I finally woke up at around 10am. I know, I know. But we didn't go to bed until late, and it was SO nice to sleep in. Poor, neglected kids - LOL!
I got up, and ate some breakfast, and after it settled, took a migraine pill. I stayed in my room for about another hour, then came out. I wasn't feeling terribly well, but not too bad. It could have been/and has been/ much worse. I'll take this :P
I'd been asked to design a few WordArts for Enrichment meeting at church next Saturday, and decided to spend some time working on it. Here's what I came up with. I used some WordArts from a new, upcoming WordArt pack, and Megan Turnidges christmas kit. She's the BEST! Really, I'm in love with her stuff :)

The kids and I were supposed to go over to our new friends/neighbors house on Saturday and play. The time kept getting bumped back, but that's ok. By the time I got a hard, fast time to go, I was feeling much better. The headache seemed to be gone. But the nose was starting to freak out a bit. Really stuffy, but drippy at the same time. That's no fun.
I sent my example photos to Walgreens, and took Captain America and Jimmy and headed out to get them. That way, I could bring it to church and show people what their project would look like. Anyway, Walgreens was fast. Then, on to WalMart to buy a cheap frame. The closer we got, the more annoyed Captain America got. You know it's bad when the road to Walmart is backed up 5 business away.
Yeah, we weren't gonna play that game. We turned around, and went to Target. Grant it, I paid more for what I got. But I was able to find a parking spot, find what I wanted (they were stocked full of stuff), paid without waiting forever in line, and was on my way. See, Walmart. Your managers need to do a better job. You're losing customers :( Unfortunately, I don't think they care.....
Anyway, I got back to the house, and it was time to go to Leslie's house. The kids were SOOOOO excited. Andrea came too. She had a ton of snacks for us. See, me and the food again. The moms had herbal tea (I had sugar cookie - MMMMM), and the kids had fun making "mixes" with all the different sodas - LOL!
She had cookies, and bean dip with tortilla chips, and cheese and crackers, and a veggie tray. Dang, girl! You didn't have to do all that. Not that I'm complaining! I LOVED it :) We really did have a lot of fun having girl talk.
And, surprisingly, the kids did great. Tom and Jake both had someone their age to play with, and Jim, Joe, and Eme played with Leslie's older son. He's 18, and was told that he was on "little kid" duty - ROFL! Everyone seemed to thoroughly enjoy themselves.
We left at around 8pm, and headed home. Captain America cut the little boys' hair, showered them, and I got them in their jammies and off to bed. Jake started writing his talk for Sunday, and Captain America and I headed out for the shoe store. Captain America wanted new shoes. We've budgeted for new running shoes ever 3 months. Sounds like a lot, but he uses them every day for PT. Part of the uniform, you know :)
Anyway, about 1/2 way across post, we realized that we weren't gonna have time, so we turned around and went home. We ended up sitting in the car for about 15-20 minutes just chatting. Mini date, you know. I'll take whatever time I can get with the man :)
I was really starting to feel nasty by this point. I asked Captain America to get me some hot herbal peppermint tea and a bowl of chicken noodle soup. I plopped down in bed with my laptop, prepared to design real fast, blog, look at sharing time for Sunday, then go to bed.
I kept hearing this funny noise on my laptop, and finally realized that Andrea was calling me on Skype. LOL! How funny it that. That we chat on Skype. When we live so close, and see each other so often. Really, it's funny, because we spend most of our time on there making faces at each other. Like flaring our nostrils, or bugging out our eyes, or sticking out our tounges. You'd think we were 8 or something - ROFL!
After an hour of that (I know, some people are REALLY easy to entertain), we hung up, and I started to do the things I was supposed to be doing all along - LOL. I designed a WordArt all about stuffy noses, then realized that tomorrow is Sunday. I need a Faithbooking WordArt. SO, I took one that I'd designed this afternoon, and decided to give it as a freebee (You can have the stuffy noses one on Monday)
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

Bethany, Thank you so much! Your Christmas word art is absolutely beautiful! Keep up the great work, and good luck with the stuffy nose! A fellow sufferer is writing this, so I know how you feel! :0)
Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 7 post on Nov. 15, 2009. Thanks again.
LOVE the first card! I'm going to steal it and use it :oÞ
Thanks for the great WA :o)
Thank you so much for sharing your gorgeous wordart with me.I LOVE It!
Love the cards you made. What kind of project are they making at church? I have to make an invite to our ward enrichment night so may do something similar to your cards. What does walgreens charge to print them? a 4x6 for 20 cent? Thanks so much for all your time making free wordarts for us!
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