Busy, busy, busy. I was up at 7am, getting kids ready for school. And Jimmy too. I was taking him shopping with me. We dropped the big kids off at 10 to 8, and drove to the commissary. I didn't wanna push a cart and pull one too, because I can't fit all the groceries in one cart if Jimmy is sitting in it. SO, I decided to let him walk. I know, living dangerously.
He only ran a few feet away a few times. In the produce section. Where I was getting apples. Between Jake and Captain America and I, we eat 64 apples a week. Then another 28 apples for the other kids. So we were there FOREVER putting apples in plastic bags. He got a little bored. But the rest of the trip was faster, so it was better.
Except for the "Can I have ....." How do you stop that. At one point, I told him that he wasn't getting anything, and to stop asking me. Not 15 seconds later, he asked again. "Can I have...". I was like, remember, Jim, I said not to ask me. He said "Oh yeah, sorry", then 10 seconds later, "Can I have....". Sigh. 4 year olds are SO fun. At least he doesn't throw a fit when he doesn't get something :)
I did relent on one item. There was a sandwich cutter in the shape of a dinosaur. 2 dinosaurs, in fact. One sandwich can be cut out into the shape of 2 dinos. I thought it was the cutest thing ever :) I'll make sandwiches one of these days, and post 'em for ya :)
I stopped at the Ft Bliss thrift shop, and looked for some pants for Tom. He's been wearing the same pair ALL week long. Gross. And, there's a HUGE hole in the knee. Yeah, I don't know what happened to all of his pants, but he was in serious need of some new ones.
Only problem, I didn't know what size he wore. The ones that he had on before were 16 husky. They didn't have any 16 husky. They had 3 pairs of 16's though. But I didn't know if they'd fit. Then I looked in the mens section, and they had 2 really nice, identical pairs of size 30 mens jeans. I held up the 16s to the 30s, and the 30s were just a tad bigger. Should work, right? Hopefully?
I asked at the check out if there was an exchange policy, and they said no. You buy it, you keep it. Sigh. Sure, they were only $3 a pair, but still, that's $6 that I don't wanna spend on pants that don't fit. Maybe that's why I usually go to Goodwill. They have a 24 hour refund policy.
I went home, dropped off Jim, sent my invites to Walgreens, and instantly went to Andreas to exercise. My food was still in my car - hehehe. It wasn't as hard today as the other days, but my legs were burning near the end. But I did 16 girl pushups, and was SO proud of myself - yeah me!
I came home from Andreas, showered, got pretty, and got ready to go out again. We had plans to meet Veronica (another mom from school) at the mall to get our eyebrows threaded. Because, you know, it takes a lot of work to be pretty - LOL!
Andrea went first, I was second, and Veronica was third. We all looked good when it was over. I was getting quite hairy - ROFL! Veronica wanted for us to all go out to lunch, so OF COURSE we went - hehehe. But 2 days in a row is gonna KILL my diet :)
We went to Chilis, and had their unlimited Soup, Salad, and Chips & Salsa. SO yummy. Not as yummy as Olive Garden, but still yummy. I got potato soup, and a garden salad. And about 4 diet Cokes. Yeah, not so good. See, I can't do anything in moderation. That's my problem, I think. I'll have to have caffeine on Saturday and Sunday in order to not get migraines this weekend.
We got home at 2pm, and I cleaned for an hour. Well, 45 minutes. It's the caffeine. Seriously. I detailed my kitchen, moving everything to one counter, and deep cleaning. I moved around a few things, and cleaned the sink really well. With a tooth brush. Yeah! I love it when it's clean.
I left at 2:45pm, and went to Walgreens to get my photo invites. I met Andrea at the school at a few minutes after 3pm, and we went to pick up the kids. I passed out a few invites, and we chatted with the school counselor and military liaison. They said that the School Board was meeting on Tuesday at 5pm, and that it might help our case if we were there. We wanted a bus to pick up and drop off our kids onto post. We'll see how it goes.
We got home, and started cleaning some more. I finished off the kitchen, and helped the kids do their chores. The house really looked pretty good when we were done. See, caffeine isn't so bad - ROFL!
I started on dinner at 5ish, and Captain America got home at around 5:30 or 6pm. Dinner was ready at 6:30ish, and after dinner, we watched a movie. Captain America and I are going to the 9:30 on post showing of "Sherlock Holmes". Life is good :)
So in keeping with my Saturday Second Chance thingy, I decided to re-do this one. Click HERE to see the old one. I just LOVE the saying when I first heard it, and still do. And NO, I'm not trying to make a judgment statement about working moms. I wouldn't do that. I know that a lot of moms have to work, and I know how hard you work. I'm not trying to "diss" what you do. I just liked this saying, and thought that it summed up what I do and why I do it. That's ALL I'm saying. Please don't leave me a nasty anonymous comment about how horrible I am. Please... Those don't make me feel happy inside- hehehe.
Click on the links below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like your mom. Thanks!

I loved your disclaimer paragraph at the end. It made me smile. I don't understand why people feel the need to criticize your (or anyone's) choices and justify their choices just because they are different. I hope you get lots of "happy" comments!
Thank you! Your blog post will be advertised on the CraftCrave DigiFree search engine today (look for timestamp: [06 Feb 03:00pm GMT]).
Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 14 post on Feb. 06, 2010. Thanks again.
Its lovely, but as a working mother, I think it would be just as nice to say just mother rather than 'full-time' which implies working mothers are not 'full-time' mothers. KWIM? Not saying anything bad cause I love reading your blog. Just my litte comment of the day. :)
I agree with Mari. It would be great if there was a version that just said mother. That way there is no need to separate out either of the two groups.
;) love it, thanks Sammib
What could anyone possibly say that is bad about you? I love your word art.
I'm a working mom but I still consider myself a full time mom. I still check in on my kids during the day when I can and I think about them and worry about them always. Just because I work they aren't my part time kids.
Wonderful! Thank you!
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