and swept under that. I made piles for the kids to pick up for their chores. I rearranged just a tiny bit in the living room, exchanged one couch for another. Minor, really.
I went in my room, and folded ALL the laundry, and hung it up, and put it away, and cleaned up the shoes, and all the stuff laying around. I sat down to try and design, but my hands were still shaking, so it wasn't gonna happen. Yeah, not good.
I made dinner at around 5:30pm. We had sausage and eggs. With bananas. AND, I decided that it would be good to start sitting at the table together as a family again. We used to be SO good about that. Before Captain America joined the army. Then we kinda got out of the habit. BUT, I know it's important, so I'm gonna make an effort. We all sat together. A few of the kids tried to duck out early, but we all sat there. For at least 15 minutes. It'll get easier :)
After dinner, we cleaned up a bit more, and I started drinking water. I figured that maybe if I diluted the caffiene, it would be better. I dumped the rest of the Taco Cabana soda, and filled it with water. I drank 2 of those. It kinda helped. Kinda.
I was starting to get annoyed with the kids, and all the running around, and craziness. I decided that maybe sitting down at Baskin Robbins wasn't gonna be the best. Maybe McDonalds playland would be better. I called Andrea to see if she and her gang wanted to come too.
I talked with Adela, and she said that Baskin Robbins was right next door to McDonalds, so that she and Katy and kids would meet us there after 7pm. Sounded like a plan.
Andrea came over at 7pm-ish. She'd snuck out without kids (perk from having in-laws visiting), and came with me and my kids. Captain America was still at work. We got there, and ordered ice cream sundaes (plain for the kids, hot fudge for us), and hot chocolates for us. Mmmmm, tasty.
Adela and Katy were running late, and just when we were about to leave, they walked in. So we stayed another 20 minutes and chatted. It was a good time. It was SO cold outside, and feeding them ice cream didn't seem to help. Duh! Wonder why - LOL! But I think that everyone had a good time.
We got home at 8:30pm, and I dropped off Andrea. I put the little kids to bed and read them a story (Small Pig, it's one of our favorites!), and went in to try and design. I realized that the WordArts I designed for church this coming Saturday would be PERFECT for a WordArt pack, so I didn't even have to design. I already had 4 WordArt packs designed, and with that one, I was all done. I just had to package it up. Sweet! Someone was looking out for me :)
Captain America got home at 9pm. He looked pretty tired. We chatted for a while, since we hadn't seen each other in so long, it seemed :) The man is SO busy. But he's a hard worker, and I know that people at work are noticing how hard he works, and it'll pay off in the long run. He's worked salary before, and knew what to expect when he signed up :)
I worked on loading my products in my store for the week, and he read his book. Even though we weren't really interacting, it was nice to be there together.
So, after my caffeine experience today, I'm swearing off the stuff. No more for me. That was not a pleasant experience. I don't wanna feel like that again. And I know that the withdrawl headache will be bad too. But, I think that enough is finally enough. I'm done with you, caffeine. You are NO longer my friend :)
So, since it's almost Thanksgiving here in the states, and since I know that everyone needs a thank you card every once in a while, here's a Thanks WordArt for ya! Click HERE to go to Scraporchard to download the zip file, and remember, leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!
Everything in moderation, Missy. . .go easy on the soda. . and you can still have some. .. silly girl!
Hi I tried to download the Thank you from Scrap Orchard but it kept coming up "Not Found on this site" ?
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