So I was up like normal, getting kids ready for school, cooking French Toast (I know! Don't know where that came from - LOL! Usually it's "Kids, grab a bowl of cereal!") when I realized that my Visiting Teachers were coming over at 8am. I got the kids out the door at 7:30am, then cleaned up the living room/dining room, and kitchen areas for the next 30 minutes. My headache was almost gone, but threatening to come back, so I just took it slow. Fast, but slow. LOL!
I still coudln't find my migraine medicine. I did manage to find the calendar that I'd written down the refill info on from last time, though. I called for a refill, and it won't be ready for pickup until Tuesday after 9am. Sigh.
Eme had stayed home because her cough was really bad. She has asthma (very mild), and when she gets a cold, it makes her coughs really bad. She was coughing so bad she was puking. Poor kid. I let her spend the day on the couch. And I think Jimmy REALLY liked having someone closer to his own age to play with.
The house looked decent when the Visiting Teachers got there. They visited for a little while, gave a very nice lesson, shared a loaf of cinnamon bread, I shared some garage sale little boy Sunday clothes, and they were off. I still made it to my walk with Andrea at 8:30ish.
We walked fast, because all the kids were at home. Pretty fun :) Walking and chatting and venting and bonding :) Love ya, girl! Jake called while we were on the walk and said that his Math teacher let him retake his lowest grade on a test (45% - dang!), and he got a 25 out of 27 on it! He was SO excited!
We were back home by 10am. I'm not sure what I did the rest of the morning/afternoon. It all kinda passed in a blur. I know I chatted with my sister on Gmail chat for a while (and my mom too), played Happy Aquarium (yeah, guilty pleasure), watched a movie with the kids. Just not sure on the order I did them - hehehe.
Captain America came home at 11:45 for lunch, and was gone by 12:45pm. I made hamburgers and bean with bacon soup. Mmmm, tasty. I cleaned out the garage a bit more, finding a few more things for the garage sale. One thing that I did find was my crochet stuff.
I found a scarf that I'd started last year, and brought it inside and started working on it for a while. Jimmy loved it, and claimed it as his own. It's not even long enough to fit around your neck, but he's still excited for it - hehehe.
At 3pm, I went with Andrea to pick up the kids. Luke (baby, 18 months) was with her, so we just waiting in the car for the kids, instead of going to the classrooms. Tom walked home with his buddies, Sam stayed for "exercise club", and we took Ben and Joe home. Those two play SO nicely together.
I spent the next few hours getting ready for Cub Scouts. I wasa in charge of the meeting, and not sure what to do. Then, I realized that I was supposed to print out the pictures from the fire station for the meeting. Crap! I'd forgotten all about it. I sent in an order to Walgreens, and it was ready 15 minutes later. SO much better than Wal-Mart. I'm just sayin'.....
Jimmy and I headed out to Wal-greens to pick up the prints, then right back home. I found an old 8x10 frame that I could put the picture in, with a homemade mat. The kids could decorate it for their activity. Easy project.
I cut out enough 8x10 "mats" for all the kids, grabbed some color crayons, some glue, and a few more things, threw them in a bag, and was good to go. I made the kids eat cereal and bananas for dinner (see, there was a reason I made french toast for breakfast!), and heated up some Green Beans for my part of a dinner for a friend. Andrea and I were taking dinner to a friend who's daughter was in the hospital, and just got out.
She stopped by at 5:15 to pick up Joe and I. Jake and the other kids stayed home and watched "Inkheart". Have you seen that one? It's WONDERFUL. Captain America and I went to the movies to see it :)
Anyway, we went to Wandas house, dropped off the food, then headed to Cub Scouts. We got there 10 minutes early. Good thing, too, because I realized I left the "mats" for the pictures at home. Dang! We drove back, got them real quick, and back to Scouts.
It was a pretty good meeting. The little boys liked coloring their pictures. We glued the 4x6 picture to the 8x10 "mat", and let them color it however they wanted. Then, we told their parents to get them a frame for it - LOL!
We did a few electives for Tiger Cubs. We learned how to make a phone call, and about milk. I know, random. But it got 2 different electives passed off - hehehe. I learned that most of these kids have never seen a land line phone. How funny is that! But they ALL knew how to work a cell phone. All knew that the green was go and the red was stop. We passed around one of my old phones, and let them practice making calls. I had my moms phone # written down on a piece of paper, and had them practice dialing the number, pressing go, then pretending to talk, saying bye, and pressing the red button.
It got to Joe, he pushed 3 numbers, then the green button. I went to see what he did, and he was like, "Mom, it's easy. 9.1.1 go!" So proud of himself. I had to show him how there were certain numbers to dial to get certain people. Silly kid - hehehe.
On the way home, Andrea was like, "So, do we need to go right home?" So funny. I told her that I could stay out a bit. Jake had called and said that Jimmy was in bed, Tom was doing his homework, and Eme was quietly watching a movie. Captain America was on his way home from work too.
So, Andrea, Ben, Joe and I headed for McDonalds. The little boys got a parfait and played in the playland, and Andrea and I got hot chocolates and their cinnamon roll bites. OMGosh they were good. I'd never had them before. Super tasty :)
We stayed for about 30 minutes or so, chatting, and letting the kids play. It's so nice to have friends :)
Andrea let me borrow the 007 movie for tonight. Since Captain America and I usually go out on Friday night, and we coudln't this week because I was going out to see the premiere of New Moon, we deicded to do a "Movie In" night. And I hadn't seen Quantum of Solace yet, so it was perfect! We rode to Andreas house, got the movie, and Joe and I walked home. We counted the houses inbetween, and there ARE 8. Good guess, eh?
Captain America and I got the rest of the kids to bed, and sat down for our movie. I liked it. He said he was disappointed when he saw it in the theater, but i don't know what he's talking about. I thought it was good. Good action, good story. I liked it.
So here it is, now 11:30pm, and I'm still blogging. Tomorrow is gonna be a great day, I have the feeling. Nothing special planned for the day, but at 6ish, we're heading over to New Moon to wait in line. I still need to iron out the detail with the neighbor girls, but I did convince 2 of my friends to meet me there! Chelsey (one of my visiting teaching girls from church), and Helen (Katy's friends - she came to the pool a lot during the summer) are gonna meet me there! They haven't got their tickets yet (yikes!), but I'm hoping that there's still some left!
And, can I just say that I'm SO jealous of all of you going to the midnight show. SO jealous. Sniff. Sniff. I still have 19 hours to wait.............. I hope I can sleep tonight.
So, can you figure out why this WordArt? LOL! I wanna see all your layouts!!!! I bet some of you are having a lot of fun! I know my sister is. A lady in her ward rents out the WHOLE theater, and invites all her friends, and they have their own personal party. How cool is THAT!
Click on the link below to go to my accounts to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

Great word art, thanks!!
I went to see New Moon last night, the first showing was at 10pm. The theater was packed! I think you are really going to like this one, it was pretty lovey dovey ;-)
Hi Bethany- Hope you love New Moon as much as my daughter and I did at the 12:02am show. The theater was packed with mostly moms and their daughters. Loved seeing that. It was brilliant !!! Have fun :)
I saw the movie this morning and it is great. Enjoy it to the max like I did. Thanks for the freebie WA. Love it.
Thank you so much!
Love this word art! Thanks so much for sharing.
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