I woke up at 7:00am (much better time), and got the kids ready for school. Dropped them off at 8am, then came back and designed a WordArt pack and chatted on the phone with my mom for a bit.
My sister was on gmail chat, and we chatted for a bit about her LES. Poor thing can't access the military MyPay site, so she can't see her LES (military pay stub). We were trying to figure out what pay she'd gotten. It's hard when your hubby is at BTC. Contact is VERY limited. Although she does have more contact than I did with Captain America. Knox is SO strict.
I chatted with her so long, though, that I missed my shower window. *shakes head slowly* Tomorrow. Tomorrow I'll shower - hehehe. I grabbed Jimmy, and he and I ran out the door to story time. Yeah, we were gonna be late. It started in 1 minute. I can't drive that fast on post - ROFL!
BUT, we got there, and all the moms were going back to their cars. Apparently, the library was closing for renovations 2 weeks early, and hadn't old anyone. Come one, guys. That's not cool. Don't make all the moms mad :)
We did turn in our books from last week, though. That was good. I hate having out library books, because I always forget them :( I have 4 out for the big kids. Don't forget. Don't forget...
Jimmy was SO upset that he'd missed Storytime and his friend Emma. But, I remembered that some of the girls at church were having Play Group at 10:30am, the same time as Story time. We drove to "Little Sam"'s house (Kayley), and played till around noon. There were 4 moms there. Me and Kayley and Chelsie and Bridgette. We all had fun chatting.
I dropped Jimmy off at home, got them lunch, and headed out to the PX to ship a package for Captain America. His laptop is having issues, and is still under warranty. SO, off it went. They moved the UPS store, though, so after carrying this MASSIVE box all through the PX, finally found out that they'd moved it down the street. Back to the truck, drive down the street, and finally found it. BEAUTIFUL new building. They're TOTALLY remodeling and expanding the PX. Apparently, it's gonna be the biggest on in the Army when they're done. It's supposed to be finished by 2011 in the Fall. We'll see. My gate is still closed by my house, so I'm not gonna hold my breath....
Captain America met me there, and we went back to the main PX for lunch. I'd already eaten my cheese and cucumbers (day 2 of the diet was PERFECT), so I just got a soda. Caffeine. I know, bad. Maybe it won't affect me this time. Although, when I finished my refill, my hands were kinda shaking. It's like I can't diet AND do without caffeine. One or the other.
It was SO nice having lunch with Captain America. We just sat and chatted and enjoyed each others company. He went back to work, and I continued on to the Mall. I had to go to Vitamin World and get his vitamins. To help him breathe in El Paso. Quircetin and Bromalin. Yeah, those aren't spelled right, but they help SO much.
After Vitamin World, I wanted to go to the Jewelry Box (yeah, I've got SO much cheap jewelry, but I just lOVE it ) and see what they had. On the way, I got almost attacked by the lotion man. You know, the men who work in the Kiosks, and drag you back to their station to lather you up? Usually they leave me alone, because I have kids in tow. I made the mistake of having no children, so I was a perfect target.
I told him that I wasn't gonna buy anything, but that he could lotion my hands if he wanted to. hehehe. BUT, I got out this buffer thing, and polished my fingernail. I was SO impressed. First, he used the gray side, and it roughed it up. Then the blue side to smooth it out, then the white side, to polish it, and make it squeeky and shiny. OMGosh - I was sold right then.
I didn't let him know, but played hard to sell to. He started saying that it was for $40 a piece. Then, when I didn't jump at it, he said that he'd give me 2 for $40. I pretty much knew that I was gonna get it, but wanted to think about it for a few minutes. I told him that I was gonna go to "The Jewelry Box" then come back and probably get it, but I knew that he thought that his sale was walking away. He offered $20 for one, but I still left.
I went to the Jewelry Box, and found some pretty hair clips, some unmentionables (hehehe), a few earrings, a bracelet, and a necklace set. I just LOVE that store.
On the way back to the nail place, I got "attacked" by the face lotion guy. Man, personal space, anyone. His hands sure felt nice, though. I knew that I didn't want that stuff. I take HORRIBLE care of my skin. And I knew that expensive lotions and cleaners and stuff would just be a waste on me. Because I wouldn't maintain. Lazy and cheap aren't a good combo for someone to try and sell to you :) Poor guy - he was pretty disappointed with me, I think. I spent about 10 minutes there before I could extract myself from his Kiosk. Sigh.
The nail guy was SUPER surprised that I showed back up, and I got a green bag and a pink bag. They're fun :) It's ONSEN Manicure set with the buff, a file, some cuticle cream, and a huge tube of body lotion. SO good :)
I barely had time to get to the school to get the kids on time, but I made it. Andrea and I hung out with the little kids while the big ones did AQ (extra pe), then drove home. I buffed my fingernails when I got home, and they looked DIVINE. I buffed one of each of the kids' fingernails too. They thought it was SO cool. - hehehe. Seriously, you should try it. You'll like it. It looks just like you have on a nice coat of clear fingernail polish. But you won't be tempted to pick it off, because it's just your fingernail. Oh wait, that's just me that picks things. My bad :)
I loaded my store with products, directed the doing of household chores, and homework, and playtime, cooked dinner for the kids (leftover lasagna) and Captain America (soup) and myself (my diet stir fry), then was SO surprised when Captain America was home at 6:30pm for the 2nd night in a row. Dang, I could get used to that ;)
He played Disney's Scene It with the kids while I worked on my store. What a great guy. We did family scripture study, and family prayer, then he put the kids to bed, and I started on my WordArt Wednesday and blogging. It's only 8:45pm, and Captain Americas in the garage working on my new jewelry holder. I think I'll mosey on out and see how it's coming along :)
WordArt Wednesday again :) Click HERE to go to Scrap Orchard to download the zip file, and remember, you need to be logged into the GALLERY in order to get the download, and leaving nice comments helps me lose weight. Really. It does - hehehe.
Bethany...love the LOVE WA today, thank you.
I chuckled as I read your mall story and getting attacked by the lotion guy. I got attacked by a similar guy at my mall 2 years ago. Same exact product concept only under a different name, Sea???. Comes with a file, buffer, cuticle oil & large bottle of lotion. I was hooked when I saw my shiny (unpolished) nails. I have used it a total of ONE time since I brought it home. I am so sad! heehee!
Bethany- I love your word art, and have been checking your blog for a year now for them. The funny thing is, that by reading your blog entries, I feel like I KNOW you now! You have a great talent for writing. I'm sure if I were to blog my day, it wouldn't be half as interesting. I think I know you better than my own sister now! You and I both moved at similar times so I totally related to those posts, and I am LDS also, so I get the lingo! I love it, keep it up!
Bethany - hey, I know that font! :-) [says the person who begged you for the font's name :-) ] LOL too about the "mall attacks." My friend was being badgered by a guy and she snapped, "Ya know, it's not a M-A-L-L attack, it's a M-A-U-L attack." Name's stuck for us when it's really bad. Have a day of some sort ...
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