I have had this happen in the 12 years that I had kids, but it did today. So while the young men were passing around the Sacrament Bread, they passed the tray to Tom, who passed it to Eme, who gave bread to Joe, who tried to pass it back to Tom, but they fumbled the hand off, and dropped the entire tray on the floor. Sigh. The young man went and got a new try, and finished up. After sacrament, Tom and Eme helped him pick it all up. I'd have thought that it would have happened more than once in the 12 years we've been going to church with small children. hehehe. Hopefully it won't happen again.
We had most of our teachers there in primary. The 9 year old teacher had to go home because he daughter got sick during Sacrament, so I went looking for a sub. All the other teachers were there, though, so it was good.
The rest of primary flew by, and soon it was noon and time to go home. Captain America came home shortly after us, ate, and headed off to work. Poor guy had to go in and work on some paperwork. But he keeps telling me that soon, he's not gonna have to work so much. Soon.
We had lunch, then relaxed the rest of the day. I took a short nap, watched some more of Daybreak, and fixed dinner in the evening. Jacob and I had a Young Mens/Young Womens meeting to go to at 6pm. A potluck. I made Lasagna casserole, enough to feed my family, and to take to the potluck.
Captain America got home just as I was leaving for the meeting with Jacob. It was actually for both parents and youth, but we couldn't both make it, because of the little kids. So Captain America stayed home, and I went.
It was a Standards night. Where the leaders talked to the youth about what our standards are. It really was pretty good. We have these little booklets called "For the Strength of Youth", that go through and detail what our standards are on several topics. You can click HERE to see the booklet.
It covered Agency & Accountability, Gr attitude, Education, Family, Friends, Dress & Appearance, Entertainment & the Media, Music & Dancing, Language, Dating, Sexual Purity, Repentance, Honesty, Sabbath Day Observance, Tithes & Offerings, Physical Health, and Service to Others. I think there were 6 people who spoke, each covering a few different topics. Hopefully the youth were listening - hehehe.
I know I asked Jake on the way home what he thought, and he was like "Yeah, the sex part was boring. I don't even like girls yet". ROFL! Just keep thinking that, honey. It'll make my job a lot easier if you don't like girls until after your mission. hehehe.
I got home, and Captain America just HAD to show me this truck that he wants to buy. Thank goodness it's only $475. It's an old beater truck that he wants to get running. Sigh. We/he may be going to New Mexico to check out an old truck next Saturday....
I found this saying while I was looking for something to WordArt, and I just LOVED it :) Hopefully you guys like it too :)
Click on the links below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

Hi Bethany,
I've been following your blog for some time now and I love your work. Thanks for sharing this with us!
Would you like to pop over to my blog, I've got a small surprise for you.
Greetz from the Netherlands, Ira
lol...What is with men and wanting to fix things? My hubby bought an old truck to fix up too! Men and their toys. Thanks for the WA, love it!
Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 13 post on Feb. 01, 2010. Thanks again.
thank you very much:)
We had a water mishap on Sunday. . Lily wanted to get her own, I was getting mine and Ella got the splash of both, HA, water went on her leg and down my arm. . hahah! And we still know the church is true!!
Very cute!
THX so much for sharing!
:) Mags
Your work is gorgeous! I am a funeral director and would love to have a few pieces of wordart for our memorial folders which we provide to our families at no charge. Specifically I am looking for In Loving Memory. Do you take orders?
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