We didn't walk in the morning, so I sat down and did some designing. I got a new WordArt pack designed, and a few Christmas cards scrapped. They looked pretty good, too.
Jake was SO fast with school today. He got done with all of his classes by 11am. And he even went back and looked over a math test that he's gonna retake soon. Good job, Jake!
Jim and Jacob and I watched "The Santa Clause III: The Escape Clause" today. It's pretty funny. Well, I saw the beginning, and I saw the end, but I kinda missed the middle part - LOL!
I spent quite a bit of time in the garage going through garage sale stuff. I'd just thrown it in laundry baskets, and it was lining the walkway through the garage. Yeah, Captain America wasn't so thrilled with that - hehehe. SO, I got 6 of those giant plastic totes, and started filling them. I have one filled to the top with my clothes, one filled with Jim/Joe sized clothes, one with shoes/belts/scarves/accessories, two overflowing with Jake/Tom sized clothes, and I have still yet to go through Emeline closet. That's a job for when she's at school tomorrow, I guess.
I found the jacket box, and found them all moldy. I washed them with bleach, and it smells SO much better. I only have a few more boxes to go through, then look through the closets again, and I'll be ready for Saturday's garage sale. Really, I hate garage sales. Well, doing them. They're fun to go to. Anyway.....
So Andrea texted me at 3 and asked me to come and pick up the kids with her. I'd totally forgot. I hurried and put on some clothes (read:bra), and headed out the door. Jimmy had fallen asleep in his bed earlier, so Jake didn't really have a difficult time babysitting :)
We got the kids, and headed home. We got them all settled in, and "snacked", and she came back to pick me up to go to the commissary. We needed "Tub Butter (margarine in a tub - LOL), Splenda, and I promised the kids I'd bring them a treat (read:ice cream). I picked up some more dried cranberries, and something else, but I can't recall what it was.... Oh yeah, bagels and cream cheese. So we could have bagel sandwiches. With cheese slices, cotti salami, lettuce, and tomatoes. Mmmmm, so good!
We still had a bit of time before Scouts, so I went in to take a bath. A nice, warm, relaxing bath. Of course, how relaxing is it if you have people CONSTANTLY at the door, asking for things, wanting to know stuff, trying to see where you are. Sigh. I just kept yelling back, "I'm in the bath!". They didn't really get the hint, though.
I felt nice and clean and warm when I got out. Gotta love that :) I got the kids ready for Scouts. Andrea is the Webelos leader, and said that she'd take Tom. And she'd take Eme and Jake too, since they have meeting at the same time. She's so good! Thanks, girl :)
So here I sit. It's only 7:45pm. And I can feel the beginnings of my caffiene withdrawls starting. My neck is getting tight. My head is feeling a little off. Yeah, a migraine is on it's way. My plan is, to get this done and blogged and designed and uploaded and linked and all, then I'm gonna take some pain medicine, maybe even some sleeping medicine, and go to bed. Maybe I can sleep the majority of it off. Wouldn't that be nice :) I'd like that ;)
And, I'm kinda excited about going to New Moon on Friday, but kinda apprehensive. I don't really know the girls I'm going with very well. They asked me to drive, but I get the feeling that it's a "designated driver" kinda thing. I don't even really know how to take that. Hmmm. OK, anyone out there live in the general vicinity of Ft Bliss, El Paso? Will you come to the movie with me??? hehehe. I'll drive! I need some moral support, I think. Andrea hasn't read the books yet, and doesn't really wanna go before she's read it. Laurie's hubby leaves that day (as in deploys to Iraq for a year), and I don't know if she'll be up for it. Katy and Adela have other plans. I asked Helen, but I haven't heard back as to wether she has plans or not. And Leslie doesn't wanna go to the theater we're going to, because all the teeny boppers hang out there. And they totally do - hehehe. Why is life so hard sometimes?
So, I've got another Collab WordArt for you guys! Jen, from Graham Like the Cracker, let me play with her new kit, Little Princess (so sweet!), and I made up a few WordArts for you all! One of them you can grab at her blog, and one of them you can get here. Just scroll down for more directions.

Jen's Blog to grab a WordArt
My WordArt, regular 4shared
My WordArt, regular box.net
My WordArt, drop shadowed (I might be a bit slow getting this one posted)
Thanks so much! Love the color!
Those are beautiful! So dainty and elegant!
"I hurried and put on some clothes (read:bra)" - bahaha, this totally cracked me up. =) Thanks for always giving me a giggle in the morning. You have such a great humorous outlook.
Thank you - beautiful!
Thank you! It's gorgeous!!!
Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 12 post on Nov. 19, 2009. Thanks again.
Great blog as for me. I'd like to read a bit more concerning that topic.
By the way look at the design I've made myself A level escort
These are so beautiful! Thank you!
beautiful! thank you
Thank you! Your blog post will be advertised on the DigiFree Digital Scrapbooking Freebie search engine today (look for timestamp: 19 Nov [LA 04:32pm, NY 07:32pm] - 20 Nov [UK 12:32am, OZ 11:32am] ).
It was very interesting for me to read the blog. Thanx for it. I like such topics and anything connected to this matter. I would like to read more soon.
I love your word art. You are very talented. Thank you for sharing with us.
Thank you so much for sharing. Hugs
Thank you for the beautiful wordart. It will be perfect for my little girl's layouts. :)
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