I used this kit by Julie Bullock. Isn't it FABULOUS. Seriously, I LOVE this kit :)
I got home, and made up the layouts for my Mom for her birthday. Andrea called me, and wanted me to go with her to help a friend move, but I really had to get the photos done for my mom. Sorry, Andrea and Christie. Next time you move, I promise I'll be there!
I finally got them done, and sent to Rite-Aid, then Jimmy and I headed to Burger King for my FRG planning meeting. We usually meet at the On Post Coffee Shop, but I figured that we might as well go somewhere that Jimmy can come and play. He had a good time :)
Since I started my diet again today (I know, hopefully this time it works... STOP EATING JUNK! hehehe), I brought my mozzarella cheese, and bought a side salad. I also brought my own diet non-caffeinated soda (i'd buy it if they sold it there), and bought Jimmy a Happy Meal. Angela and I worked on the Agenda for the next FRG meeting, and we were done within an hour. Good times...
I got home, and Andrea and I took our kids to the park. It was warmer than it had been in a while, and the sunshine felt good. It was hoodie weather :) Gotta love that, at the beginning of February, right people from Wyoming???
At 3pm, we went up to the school to pick up kids. We had to park at Ross Middle School, just to get a spot, and walk down to Hughey. *rolls eyes*. Andrea and I walked into the building, and saw the kinders and 1st graders waiting to go to the gym. I saw Joe, and he was just SOBBING. Poor guy. I gave him big hugs, but I couldn't figure out what was wrong with him. You know those crys. Where they're crying so hard they can't talk. Just trying to get a breath. Breaks your heart.
We went to the cafeteria, and waited for the rest of the kids. Then Andrea and I went to the playground with the rest of our kids to wait for Tom and Sam to be done with Extra PE. I finally figured out that Joe had colored on something, right before school got out, and his teacher had firmly told him that he shouldn't have done it, and he just lost it. Weird. He's usually not like that. I wonder what else went on that day.
We got home at around 4pm, and after checking the mail, I realized that I had the last piece for my taxes. I was supposed to take a package to UPS for Captain America, but the taxes sucked me in.
Before I knew it, it was 6:30pm, and Captain America was coming home. What? Where did the time go? I first used Turbo Tax online, and got it all done, and realized that I was gonna have to pay. It's only free for the military if you make under $57,000 and are in the military. Normally that wouldn't be a problem, but the military includes moving expenses as a W-2, and they counted our Student Loan payment as a W-2, so that bumped us up $20,000 higher than we normally would be. SO, I had to pay.
So I decided to try H&R block, and see if it was cheaper. I filled in all the info again *rolls eyes again*, and it was the same price. Oh well. H&R block found us a few more dollars, so I decided to go with them. I almost filed twice, but then remembered things that I'd forgotten. The first being the W-2 for the Student Loan payment, and the second being my business expenses. That saved us a bunch :) I'm just glad that we're getting a federal refund this year. I was a bit worried... Even though we claimed 7 deductions, we weren't getting ANY federal withholding from our paycheck.
Jake cooked Mac N Cheese for the kids, and Captain America put them to bed. By 8:30pm, the taxes were file, and I just needed to do the Oregon Taxes by hand. I wasn't gonna pay $35 for taxes that I OWED money on. Sigh. We only lived in Oregon for freakin' 19 days in 2009. And we owe tax. SO not cool. That's why we don't live there. Beautiful state, but a bit messed up. Sorry mom :)
So here it is, almost 10pm, and I need to do something fun to relax. Get my mind off of the taxes. I wonder what Online TV I could watch?
This WordArt request was left on my blog by ANONYMOUS. She thought that I'd made one like it before, but I honestly don't remember making something like it before. Anyone else remember it? I like this on, though :) hehehe.
Click on the links below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

Great word art - BTW - there's a typo in your first LO
Great job on the bb pages! Thanks for the nice wa!
YES YES YES , its PERFECT! thank you so much!!!! =) I am the anon requester.....LOL better known is Tina in my real life world....sorry forgot to put my name on the post
I apologize if it wasn't your word art, (which is odd because dont know that I have used anyone elses...) maybe I just saw it and thought it was yours at a freebie digi site...the one you made looks ALOT like what I remember so you HIT IT perfectly....THANK YOU SO SO MUCH!!
(the photo I am using is of my husband daughter and I on a carousel, I took the photo through a huge mirror mounted on the ride) its a great shot and this will be perfect for it! =)
Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 14 post on Feb. 02, 2010. Thanks again.
Did you already file? If not, go to Military One Source & you can file through H&R Block for free. I don't know if they have a cap, too, but I file free through them every year.
Yeah, I usually do it for free, but see, we had SO many extra income sources this year (NOT typical for us), that we're over the income cap. SO, it cost me $15. Still, not too bad ;)
Thank you for freebies. Link on your post was added to Lori's freebie list
Thank you so much Bethany.....Love this!
Nice. This word art is seriously cool. Thank you so much.
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