It's Friday again, and here's all my new stuff! Lots of Valentine's Day things, and some fun stuff to boot! Have fun shopping, and don't forget, it's 20% off for the first week, or $2.00 a pack! Click HERE to go to Scrap Orchard and to my store :)

Dang, it was a long day :) I was up at 7am, getting kids ready. Joe was already up, and coughing a tad bit, and said that he couldn't go to school. That's fine. His teacher had told me the day before that he was coughing, so I got him some cough syrup, and some tylenol, and told him that he could stay home. About 30 minutes later, before I'd taken the other kids to school, he and Jimmy were running through the house like madmen, no coughing, no sick, so I promptly told him to go put on his clothes, that he was going to school - hehehe. He's gotta learn that if you're gonna fake being sick, you need to go and lay on the couch and act pathetic. None of this running and playing garbage.
I took the kids to school, then came back home, got Jake set up again on the Wii fit, Jimmy going with breakfast, and headed down to Andreas for day 2 of the workout. OMGosh, I was sore. My legs and especially my arms. But I must say, day 2 went by a lot faster than day 1. The workout is only 25 minutes long, and it wasn't as bad. I was able to do 8 girl pushups instead of 2. That's improvement! Friday will be day 3! Yeah for us :)
After exercising, I came back home, and got Jake started on school. He's doing SO well in his classes - I'm SO proud of him :) Jimmy had made a mess, and I helped him clean it up. Sigh. Hopefully he gets out of this stage soon :)
Andrea called at 10am, and asked if I wanted to go with her to see a friend who was recovering from surgery. I went, and sat in the car with the baby while she ran in. Luke and I listened to the radio, and he pulled stickers off of an old McDonalds toy and proceeded to place them all over my face, than back on the toy, then back on my face. We wore Burger King crowns, and played that game for about 20 minutes. Yeah, we're both easily entertained.
Andrea dropped me back off at home, I got the kids fed for lunch, Jake finished school, and he and Jimmy were playing, when Andrea got done at home, and came back to pick me up for lunch. We went to Olive Garden. And yeah, it's not on my diet. Oops. BUT, I only had one breadstick, and one bowl of the DIVINE potato/sausage soup, and one bowl of minestrone. See, there's some self control :)
She dropped me off at my house, and I got my truck, and we headed up to the school. While at Olive Garden, we decided that we needed to have a girls party. Valentine's Day was the PERFECT theme :) We were going to do it next Friday, and have it at my house. Because that way, I'd be FORCED to clean my house. You know you do it to. That's one of the main reasons to clean, because company is coming over. Please tell me that I'm not the only one.....
We made out our invite list, and there's 35 people on it - hehehe. I'm SO excited. Even if only 1/2 show up, that's still 15 or so! We wanna have a gift exchange, and eat soup, salad, side dishes, and chocolate. Well, dessert, but chocolate :) hehehe. And play a few games, and have door prizes. Yeah, it's gonna be a BLAST!
After school, we stayed for AQ, then were home by 4:00pm. As I was making pudding for the kids for snack, CAPTAIN AMERICA GOT HOME!!!! OMGosh, I wasn't sure what to think. Apparently Thursday is Family Day, and the soldiers are supposed to get off 1500 (3pm, for you non army folk), but I've never seen him home that early. 4pm??? Really? I could SO get used to this.
He and I slipped off at 5pm to go to Walmart and get some paint that he needed for work. We got the kids a burger at McDonalds on the way home, and they were SO excited about it when we got home :)
Joe and I left with Andrea and Ben at 6pm to go to the Ft Bliss Newspaper place for a Tiger Cub (Cub Scouts) Go-See-It field trip. It was a good time. The Major there told us about the paper, and about the news reports that they do. Those little 6 & 7 year olds paid attention pretty good. Apparently, she'd doing a new report about something or the other, and is including footage that she took of our scouts in it. It should be on the Pentagon New Channel next week. She's gonna get us a link when it's done. I'll hook you guys up, if you wanna see :)
We were home by 7pm, and Captain America was watching Happy Gilmore with the kids. Are you kidding me? Um, that's SO not a family friendly show - hehehe. BUT, he had the remote, and was muting it during the bad parts, and actually changing the channel during other parts. Like the "Go to your happy place" time. Yeah, he was telling the kids that it was "too happy". ROFL!
We put the kids to bed after the movie, and I came in to work on my invitation. Wanna see??? I had to block out my address, because I don't want any scary stalkers to track me down, you know :)

After the kids went to bed, I designed and blogged, and Captain America played his guitar. He hasn't done that in quite a while. Hopefully this week will be indicative of the way that life is gonna be, work wise for him. Being home at 6:30 is PERFECT with me :) And 4pm on Thursdays? Divine!
This WordArt request is from Vee, and it's actually a quote from her friend, Jodie. What a great saying :) LOVE it ;) Click on the links below to go to my accounts to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like Chinese food :)

Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 16 post on Feb. 05, 2010. Thanks again.
Hahaha. You crack me up. No you aren't the only one who does a mad dash clean of the house when company is coming over. Sadly mine is usually a last minute announcement. :). I'm very picky about my Chinese. (LOL)
If you take requests for wordart I have one from a quote my best friend's husband said that just cracks us up.
'It was worth the trip if we all go home limping' :) -Seth Partridge-
I have a hard time putting different fonts and sizes together to look good and you make it look so easy.
Cute little word art. Thanks for it
Great site. An award is waiting for you at
So cute! thank you!
Thank you for freebies. Link on your post was added to Lori's freebie list
Thank you for all the great freebies! I just went to purchase linear love and brackets smile, too.
Great quote, thanks for the freebie!
Thanks for this fabulous WA ! You are very talented...
Your word art is so wonderful. I hope you know how much we all appreciate your talent and generosity!!!
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