I decided to stitch beds around from the boys. Jake and Tom had the bunkbed in their room. Joe and Jim had twin beds. SO, I disassembled the bunkbed, and had Jake and Tom help me take it downstairs. I reassembled it in the little boys room, and the boys took the twin beds upstairs.
Before I knew it, it was noon. Crap. Emeline was supposed to be at a birthday party for a girl at church at noon. We finally got there at 12:40pm. Sigh. Sorry, Emily! We had pizza, and cake, and ice cream, and the girls painted window decorations. It was a fun party.
I hurried home, and got there a little after 2pm. I made sure the kids were all well and happy and taken care of, and headed off to Andreas house. We were going to a Celebrating Home party. Yeah, we were late. It started at 2pm. Oh well.
We got there, got some snacks, and sat down for the presentation. Did you know that they only make 35% of what they sell? That doesn't sound very good to me. I make 85% of what I sell. But, whatever. I guess what I do and what other businesses do are different...
Anyway, they had pretty things in their category, but not really my thing. I'm more of a thrift store/yard sale shopper :) I was a bit sticker shocked. I know that Andrea bought something because she felt bad not buying something, but really, I didn't need anything. So I didn't buy anything. Maybe that's a wrong philosophy, but it's the one I have. I guess that's why I don't have a business where I sell to my friends. I'd rather "peddle" my wares to people I don't associate with on a daily basis, know what I mean? That's just my personality, I guess. Different ways for different people. That's what makes life interesting :)
Anyway, left the party, and went to Albertson (a grocery store) cause Andrea needed milk. And when I was at the commissary on Friday, they were out of yogurt. Luckily, it was on sale for $2.00. So I didn't pay more than I usually did. Thank goodness :)
We got home at right before 5pm, and I had the kids do their chores again, and we settled in for the night. Captain America was still at work (he'd left at around 1pm). I helped Joe and Jim clean up their room, and put away ALL the laundry I'd folded. Then I watched a few more episodes of Daybreak, put the kids to bed, and here it is, 9pm. I did design a few WordArt packs, so I wasn't a total bum watching TV - hehehe.
This WordArt request is from Gloria. Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

Bethany....thanks for the beautiful WA! And as for you not buying anything at the Celebrating Home party....nothing at all wrong with that. I used to be one who bought out of guilt but not anymore. Funny story though, I recently went to a Tastefully Simple party not planning to buy ONE thing and loved it so much I bought $50 worth, lol. Take care :)
This is a great quote. Thanks so much.
Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 8 post on Jan. 31, 2010. Thanks again.
thanks Bethany ! Love the saying :)
Bethany -- Thanks for the great WA!! My five year old son heard me read it and he said he wanted me to print that for his wall!! He's a little worry wart, and we tell him all the time he needs to stop worrying because God's got it covered:-)
Hi Bethany!
I have a request...
actually a LOST one!!
one time I saw a "reflections" word art on the site, and for the life of me I cant find it now
I have the perfect page made up, now I just need the art to go with it? any ideas...
it said the word reflections over and over in different fonts...does that ring a bell with you?
I would appreciate any help
THANKS FOR ALL YOU DO in helping us put the final touches on our pages ! =)
thank you!!
Love the WA. Have a great day.
That is the most lovely and most perfectly timed word art you've done...just what I needed last night. Thanks my dear...bright blessings, Shanyn
Oh I love this one, Bethany. Have a great day and thanks again for sharing!
Thank you for the wordart!
Thank you so much for sharing this -- what a wonderful reminder!
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