AND, I keep forgetting, but I finally made a "Fan Of " page for Elegant WordArt by Bethany on Facebook. I know, I know, I'm slower than slow. But, I did it :) So, wanna be my fan??? Click HERE to go to my fan page - LOL! Never in a million years did I ever expect to have "fans". ROFL!
Well, I know that the reason that you all like to read my blog is because I do interesting thing. hehehe. Fun and exciting, that's my life. Sometimes TOO fun and exciting. At least if you've got a head cold. but it WAS fun!
So Monday was Andrea's 33rd birthday. We're the same age for a month! Too funny :) Anyway, I started off the day at 6:45am, getting up, getting ready, getting kids ready and out the door a little bit early, getting Jake set up with school, and heading out to the grocery store. Shopping day for the week.
While at the commissary, I got a tiny box of chocolates for Andrea, and a cinnamon roll from the deli. Then, on the way home, stopped at the Post's coffee shop and bought us each a hot chocolate. I paid Jake a dollar to carry in all the groceries, and Jimmy and I walked down to Andreas house for our walk. She was SO excited about her birthday morning breakfast - LOL!
We walked for about an hour, and let me tell you, it sure cleared up my head cold. For that 60 mintues, I could breath. It was SO nice. But, the second I got back home, it clogged right back up. LOL!
I showered and got ready, and Andrea picked me up at 11:45am to go to lunch with her and her in laws and little Luke. We went to Red Lobster. Mmmmm. It was a lot of fun. I got the soup and grilled shrimp salad. Clam chowder in a bread bowl is my absolute favorite!!! Too bad I coudln't taste anything. But, I remember what clam chowder tastes like, so I'm assuming it was good. hehehe. It was warm, if nothing else :)
After lunch, we stopped by the dealership so "dad" could check on the progress of his car. Remember, the story about getting hit by the drunk driver a few weeks ago. It's still in the shop. They said it should be done by Friday. Yeah, we'll see if it happens or not.
We went back home, dropped off Dad, Mom, and the baby (saw Katy over the fence breifly), and headed out to Wal-mart to pick up some birthday stuff. I needed to finish off Andreas present, and get one for Adela. She has a b-day the same day. But she didn't come to lunch with us. She and Katy went somewhere else for lunch together.
We stopped by Walgreens, and I got my pics, and she got hers. Then, off to WalMart. I got a frame for the pics, and a clock. Yeah, sounds like a dorky present, but it was really cool. I was trying to be sneaky so she didn't know what she was getting - LOL! I found that shirt I wanted a few days ago in black, so I picked it up, and got some batteries, a Splash of Cranberry Sierra Mist Free (mmmmm, favorite holiday drink!), and some peppermint sticks. Yummy! Andrea picked up a few things too.
After Wal-Mart, as we were headed back to pick up the kids from school, we got stopped coming back in the gate for a "random" inspection. Sigh. We told the guy we were late to get the kids, and he said it would be only 2 minutes. We didn't believe him, but guess what? It was actually under 2 mintues. Dang, those guys were fast. Of course, Andrea keeps a gun in her car, and they didn't find it. So, what does that tell you about how thoroughly they check the vehicles. Hmmmm, wonder whats the point of stopping us? Anyway.
We went and picked up the kids from school, and I saw Adela there, so I gave her her present. I found the CUTEST softest blankets at WalMart in the Christmas section. If anyone wants to get me one for Christmas, I'd LOVE it :) hehehehe.
Andrea dropped me and the kids off at home, and told me to be ready to go again in 20 minutes. We needed to go to Target to get a present for a little boys party on Tuesday. Go, go, go!
I got the kids a snack, and pulled out the stuff to make homemade pizza. I put a few kids in one room watching TV, and a few in another room watching a different TV, and put Jake with his homework, and headed out again with Andrea.
I found some Matchbox Cars for the little boy. I think he'll like it. Jimmy would, and Jimmy's a year older than the kid. Andrea got him some kind of car thingy too. Should be good. We browsed for a little while, then headed out. She stopped at Taco Cabana on the way home to pick up food for her family.
She dropped me back at home, and I hurried in to make dinner. The kids had fun watching/helping with the pizza. I made 3 pizzas. Two pepperioni, and one supreme with Taco Meat. Mmmm.
I cooked up 2 of the pizzas, then had to take Jake to wrestling. SO, we ALL loaded in the truck and headed out. Captain America said that he needed me to bring him food, so I took some pizza, some apples, and some sodas for him too.
Dropped Jake off at wrestling, dropped dinner off at the battery for Captain America, then headed home. I sat down on the computer with my laptop, and was exhausted. Busy, busy, busy day. I facebooked for a while, checked emails for a while, tried to play a few facebook games, but was too tired for that.
We watched a few minutes of Time Bandits (Tom didn't get to watch it the other day), and I went in my room to lay down. I got about 10 minutes rest when Jake called at 7:40 to come and pick him up. By the time we got back to the house, it was 8pm. Jake got a wrestling sweatshirt, teeshirt, and singlet. Dang, seeing a kid who weighs 172 lbs, 5 foot 4 inches, in a red, white, and blue wrestling singlet? Um, yeah. Not so much. Poor Jake. He was SO embarrassed. I'm gonna have to threaten death to any child of mine who makes fun of him. Poor kid!
I read a story to Joe and Jim (Could Be Worse!), put them to bed, put Eme, Tom, and Jake to bed, then came in to blog and design and sleep. Andrea might call and have me come down and hang out around their fire pit in the backyard. But if she doesn't, I'm gonna watch a bit of TV and sleep. With Niquil. That sounds good!
Somedays I feel like I coudln't cram one more thing into the day. I guess some days are just like that. And, if you notice, Captain America wasn't in the day very much. He got up and left for PT before I got up. I went to the grocery store while he was still gone. When I got back, and before my walk, he was in the shower (I did steal a kiss, though!), I was gone when he came home for lunch, I gave him his dinner in the dark parking lot of the battery, and here it is, 8:38pm, and still no sign of him. He texted a while back and said it'd be another couple of hours.
I think the hard part is that he's been gone for a while now. Remember, weekend before this past one, he went to Dallas area for a reenactment. Got home Monday morning, then slept all day long.
Worked all week long, and LATE nights. We went out on Friday night together. From 8:30pm till 12:30am. Then, we slept in on Saturday till 10am, I got up, but he kept sleeping till 2pm. I did see him for an hour in the truck on Saturday when we went to Walgreens and Target, but then I went to my friends' house while he did whatever he did on Saturday evening.
Then he worked some more at home, and I was sick in bed on the computer. Sunday, he left before I got up, and he didn't get home until right before I left for my meeting. By the time I got back home, he was napping. Then, at almost 7pm, he got up and went to his office, and didn't come home till 10pm.
See, I just haven't seen the man in a REALLY long time. Which means that I'm doing the kids all by myself. And that starts to wear on you a bit. I totally know how my friends who's husbands have just deployed feel like. Except I'm not getting the extra thousand dollars a month. But then, I do get to see him, even if only occasionally. OK, not fair comparison. Sorry, girls. I know it's not the same :)
So, of course, this WordArt is the title of the book I read to my kids at bedtime. It's one of Captain America and my favorites. It was my book when I was a kid, in fact. It say Bethany Winona on the inside cover - hehehe. It's a story about a Grandpa, that, no matter what the kids tell him, always says "Could Be Worse!". Then, one day, after wondering why nothing exciting ever happens to Grandpa, Grandpa tells a whopper of a story, about flying off with strange creatures, deserts, snowy mountains, bottom of the sea, flying on paper airplanes, giant squids, marmalade monsters. It's really pretty good. Anyway, at the end, Grandpa says, "So, kids, what do you think about that!". And the kids say "Could Be Worse!". Anyway, I thought it was a cute story.
And I thought that this WordArt could be used in a number of ways on layouts. Click on the links below to go to my accounts to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

I've got lots of times I could use this quote! Thanks so much. I have the book, too, and have read it to my kids, and their kids!
Luv your wordart THANK YOU ~~Crystalnva
Thank you!
Well, everyone else gets a year older, you get to be younger! :)
LOVE that wordart, too fun! Thank you so much!
Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 9 post on Nov. 17, 2009. Thanks again.
this is hysterical thanks!
-- dalis
Thank you! Your blog post will be advertised on the DigiFree Digital Scrapbooking Freebie search engine today (look for timestamp: 17 Nov [LA 04:00pm, NY 07:00pm] - 18 Nov [UK 12:00am, OZ 11:00am] ).
Thank U for sharing!:)
Gee, you poor old fart!
I haven't prepared myself for turning 30 yet, and i've actualy just turned 39!!! lol
Love all your wordart. Thanks so much for sharing.
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